Ep #762

The Ultimate Sales Machine

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Amanda Holmes is the CEO of Chet Holmes International (CHI) which has worked with over 250,000 businesses worldwide. At age 24, she inherited her father’s multi-million-dollar enterprise, which specializes in helping companies double their sales. Amanda has merged her father’s proven process with her own forward-thinking ideas to connect the old-school sales process with hybrid online and offline instant gratification short attention span we see of consumers today.

Here’s some of the topics we covered:

  • Revisions To The Ultimate Sales Machine
  • Having Discipline and Determination
  • The Dream 100 Explained
  • The Process On Building Relationships
  • Sticking To Your Guns Gets Things Done
  • Understanding Your Investors Problems

To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal: Text Partner to 72345 or email Partner@RodKhleif.com

Full Transcript Below

Hi. My name is Rod Khleif, and I’m the host of “The Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing” podcast. And every week, I interview Multifamily Rock Stars and we talk about how they built incredible wealth for themselves and their families through multifamily properties. So hit the “Like” and “Subscribe” buttons to get notified every Monday when a new episode comes out. Let’s get to it.

Welcome to another edition of “Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing”. I’m Rod Khleif, and I am thrilled you’re here, and I am delighted with today’s guest. She happens to be a friend of mine, and I’ll explain why in a minute. So her name is Amanda Holmes, and she’s the CEO of Chet Holmes International. Now, I got the distinct pleasure of meeting her dad, that’s Chet Holmes, actually at a Tony Robbins event, at a Business Mastery event. Oh gosh, a decade ago. But, see, regretfully, he passed. And at age 24, Amanda inherited his multimillion-dollar enterprise, which helps companies literally double their sales. And how I was really enamored with Chet is I bought his book. It’s called “The Ultimate Sales Machine”. And by the way, it’s a New York Times massive bestseller, and it’s rated as one of the top ten most recommended sales books of all time. And I love the book so much. I actually bought, I don’t know, about 50, 60 copies for my Multifamily Boardroom Mastermind and gave it out at my Mastermind because it’s got so many incredible strategies. And I wanted to have Amanda on the show because she has now updated it because you know, a lot of the stuff in it was pre-social media, you know, and pre-Internet marketing and so on and so forth. And so she’s revised it and updated it and made it more relevant. And I’m going to highly recommend that you guys get it. But anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. Amanda, welcome to the show.

Thank you so much. I’m so happy to be here, Rod.

Well, I’m happy that you’re here. And, you know– where did we meet? It was an industry event of some sort in Orlando.


What was it? It was Podfest. Yes, it was a podcasting event. That’s right, that’s right, that’s right. Well, why don’t you tell– I kind of stole some of your thunder, but maybe you could kind of give us a– fill in some of the blanks as to, you know, who you are and what you’re up to.

Absolutely. Well, it started with my father’s, so he got his big break working for a billionaire by the name of Charlie Munger. You’re familiar with Charlie, right?

That’s Warren Buffett’s partner. Yeah.

Absolutely. Co-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway. So he doubled the sales of nine different companies for Charlie, all within 12 to 15 months, and several of them multiple years consecutively. So he realized that he had a system for doubling sales. Then he cold-called his way into 60 of the Fortune 500 and got them as clients. Then he wrote his book, and we’ve now assisted a quarter of a million businesses worldwide on this methodology for doubling sales. So, now–

Hold on, let me interject something. So, guys, you might be thinking, what does it have to do with multifamily investing? Well, listen, our lives in our businesses revolve around your ability to sell. I prefer to use influence, but your ability to sell or influence people. And so this is super relevant. Okay? And so listen up. Don’t tune out. This is very important stuff. Okay.

I believe that we’re going to talk about one of our clients that was a developer out of Dubai, and they went from a market blackout. Nobody was buying anything in the marketplace. They jumped by 3546% a year after using what we’re going to talk about today.


So it was within the nine figures, raising for real estate.

Wow. Yeah. Fantastic.

So, yes, I do have the things we can talk about.

So did I cut you off midstream? Is there more to your origin story?

Yeah, it’s a little crazy of the concept that, you know– so right before my father passed, he had gotten cancer. And in the year and a half that he spent battling, he spent 300 nights in the hospital, never once a night alone between me, my mom, and my brother, and in all those nights, he never once sat me down and said, okay, Amanda, here’s what my companies are. Here’s who runs them, here’s what I’d like to see from them. I got nothing of that. So, you can imagine, I was a singer-songwriter prior.


Singer-songwriter. Just released my fourth record. I had just gotten through music school. And then I took care of my father. And then after his passing– I loved my father. We were extremely close. I was born on his birthday. Just to say kids meant something really magical as I entered the world. And then dealing with that grief. Well, then also, here you are, a couple of hundred staff. I’ll double my age. And I just went, oh, my God. I don’t think I can do this. So the first two years, I was hiring and firing different C-suites to fill the void, and I stepped in as a CEO. And in the first year, I increased our leads by 1176%.


Double our clients multiple years in a row. We’re up over 400% this year from last year. So, you know, things are good. I’ve been the CEO for eight years now.


And just released the book.

The book. Yeah. I’m so excited about that, candidly. I can’t wait to actually read it myself. I haven’t picked it up yet, and I will immediately but you know, it is– so talk about the changes in the book, because I know the original book, but talk about some of the revisions that you made.

Well, if you think about when my father first came out with the book, an average company would market on five different marketing mediums. Today, we’re now on 13 different marketing mediums with five social media platforms, three paid advertising techniques. So we’re doing double the amount of work to break through what my father called the clutter factor. Back then he’d say, you know, your average prospect is seeing 40,000 commercial messages a day. Well, now, we have 3.8 billion social media profiles online today with every single one of those people putting out content.


So the distraction is through the roof. So to really break through that clutter, to get an investor’s intention, to get a multifamily owner’s attention, to sell a property, you have to break through that. You have to be so much more crystal clear on who you’re speaking to, how you’re speaking to them, and what’s going to move the ball down the line to actually get a touchdown to get that sale.

Nice, nice, nice. Well, let’s talk about some of the topics that relate to the book that are in the book and that you guys help clients with as well. So let’s talk about time management first, because you know, a lot of operators, they start this business and they’re doing it on the side. I mean, they have a family, they’ve got a full-time job and they’re building this on the side. And I mean, I’ve got a lot of students that have done this on the side, with kids and families and jobs and retired from very high-paying jobs. But a big piece of that is time management. So can you speak to that a little bit?

Absolutely. So my father actually learned this running nine companies for Charlie Munger, and he realized, okay, Charlie has the same 24 hours in a day. And yet when he has to meet with Charlie, it’s a very different experience versus– he’s just constantly dealing with got a minute meeting. You know, somebody comes in, hey, got a minute? And then a got-a-minute meeting breaks out, right? So he was at the office just perpetually answering everyone else’s questions and then actually working at night and on the weekends. So it was just getting so out of control, he had to find a way to solve that pain. And after studying what Charlie was doing, he created five steps to improve your productivity by 500%. So it’s the time management secrets of billionaires and I can give them to you. Would you like them?

Oh yeah, I’m not letting that slide by. Let’s hear them.

So the first step is to touch at once because we waste an equivalent of a week’s vacation a year rereading information. How many times you open up an email and go, oh, yes, okay, I’ll reply to it later. And then you open it up again and you read it again and you– right?


If you’d like to get back a week’s vacation a year, start doing this now. So touch at once. If you read an email and go, okay, it needs more thought, you can reply back and say, I need more time. Let’s discuss this in our weekly meeting or this is too long, let’s discuss it in a conversation or put it into a folder of this is what I’m going to do later with all the other ones that I need to handle later. So you’re taking action. So you only have to touch it once. Okay? So step number one, touch it once. The second tip is to list off your top six things that you want to accomplish in the day because a lot of people will put together a to-do list. It’ll be 24 things and they’ll just go to check off as many as possible so they feel that dopamine hit, but it doesn’t actually get done what needs to get done. Do you want to say something about this? I feel like–

No, I’m smiling because I remember doing this after reading the book and I would get little post– what do they call the cards that you get? The index cards. And I would write my six things. And I did this religiously for a long time. I’m ashamed to say I don’t do it anymore. So I couldn’t remember where I got this. And I got it from “The Ultimate Sales Machine” book. And now I see it.

Oh my God.

That’s awesome.

I love that.

Yeah, that’s really funny that you brought that up because I’d forgotten about that. Anyway, so that’s number two, top six things because yeah, and I’ll tell you, it’s incredibly effective when you hone in because you know, there’s that Pareto principle and there’s always that 20% that’ll get you 80% further, and this allows you to get those really important things done. Anyway, please continue.

So step number three is you want to allocate how much time it’s going to take for each task. Then step number four, you actually put it into your schedule. And this has been a breakthrough for me. I do it religiously as well. So if you say from 8:00 until 8:30, you’re not going to read your emails first because that will prioritize everyone else’s priorities over your priorities. Because you have your top six. From 8:00 until 8:30 I’m going to instead do the most important thing, which is, you know, sending out a contract or reaching out to that investor or, you know, going into talking to a multifamily or a buyer or whatever maybe. So with each hour, you’re allocating what you’re going to do on that hour, half hour, 15 minutes, you want to schedule your proactive time and then you want to leave time for reactive time. So if someone comes up and there’s a fire, you go, sorry, I’m in the middle of something. But I do have an opening from 11:30 to 12:15. That’s when I do my reactive meetings so you can talk to me then. Right? So every day you’re being proactive about your reactive things because things will come up. So in that reactive time, you are checking your email as well. You could be checking social media and following up and commenting, right? So you’re scheduling those reactive times. So that number five, when it comes to your whole day, then you’re prioritizing correctly because I do it all the time. I’ll say, okay, here’s my six. I’ll put them into the slots. And then I’ll look at my day and realize the top two things that I needed to do the most, I don’t even have time to do in my day anymore, so I need to re-slot in what’s important. Then at the end of the day, you feel so accomplished because what you set out to do, you’re very clear on, and you knew that you had the amount of time you had, and it just leaves– I mean, within 15 minutes of planning, you can have the most productive day you’ve had in years. That’s why we say it increases your productivity by 500%. And like you, I love that you took it and you ran with it and you were diligent about it. We call it pigheaded discipline and determination.

Oh yeah.

You have plenty of them.

Yup. So what’s the fifth one then?

Yeah, so then the fifth is prioritized.

Oh, that’s the priority. Got it. Got it.

So you make sure it is the right work. So then you get it. Yeah.

Okay. Now, guys, I know this works because I did it myself. Again, it’s been a decade ago when I first read the book, and you know, life gets in the way, and I fell– you know you fall into these great habits and you fall out of them. But I know that one works because I did it, and I think I’m going to revisit it. So let’s talk about the Dream 100. And that’s a term I know he used in the book for, you know, categorizing your clients. But, you know, in our case, guys, you know, let’s equate it to investors, for example. But why don’t you go ahead and talk about what it is, and then we’ll go from there. Yeah.

So this strategy is the fastest, least expensive way to double sales. This one strategy has doubled the sales of more companies than any other, and it’s very simple in its concept. There are always a smaller number of better buyers than there are all buyers. That means the marketing and selling to them is cheaper–

Now, let me replace buyers with investors, guys, okay?


So that it resonates with you, and I’ll explain how we do that in just a minute. Yeah. So, there’s always a smaller number of prospects that can get you much further than others is the basic premise of the Dream 100. Yes?



So, for instance, my father was given a list of 2200 potential prospects, and he was told to cold call these 2200 people, and he looked at the list and went, that’s a lot of people. Okay, let me do some research. And he realized that 95% of the marketplace was purchased by only 167 of those people. So he led– and that’s where the Dream 100 was created. He led a Dream 100 effort to those 167. Now, when you know that they’re bigger and better, that they’ll buy more from you, that they’ll invest more with you, you have to do more work, you have to do a diligent follow-up. But if you know that it’s only a small amount then you’re [inaudible] in budget.

You know it’s funny. I’m sorry to interrupt, but I got excited here. You know, I remember one of Tony Robin’s security people, Mike Melio, and he implemented this strategy. He has a metal recycling business, and he figured out– in his case, it was like a Dream 5, okay, there were like five recycling companies that dealt with metal from, I think from the military or whatever. And he literally sent– and so it’s not just that you have to do more follow-up and really you know, spend more time and energy, but you can also spend more money as well on that group because it’s such a honed, refined, kickass group. And so what he did, I just remember, and this is kind of an aside, he sent a $100 bill in an envelope to the gatekeeper for the people he wanted to talk to and said, hey, this $100 is for you. You know, and I think he sent a driver something or something really cool to get in front of those people. And it was incredibly effective. Now and again, he was at Tony’s event, so he heard Chet speak several times, and I know this is where he got it.

Oh, my God.

Yeah. But I know that literally, he was about to go bankrupt, and he has his own jet and several Ferraris and everything now. So, I mean, it was a big deal for him. Okay?

Oh my God.

Yeah. So, anyway–

I love that story. Yeah. So, one we had recently, what a guy did is he went back to– this is Troy Aberle. He works with us now. But at the time he was a client. He went to four of the past people that told him no. Four to people that weren’t interested anymore. They were hard noses. They had already said no. He built out an education, which I’ll share about in a minute. Actually, it was this thing for those that are watching, they could see. It cost him $1.25 to create an education, and he delivered it to them and generated 8.4 million in six weeks. And over the last seven months, he’s made another 42 million from that campaign.


But it was four people that generated 8.4 million. And just to give you context here, that company, the average sales rep, would sell 8 million in a year.


Yeah. Doing it a year, in just six weeks. So it’s critical who are those influencers.


Right? It could be family offices like you were saying, right?


Go to one person and you can get so much more from that [inaudible].

Private equity group, you know, but again, an influencer, you bet, to get you in front of other investors. So, guys, put your thinking caps on and think about– you know, because as you know, we’re heading into this economic uncertainty right now, and finding the deal isn’t going to be as hard as finding the money for the deal. And so, you know, these strategies could work really, really well for you to identify your Dream 100 or your Dream 5 10, 20, whatever it is, to maximize the time you spend you know, raising equity, for example, you know. So, okay, well, that’s an awesome one.

What I talk about that too, because my father– so he was doing it with direct mail and cold calling back in the day.


This was before the Internet, right?


So every week he was educating them with something. Either it was a cold call one week and then a direct mail piece the next week and then a follow-up fax because, at that time, that’s what was going on. For me, today, we have the ability to go on the Internet, and everyone, right, there are people that post on a regular basis. So I found a dream prospect for me, and I followed them on Instagram. It was a CEO of a nine-figure business. He has several hundred staff. He didn’t have the time to pick up my phone call if I were to cold call him every day. So instead, every post he made for three months, I commented on.


He posted about his children, and he made a bet with them that they wouldn’t be able to eat sugar for a week, and they broke it, and it was like $25 they had to pay him. And I’m like, oh, you should have charged him double. That’s hilarious. Then he posts about his wife and the Christmas lights and how happy she was, and I said, you know what? Your wife is so happy, you should give her Christmas lights multiple times a year. Right? With every day, I was talking about his kids, his wife, his business. I was celebrating him. I was listening. I was showing that I was diligent. I was showing that I was trustworthy. I built up so much, and I wasn’t even talking about my business or trying to pitch him. I was just demonstrating everything that you’d want to see from somebody that you worked with. There was so much rapport that built up after three months in of this every single day. The pigheaded discipline and determination.


They came back and said, you know, we’d really like to buy 650 of your books and get them to our best clients. Would that be okay?


And that was six years ago. And then just for my book launch, they bought another thousand books.

No kidding.

So, what, is it worth it?

What an awesome story. What an awesome story. By the way, just to give some credibility to what she says, one big kind of declaration or quote that Chet, her dad, used to say was, you know, as the CEO of your company, you have to have the pigheaded determination, you know, and sometimes you’re going to go contrary to your team or partners or whatever, but you got to stick to your guns because that’s how you get things done. And again, of course, it’s the whole 10X thing you know, Grant Cardone talks about. You just got to do it and keep doing it and keep doing it. And so that’s a great example. I absolutely love that. So you also have something around 9X’ing or 10X’ing your responses from clients. Can you speak to that a little bit?

Yes. So imagine that you’re in a stadium full of your prospects. So if your prospect is an investor, right? Let’s say that there’s a stadium full of investors.


If I gave you the mic right now, so everybody that’s listening, if I gave you the mic, what would be the title of your talk to that room to keep them in their seats long enough to hear what you have to say? You’re smiling [inaudible]

I remember what this is now, and I used it so many freaking times. It’s a negative headline. Yeah, right? Negative headline. Yes?

Yeah. Well, do you know what yours is?

No. No. Because–

I’m curious because you speak a lot.

Yeah. No, I mean, you know, as it relates to this business, for my coaching business and my events, it’s like hell that the soup is about to hit the fan. You need to get up to speed right now, otherwise, you’re going to miss the party, because it could be the greatest transfer of wealth in history, and that’s the truth. So it’s perfect for me to use that right now.

Okay. So, I love that.

Please continue your explanation. I totally stole your thunder. I’m sorry.

No, no, no. You prove the point. I love it.


So the majority of the people that hear that, what would be the title of your talk? They’ll usually something like, hello, my name is Steve. I have been in real estate for the last 30 years. I do really great at managing money, and I would love to be of assistance to you. You know, stay to hear more. So if you’re talking about you, everyone gets out a pen and paper and draws a triangle.


Now, if you draw that triangle and you draw a little line of just 3% of the top of that triangle and write 3%. 3% of your stadium, whether you’re sending a direct mail piece, whether you’re writing a LinkedIn message, whether you’re doing cold calling, cold emailing, or posting on your Facebook page at any given time, 3% of the market is interested in buying now.


Then you do another line at 7%, so you have 3% then you have 7% of that pyramid is open to it. Maybe they’re doing research, they’re thinking about it. They’re not quite buying now. Then 90% of that pyramid do it into three different sections. So it’s 30%. Just don’t have it on their periphery. They’re not thinking about you.


The next 30% are not interested, and then the last 30% are definitely not interested. So 90% of the people that you reach out to on a day-to-day basis, if you are only talking about you are not going to hear what you have to say. So you’re only speaking to that 3%. And then all of your competition is competing for just that 3%.


So what we teach is a stadium pitch. What a stadium pitch does is you educate the entire buyers’ pyramid to grab everyone to lead them up into the buying now category, which is exactly what you did.


What you can talk about? Here is what’s going on for you. Here is your opportunity, here’s what’s about to happen. And you better get on this train fast because it’s about to take off.

Right. Yeah.

So you demonstrated an entire buyer’s pyramid, a great stadium pitch.

Yeah. And I remember– you know, guys, I hope you’re recognizing the fact that this stuff stayed with me for ten years when I first read that book, okay? And I remember, you know, part of the strategy around this is you need to research your position on your statement, and you know, particularly if you bring in like a negative statement. And you need to have you know, literally researched backup for this. I can’t remember what I had for breakfast, and I’m shocked that I’m remembering this. But, you know–

Wait. So I love that you said research because–


So what I did is from my father’s buyer’s pyramid, I flipped his buyer’s pyramid upside down, so now it looks like a funnel. And those same divides, I explained how we’ve helped more companies become number one than anybody else. And it is this framework for how to craft a story that grabs the entire buyer’s pyramid.


And it blends market data with stories because stories are things that people remember, right, since the beginning of time we’ve remembered it. It’s something that will make it stay with the prospect and then the data makes it legitimate. So if you have a story back with something, that’s science, right? We trust science today.


So that you know, with the story makes it– I mean, logical mind and emotional mind, so that they have– you are the only logical conclusion at that point.


And we follow a framework which is in the new edition of the book, which talks about the first thing you want to talk about is global trends, which is exactly what you just did. You talked about the global trends. This is what’s going on in the marketplace. You’re about to miss it. You better jump on this wagon so we get the transfer of wealth, right?

Truth. Right.

Then we go into the target paying because we want to know what keeps your prospect up at night. So if it is an investor and maybe they’re not even investing in real estate, maybe they’re investing in their stock portfolio.


It’s your job as to be– if you truly want to embody being number one in your marketplace, you should understand everything that’s a problem for them, which could be their real estate portfolio. You should be able to speak to that. You should also be able to speak to what are some of the things that–

Or their stock portfolio, you know, I mean, you know, because stocks are getting crushed right now. So that’s a pain point, you know.


Or inflation, money is getting eaten up right now. That’s a pain point. So there are lots of pain points you could interject here. So you go with global trends, then you go with the target, the pain. Were there any other pieces?



Then you go into solutions because you want to– the way that you grab their attention the fastest by putting them into pain, sadly. I mean, you said it too.

You have to.

[inaudible] pain because that–

Sorry, because I want to interject why this is so important, guys. And even in my coaching business, you know, I feel like anybody that doesn’t come work with me, I’m failing them. I truly believe that in my heart. Okay? And so I’m going to use pain if whatever I have to do to kick somebody’s butt across the finish line to go make this happen. So, you know, there’s integrity around this as well. This is not like I’m trying to make it scary so that I influence you, you know, nefariously. This is because I believe in what we do. I believe in, you know, not just my coaching program, but also, you know, my training, but also, you know, my investments, you know. When we find a deal and we’re going to bring investors in, I believe in it. I know how conservative we are and everything else. And so you need to as well. So don’t feel guilty about shoving some pain down their throat to get them to take action, guys, I guess is my point. Okay?

No, I love it. And you have to it’s the best way to serve them in [inaudible]. So once you hit them with their pains and they feel– they should feel like, wow, this person understands my pains better than I can, they must have the solution. That’s why you have to then talk about solutions and it can solve just a portion of their pain. You don’t have to solve it all, but just enough to get value. So they feel like, I haven’t even given this person my credit card. I haven’t even wired them funds and he gives me more than anybody else.


So you talk about solutions. And then the critical piece between content marketing, what my father taught this education-based marketing approach is you have to reset the buying criteria. This is critical.


40% of content online today actually hinders the ability to get a sale. 40%. We’re not [inaudible]

Okay. So, hold on, hold on. I don’t want to move past that. What do you mean by that? So, 40%–


Okay. Okay.

Oh, the data or [inaudible].

The hindering of their ability to buy? Could you give an example of that? Just because I want to make sure I’m clear.

Yeah. So you could do all of this education and you’ve educated them right into going to your competitor.

Got it. Okay. Got it.

So what people think is, oh, I have to do a Facebook post. Oh, I have to send out an email. So I’m just going to write something up and I’m going to send it out.


If you’re not thinking clearly about how they’re coming back to you is the only logical conclusion, then what are we doing, right? We’re just being tactical and worrying about tactics instead of being strategic, where you can get that nine times more from every move you’re making.

So I don’t know if you’ve got an example of that, of being more strategic so they work with you. Like, let’s say you’re marketing to investors, you know, and you’re letting them know about the benefits of passive investing, how would you get them to go with you instead of another operator?

So this is why you reset the buying criteria.


And I’ll give you an example. So you would say, here are five things to look for before investing in multifamily. If you were selling multifamily and you did all this education beforehand, then you get to resetting the buying criteria, and you say, okay, before you invest with a multifamily operator, you want to ask number one. And all of these things should be what sets you apart. But you’re not saying, here’s what sets me apart and then you’ll be pounding on your chest.

I remember this. You’re not touting your own stuff, but the answers to that question basically leaves no other alternative, but then to go with you.


Yeah, I remember that. That’s awesome. That’s awesome.

If you have 15 years of experience in real estate, you say you shouldn’t look for anybody with less than ten years in the game because 70% of businesses fail within ten years. So would you want to go with somebody that’s going to fail in the next few years? No. You want somebody that’s tried and true, number one. Number two, right? So what are your unique selling propositions and how can you reverse engineer them to educate them so that by the time you get to talking about you, you’re the only one left?

Yeah. There’s no other alternative.

Nobody else.

And you don’t even have to sell yourself. You just have a little blurb. This is who I am at the bottom, you know. And they’ll reach out. That’s how effective this is. I remember this now. It’s all coming back to me. It’s hilarious.

Well, I can tie back the case study that I did in real estate. Do you want to hear that one?

Okay. Talk about the case study.

So they used to– they were selling two to $20 million second homes condos in Dubai.


So they were mostly selling to Fortune 500 CEOs and billionaires. And to get in the door of a billionaire, right, if there’s only 500, the Fortune 500, then you have a very small pool to get the attention of and knowing, right? I already told you 3%. So they were talking about, hey, we have great ocean views and our granite countertops are amazing.


That’s what they wanted to talk about.

I’m already half asleep. Right. Okay.

It’s terrible. Versus their stadium pitch title was why wealthy CEOs are at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and premature death and what [inaudible]

Oh, that’s good. That’s good. Where they need the ocean views to mitigate the dying.


Oh, my God. That’s good. I love that. That’s awesome.

Well, I’ll tell you, at first, all the brokers looked at us like, you’ve got to be kidding me. Why are we talking about diabetes instead of granite countertops? Right?


Because that’s what keeps the CEO up at night. So doctors say you should have an average of seven to eight hours of sleep at night. And yet a Fortune 500 CEO gets four to five hours of sleep a night. And that lack of sleep increases your stress. And stress has been linked to the likelihood of you getting cancer by 50%, the likelihood of you getting a stroke by 75%, your likelihood of premature death by 25–.

And you had all this research right there, bullet points you know, research articles, references, and everything else. Yeah. So, guys, be thinking about how you can implement these strategies, you know, and what happened. Tell me what happened in the case study. Just the numbers again, because they were staggering, if I recall.

Yeah. So in the first eight months, they generated 298,000,000.


And then by the twelve-month mark, they had generated 602,000,000.

No kidding. Jeez.

And they led the Dream 100 effort. They went to the biggest and the best that would refer them to a whole bunch more businesses and led with that education.

Wow. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. And you helped them craft all this. Yes?


Wow. Very impressive. Well, listen, guys, if you don’t get this book, I can’t hit you over the side of the head hard enough. But if you’re going to get into this business, you absolutely need it. Just get it. Okay? Is there a website that you have that has the link and whatnot on it? What is it?

Yeah. “UltimateSalesMachine.com”.

That’s the name of the book. “UltimateSalesMachine.com”?


Love it. Love it. Well, it’s such a treat to see you, Amanda. And, you know, just so impressive what you’ve done with your dad’s company. And now, it’s your company and it’s just so impressive because, you know, again, I’ve got a lot of history with this and been so impressed with it. Like I said, I bought it from my mastermind because then I– and taught it there in front of the group as well. I went through the different chapters and told them why it was so freaking important.

Oh my God.

But anyway, it’s such a treat to see you again, and really excited to see, you know, how things could progress for you.

Thank you. And I have to say, it’s so refreshing, to be on with you.

Thank you.

You’re just such a pro in every way. And the energy that you bring and the passion that you live and the fervor that you have, like, coursing through every vibrant you’re being, I just feel it. And so this was very uplifting for me.

That’s very sweet. Well, thank you so much. And if I don’t talk to you, have a wonderful holiday. Okay?

Thank you.

All right, take care. Bye bye.

Rod, I know a lot of our listeners are wanting to take their multifamily investing business to the next level. Now, I know you’ve been hard at work helping our Warrior students do just that using our “ACT” methodology which is Awareness, Close, and Transform. Can you explain to the listeners how they can get our help?

You bet. Guys, we’ve been going non-stop for three years building an amazing community of like-minded people, and our coaching students which we call our Warriors have had extraordinary results. They’ve purchased thousands and thousands of units and last year we did over 1000 units with our students. And we’re looking to grow this group and take it to the next level. We’re looking for people who want to follow a proven framework that’s really step by step and then leverage our systems and network to raise equity, to find and close deals, and to build partnerships nationwide. Now, our Warrior community is finding success in any market cycle. So if you’re interested in finding out more about how you can become more of our incredible network and take advantage of the incredible opportunities that are coming very soon, apply to work with us at “MentorWithRod.com” or text “CRUSH” to “72345” and we’ll set up a call so you can check us out and we can check you out. That’s “MentorWithRod.com” or text “CRUSH” to “72345”.


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