multifamily investment

Understanding the Personal Financial Statement

The Personal Financial Statement in Real Estate

Real estate investing is a team sport. Success often depends on leveraging the collective financial strength of a deal team. If you are getting a loan for a multifamily investment, then a personal

How to Tap Your Home Equity Without The Loan Payments

How to Tap Your Home Equity Without The Loan Payments


It is a simple fact of real estate investing that cash is needed to get deals done.  Yet, cash always seems to be in short supply. For many individual

Coronavirus and Its Impact on Multifamily

Coronavirus and Its Impact on Multifamily


On March 11th, the World Health Organization declared the Coronavirus to be a worldwide pandemic.  Community spread of the virus is increasing, creating “hot zones” in New York, California, and Washington state. 

Mitigating Regulatory Risk in Multifamily Investment

Mitigating Regulatory Risk in Multifamily Investment

When an investor allocates capital to a real estate investment, they implicitly accept some level of risk with the expectation of achieving a positive return.  The best of them have an uncanny ability to

The Capital Stack: Financing Your Deal

Understanding the Capital Stack in Real Estate Investing

Financing a real estate deal can be complex. Investors must manage tight deadlines, competing priorities, and stakeholders who depend on their ability to close transactions efficiently. Adding to the challenge is the …

Measuring Returns: IRR vs. Equity Multiple

IRR vs. Equity Multiple: Choosing the Best Investment Metric

When evaluating a multifamily investment deal from a broker or partner, it’s crucial to analyze the advertised return metrics with a healthy dose of skepticism. Not because they’re misleading, but because …