The A.C.T. Framework for Real Estate Investing

Your Secret Sauce to
Achieving MultiFamily Mastery

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This Proprietary Framework Is the Secret to
Long-Term Wealth for You and Your Family.
It’s Deceptively Simple... but If You Follow This Blueprint,
You Could Transform More Than Just Your Bank Account.





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The first pillar any real estate professional needs is mastery of awareness… to see and evaluate what’s really in front of you.

This means being honest with yourself about what you know… and what you don’t know, and your skill sets and resources when it comes to Real Estate Investing.

With this pillar, you become aware of your investment criteria, your market criteria, and allocate the skill sets for you and your team, so that you can succeed fast.

And finally, you become aware of the investors and syndicators that are available to help get your deals financed and funded.


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The second pillar is mastery of the Close.

Create a deal-flow pipeline that keeps your phones ringing. Learning various deal structures to gain momentum. Discover the framework and detail for careful and comprehensive Due Diligence that will keep you out of trouble.

You learn every step of the process to efficiently and effectively close on your deals.


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The final (and most exciting) pillar in your journey of mastery is Transformation.

The transformation of your team into an effective and well oiled machine.

The transformation of your property through the value-add process, so it is a true cash flowing asset.

This process will result in financial transformation for your investors.

You will be transforming the community your property is in.

Most importantly, through this process you will see incredible transformation in yourself.

When you follow this process you are continually learning, improving and discovering new things about yourself, your team, and your chosen market. I truly believe that one of the greatest tools for self-growth is starting and growing your Lifetime Cashflow Real Estate Legacy.

Join Our Community Of Real Estate Warriors And Get The Guidance and Support To Build Your Own Cash-Flow Kingdom

When you join the Rod Khleif multifamily community, you’re not just joining one of the best Real Estate Investing Coaching Program, you’re given access to the best tools and network to succeed in real estate.

You and your family deserve to have cash flow for life, not to be stuck exchanging time you will never get back for scraps of money that don’t hold the same long-term value.

Let’s work together to create something truly special for your life.

Think you’re the right fit?

The impact the program has had is that I'll be able to leave my W2 Job in the next year and create the future of my dreams.

Jens Nielsons
If I had to describe the Warrior program in one word, that would be teamwork.

Ed Modzel
Since joining the warrior program, I have gone from zero units... to closing on 571 doors as a general partner.

Eric Upchurch
“My real estate portfolio has gone from 16 units to 3,000” I wanted to be around a group of people that was already at the level I wanted to be at.

Chris Wooten

“The warrior program was everything I was looking for” The warrior program not only has the education but also the mindset piece of it as well.

Greg Chew

““Rod’s warrior program gave me a way of to do a deal review before submitting a LOI” Rod has created a community of people that grow by supporting each other, there’s tons of resources, live case studies, education sessions, bi weekly sessions, Q&A sessions, everything you need to get started very very quickly.

1-1 Private Mentorship

Here’s your chance to mentor 1-1 with
My Coaches and I

The main difference between our rock star team and the other “coaches” in the real estate training industry… is that we don’t actually have “professional coaches”…

Our team members are anything BUT professional coaches. Instead, we’re proudly made up of seasoned Real Estate Investors. Our coaches have a minimum of 600 units that they own, and often many more.

This select group of advisors is here to share every tip, secret and strategy they’ve acquired so you don’t have to waste time on your path to cash flow for life. This is one of the reasons that we’re considered one of the best Real Estate Investing Coaching Programs. 

Image shows Rod Khleif during a private real estate coaching session
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Our slogan is… “It’s all about results”… we’re all about REAL results here.

We give you the blueprint or map and the correct steps to take in the right sequence to massively shorten your journey.

This mentorship program is for individuals who are serious about transforming their life through multifamily real estate. It will cover everything about real estate apartment investing and multi-family apartment investing.

Think you’re the right fit?

I crushed a fear and joined the Warrior program and it's the best decision I've ever made.

Chat Steinwald
Rod's very authentic. I'm still amazed that he makes himself available to everybody..

Mark Blass
Since I've joined I've bought about $3-4 Million in assets.

Matt Spangenberg
Rod genuinely cares about your success and you can feel that in his program.

William Yoder
“This is what I’ve been looking for, to fuel my dreams and provide for my family” This is the first time I’ve been in a place where everyone thinks like I do. We all have the same ambitions, goals, and dreams.

Rasool Mutawakkil

“I found a sense of relief, like “man I found my place” I thought I could do this on my own but the warrior program is phenomenal.

Chris Hernandez

“There is so many people in the program we can network with” I wouldn’t be able to do everything I am right now without this warrior program.

Elsa Nguyen

“I knew if I had someone like Rod behind me, it would be a very easy transition” We saw the professionalize and the amount of information that the group provides.

Micheal Mannino

Group Coaching With Rod

Join the Rod Khleif multifamily bootcamp where you will meet hundreds of students and become a part of our group coaching community. Real estate coaching with Rod Khleif will help you discover the right steps with a group of go getting real estate pros. Our coaching will turn you into pro apartment building investors.

The Warrior Community is our group of motivated and engaged real estate investors, who are taking massive action and are committed to:

Take control of your life and your financial future.

Think you’re the right fit?

Join The Next Multifamily Mastery Bootcamp

Get the blueprint for Multifamily real estate investing live and in person with me for 3 days!

The Multifamily Bootcamp is a 3-day LIVE training event where I guide you step-by-step on how to generate consistent, monthly cash flow through multifamily real estate. Not only will you discover how to buy an apartment building, I’ll also help you breakthrough your limiting beliefs and develop the confidence and mindset you need to succeed.

These are the exact same strategies I’ve used to find and buy the 2,000+ properties I’ve personally bought over the last four decades.

The Lifetime Cashflow Academy

This Is Our Signature Online Platform To Help You Advance In Multifamily Real Estate.
These Courses Are For You As A Compliment To Our Live Trainings And
To Give You The Tools To Succeed On Your Own.
Succeed with Rod Khleif Real Estate Programs.

Image shows website for Life Time Cashflow Academy

Popular courses include:

The Incredible Power Of Passion

“Live with Passion” – Tony Robbinsread more Passion is more than enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that’s materialized into action. “Passion is the genesis

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Finding Deals Course

Learn Where to Find Hidden Multifamily Properties to Invest In and What to Say When You Find Them.

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Courage & Confidence Course

Learn How To Build The Mindset To Crush It In Multifamily Real Estate.

Raving Reviews For Rod’s Programs

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“This networking opportunity is unparalleled.”

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“Success Story Callout Headline
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“This was the best event I’ve ever been to and I’ve been to a lot of events”

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“Success Story Callout Headline
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“I had high expectations coming in, but this has definitely superseded my expectations.”

William Yoder

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Team & Your Reputation.

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Safest Most Profitable Real Estate Opportunities.
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