Theodore Roosevelt said with self-discipline, anything is possible. It’s been said that people have a choice of two pains. The minor pain that comes from some discipline or the ultimate pain of regret. The distance or bridge between your dreams …
Driving Force
Why You Should Invest In Multifamily by Rod Khleif
Today I want to talk about multifamily real estate investing, and why if you’re considering getting involved in real estate investing of any kind, you should do multi family. I’m Rod Khleif host of the number one real estate podcast …
How to Succeed – The 7 Steps To Success By Rod Khleif
Today I want to talk about how to succeed. How to succeed in business and in life and give you my seven steps to success. People often ask me what it takes to be a success in the real estate …
How Do You Find Inspiration? – Rod Khleif
How Do You Find Inspiration
Webster says inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something. Every person that’s a success creates that success in their life by being inspired. Inspired to take action, inspired to …
How To Invest In Real Estate With No Money By Rod Khleif
Today, I want to talk about how to invest in real estate with no money….. or very little money. I’ve owned over 2000 houses that I rented out and held long term as well as multiple apartment communities…. so far …
How To Become a Millionaire By Rod Khleif
Have you ever said to yourself…. I know I was meant to be more? I know I was destined for bigger things? I see other people make a lot of money and I know I deserve it too?….. Have you …