Ep #447 – Jacob Blackett – Multifamily Serial Entrepreneur
The framework for starting out in Multifamily
- Cold calling for deals
- Finding your ideal partner
- Virtual assistants
- Sample script for cold calling
- The framework for starting out.
- The work life balance
- Expect challenges and bring solutions
- Assigning positive meaning
To find out more about our guest here.
Full Transcript Below
Ep #447 – Jacob Blackett – Multifamily Serial Entrepreneur
Hi my name is Rod Khleif and I’m the host of the “Lifetime Cashflow through Real Estate Investing Podcast” and every week I interview multifamily rockstars. We talk about how they built incredible wealth for themselves and their families through multifamily properties. So hit the like and subscribe button and get notified every Monday when a new episode comes out. Let’s get to it.
Rod: Welcome to another edition of How to Build Lifetime Cashflow through Real Estate Investing. I’m Rod Khleif and I am thrilled that you’re here. And I’m truly gonna enjoy the interview I’m having today with my friend Jacob Blackett. Now Jacob, I interviewed him before and he and his former partner Sterling, I remember we had them on where they were just getting rolling and I actually used them in examples of being a success through doing what other people aren’t willing to do. And still use them to this day in that example because they’re a great example of that. But welcome back my friend. It’s good to have you back
Jacob: Thank you very much Rod. It’s nice to catch up over the podcast here
Rod: Absolutely. So you know, so people don’t have to hunt for that previous episode take a few minutes and talk a little bit about your journey you know talk about how we met, talk about you know some of the things you’ve done and let’s go there.
Jacob: Yeah so Rod you and I go back to 2016, late 2016 yeah and you were actually the reason I started buying multifamily real estate. So at that time, I was buying single-family homes, building a single-family home rental empires, what I, in my vision was a thousand single-family homes and that’s what I was building to. I was that about a hundred and fifty and back in late 2016 we connected on a phone call
Rod: Was that one of those free phone calls I was giving for 30 minutes get on my calendar? Yeah so those you guys don’t know when I first started the podcast, I’m like, set up a call with me, 30 minutes I’m not gonna sell you anything. I have nothing to sell and we’ll just talk about whatever you want to talk about. That’s right. I remember now
Jacob: Yeah yeah it was probably five minutes but it changed, but it changed, I mean you know it’s scheduled for 30 but Rod has been a busy guy building businesses and managing things. So you found out what I needed to hear and you told me and that I mean that changed my business trajectory. You said so confidently that I could buy multifamily properties, that all of the work I’ve done so far owning 100 single-family homes you said, you’re working harder than you need to. I think you said “you’re going brain-dead” with those single-family homes
Rod: I could have said that. Sounds like something that would come out of my inappropriate mouth yes
Jacob: Yeah so initially I was thinking I was kind of riding high like I’m pretty successful and I’m doing a cool business model raising money online back in 2014, 2015, 2016. And number one you said, you’re more than this right. Number two, you need to buy multifamily properties. You’re wasting your time in the single-family homes and initially, I was like, oh man that’s a little different than what I was expecting but it was what I needed and so we turned around and we looked into some multi-family properties and bought our first property within 60 days. A little 46 unit
Rod: That’s right. Talk about how you found that because I always loved that. Was that the one you were driving for dollars and found it?
Jacob: Yeah well we had actually seen this. We were familiar with this property that was vacant. This apartment complex. It was in an area where we owned some single-family homes and so we thought, well why don’t we start there? I mean we know of it generally and actually it was a it was about a hundred units or more vacant on one side of street and on the other side of the street there was a smaller complex 46 unit. And so we ended up searching up the address realizing it was expired listing found just doing some Googling around realized and found the owner of the property and called them up directly. It turns out the he had just had a fire he was in the middle of listing it for sale had a fire insurance claim and we put a deal together with that guy
Rod: Yeah see this is guy, this is a reason I use these guys as an example of doing what others aren’t willing to do so you had to do some homework to find this person. You weren’t lazy. Didn’t just go for what was for sale. You went and dug deep and found this owner and correct me if I’m wrong, wasn’t the next one didn’t you have one under contract you found by outbound calls on for red debt or something?
Jacob: I mean all of the deals we’ve purchased. So we went from the 46 unit to 50 unit couple 80 units. We’ve purchased as much as 420 units we’re a little over 1,200 units now. And the vast majority found all of those deals came from cold calling primarily or driving like I mentioned just just driving and then finding that property that looks like it’s just not quite being taken care of the way it should be. And I mean that gets the juices going gets you amped up and it’s all about the it’s all about the chase the hunt. I think a lot of people they might start looking into a property and they’re maybe only getting to the property manager and yeah I’ll leave a note I’ll let the owner know and they’re just stopping there. And so is that we take the next step and what’s the next step is I can we can we find relatives on social media or Facebook.
Rod: I remember the daughter of somebody and yeah and that’s that extra mile
Jacob: And that’s what Sterling I mean that’s what Sterling was a champion act right yeah and that’s what one of the reasons I loved working with Sterling. We remain on good terms and we had a great five years and I think that’s a big thing to note in any partnerships is that you really really resonate with your partner because people don’t stay the same forever. And any partnership you should imagine that dynamics will shift, things will change, and so through that entire partnership we had our glory days of working together. We also were able to wrap up that partnership on amazing terms very friendly. We found a good place
Rod: So his partner was Sterling White and yes Sterling and what’s interesting and I talk about this all the time is the dynamic of a partnership where you’ve got an analytical person which Jacob absolutely is and a more outgoing person which Sterling is that on steroids. And so you, but and so they created a partnership and an incredible partnership and that’s what you want to do is you want to align with people that are strong where you’re you know maybe not as strong. But let me say this to you guys I’ve got a free resource and since you brought this up, I want to share it. It’s the quality it’s the questions you ask when you’re forming a partnership and if you guys want it, it’s free just text partnership to 41411 and it’s every possible question you should ask including you know exploring their work ethic and all the hard questions up front and you had a great dissolution of your partnership I know you just dissolved it recently and Sterling’s a great guy. You’re a great guy and so glad that happened very often it doesn’t happen that way you know partnerships are easy to get into like a marriage and very hard to get out of. And so you know making sure you ask the right question. In fact the first question on here is do I need a partner if so why I said you know so you know and then the other thing I’ll say to this and all it I want to hear more about you is when you’re building this partnership or when you meet someone, it’s really important that you trust your gut. You trust your intuition. Our brains are so powerful and they will see these micro clues in someone’s behavior in their communication that you don’t see consciously. And so if something doesn’t feel right, trust it because it’s almost always right. Okay so just know that but anyway get these questions they’re awesome. So you guys worked out great together and I know that talk about putting a team together in general if you would Jacob because you know you got, I mean you went from, when we met you didn’t have any multifamily now you have over 1,200 doors. Talk about you know the things that you had to put together to make that happen, let’s just talk about that a little bit
Jacob: Yeah so it’s always, it’s always a process as you know Rod of getting to these kind of tipping points or breaking points and in finding what person really comes down to people, what person we need on the team. And so one of the big inflection points for us is when we got to about 400 units. We needed someone to own the operations. And so we found a partner and actually made her partner Vanessa Turner. She’s a rock star. I don’t know if I’d own real estate without her quite honestly at this point because there’s certain compartments of the multifamily business that you want someone to own and you want
Rod: So talk about what she owns okay so I know you’re in acquisitions. You’re the one evaluating the deal, you’re one of those mutants that loves the spreadsheet and lock you in a room throw a raw meat in from time to time and let you have like my partner Robert but Sterling of course is out there beating the bushes you know fill in the top of the funnel. What does Vanessa do? Yeah so like you said I focus on the acquisition side. I focus on the financing and the investor side of things right. Vanessa is operation so she oversees our properties directly. She’s looking at from a property management
Rod: So asset management
Jacob: Asset management plus we manage most of our properties ourselves so she’s got a lot you know she’s dealing with direct hires on-site, she’s moving all the puzzle pieces, she’s reviewing, approving, looking at those. So yeah asset management. I do quite a bit of that as well. She is kind of growing into that role from some other property manager than to asset manager but yeah it’s making sure that those properties are operating and
Rod: So are your properties geographically tight? Where are your assets located?
Jacob: Most of our properties are within a three-hour drive of Indianapolis, we we do have some properties in a property in Texas, Florida, and South Carolina but those properties that are within three hours of Indianapolis. We manage directly and we take full control of those day-to-day operations
Rod: Wow okay okay fantastic and so she’s that, she’s the in charge of all that hiring and firing and really yeah operations is absolutely the title of her I thought she was mistitled but she’s really more than asset management
Jacob: Yeah she’s our COO everything operationally. She makes the business go and so another thing I would like to kind of point out Rod is our relationship from that first call and then doing deals and kind of keeping you posted on those deals and showing up to your amazing events right like the types of golden nuggets that I think I’ve been to at least five or six of your live events
Rod: Live boot camps
Jacob: Yeah from the very first one
Rod: By the way guys, we actually used to meet in person. We’d actually do a live event and actually you know have a few people get together. Yeah I know that’s hard to believe but
Jacob: Yeah so getting just listening to you on stage and even has an experienced operator, there’s always a time where I’m sitting there I’m listening to the experts that you bring onstage. You’re always changing in and bringing new material and new insights and stayin ahead of the edge. And so I’m always trying to find myself into a seat there and yeah
Rod: I’m gonna have to cut you a check after this man. Thank you
Jacob: No, I mean that’s part of I attribute a lot of my success to that fact that I was in that environment and that I was always hearing what the other people were doing and how do that and taking those shortcuts to get from zero to 1,200 units and in four or five years
Rod: Fantastic fantastic buddy. I’m so impressed with what you’ve done and thank you for the kind words about my boot camp. Guys, if you haven’t come to one of my boot camps, I’m doing them livestream now. I do have a live event plan for next year but with Covid, I don’t think I’m gonna do one this year and just don’t want to risk it and for my participants and my team as well but you know I’m doing them livestream now I don’t know if you knew that Jacob. I had one three weeks ago. We had 900 people that invested and it was mind-blowing and so we’re doing it again July 25th and 26th if you guys haven’t signed up for God’s sakes its $97 for two days and I’m not selling anything. So you know just do it, just sign up. It’s multifamilyvirtualbootcamp.com or you can text rodlive to 41411 and I promise you you’d be glad you came. But thank you for the kind words about that
Jacob: Yeah for that pricing I mean even if you could check in for two or three hours I bet you to get a bang for the buck. You can get the recordings I think for another hundred bucks and then you’ve got all 16-18 hours and I’ve got panels there as well so you know you know panelists just like I do with my live events and it’s drinking through a firehose because I actually convinced three days into two so it’s even more but more intense but thank you for the kind words brother
Jacob: Yeah another thing that I would like to mention is the mastermind. So I can’t remember when it was the very first mastermind I had the unique pleasure of attending is actually at your house right on the patio right
Rod: Oh that’s right. You came to the first one! To those of you guys that don’t know you know I’ve got the this multifamily boardroom mastermind and I had I did a version of it at my house. I had 16 people. I forgot you were at that first that’s right
Jacob: The paradise that you see behind, people probably think this is like a resort or something. This is just Rod Khleif’s backyard yeah beautiful place but that was
Rod: billion dollars in assets there
Jacob: I mean that was another inflection point in my career where in that room and having those close relationships, I realized that I had always raised money online through the years. And I realized that out of the room, the vast majority people didn’t do that and I kind of sat there and that was kind of a lightbulb moment for me to start a whole another business venture. So it’s pretty amazing who you surround yourself with right Rod and I just want to make sure that you know that that you’ve been just incredible on so many so many factors of my growth and career in real estate and software and it’s just amazing. So anyone out there looking to get started, looking to take that kind of next step, just please at the minimum stay in tune with this podcast, follow Rod, I mean I couldn’t imagine if I was able to be part of those
Rod: No I really appreciate that you know and I was interesting you know that first meeting that first 16 people here my mastermind and you know like I said we had a billion in assets and now we I’ve exceeded ten billion in assets represented by the people in that mastermind. It’s turned into this incredible thing that you know we meet several times a year know we’re having a livestream event in August and then hopefully we’re gonna be able to go to Puerto Rico in November but you know guys those of you listening you know obviously that mastermind’s not cheap. It’s expensive to come in and we’re very selective who we allow in but you know create your own peer group. Make sure you’re aligned with people that want more out of life. You can create your own mastermind and you know even inside of my warrior mentorship program there’s lots of mini masterminds in there of people connecting and so I really appreciate you bringing that up Jacob. By the way guys, Jacob created this software it’s called Syndication Pro. Syndicationpro.com and it’s a incredible software for managing your investors it’s like an investor portal and it’s I know it’s much more reasonable then a lot of the other players out there so check that out. But let’s talk about now about we talked about team, talk about how you find deals because you guys have really mastered this on a direct to seller standpoint. Can you speak to that a little bit?
Jacob: Yeah it’s for 95%of our deal finding approach comes through cold calls that’s probably 90%-95% of everything and then
Rod: Who’s making those calls? Talk about gets drill down on that a little bit
Jacob: So in terms of the initial onset of calls we have teammates who make those calls. So one of our best performing cold callers is actually out of the Philippines and she makes amazing in terms of dedication and returning and staying on top and actually making calls. That’s the hardest thing it’s finding someone who actually make calls over a long period of time. It seems like everyone gets kind of phased out or burned out or and so so we went through a lot of in-house hires and also virtual hires and so once you
Rod: Do you mind if I ask do you mind if I ask what you’re paying that person in the Philippines or do you need to keep that to yourself?
Jacob: It comes out to about $6 USD per hour
Rod: Six bucks an hour guys okay. Now I had eight virtual assistants in the mobile home park space. I thought I was gonna get into that space and I literally had eight because we mapped the whole country. We literally mapped every mobile home park in the whole country and created these lists and so I had 8 of them. Six of them, I was paying a dollar ninety three an hour. I had six of them working for under twelve bucks an hour for all six and they loved it. I wasn’t taking advantage of them. That’s what they wanted and then but I had a couple of them that spoke English that paid a little more three-four bucks an hour or five even I don’t remember but they speak English better than we do. Well one sounded like she was from Wyoming or something right. And so you know it’s crazy and you can’t tell that they’re foreign right. I mean yeah
Jacob: Right. Absolutely they may sound American and so a lot of the niche about reaches is through that virtual assistant and it’s appointment setting. So it’s getting an appointment set or getting me directly into the call
Rod: Give us an example of a script. What does she say?
Jacob: So an example would be, I like to keep things pretty simple Rod. So I would we would come into the call with hey I understand I’m calling you out of the blue but we’re a group, I notice that you own this property in X City. We also own real estate of X City and we’re looking for our next deal. And so if you’re entertaining an offer, we pay top dollar for our assets and are very interested in your assets. So if you’re interested in an offer then I’d love to get you in touch with the CEO of our company so we cannot waste any time and get you an offer.
Rod: Boom. Guys, how hard is that? Okay it’s that simple and I love it and you know so many people overthink this and thinking oh my God cold calling how threatening, how scary, people might say no. But you don’t even have to do it. You know you can hire a stay-at-home person or in this case a Filipino that knocks it out of the park for six bucks an hour. Hello? I love it man. I love it.
Jacob: So yeah once they get through that initial filter and I’ve touched base with them the owner directly then then it goes into a scheduled follow-up. So I always ask permission depending on what the sellers position is. It could be following up every other day if they’re really considering and selling or it could be a month or two or three months. And so at that point in time we do some mailers and so we only mail people who we’ve talked to, who we have a relationship with, it’s very customized pointed mailers and its really
Rod: What CRM are you using for that?
Jacob: Podio
Rod: Podio yeah and that’s from the single family space guys. A lot of the big hitters in single family is it’s all about Podio. And it has a lot of overlays that you can throw on there and really do some amazing things with and I will tell you, you know some of the most successful people I see in the direct to seller framework where they’re not going through brokers come from the single family space. They’ve taken the mailers and the different mailers and the outbound calls and they’ve they brought that to the multifamily very successfully. I love it man freakin love it. I’m so impressed with you buddy at 1,200 doors that it’s just crazy that what you’ve accomplished in the amount of time you’ve accomplished it. So let me ask you this, you know if you were helping someone get into this business and maybe coaching them or giving them some advice you know what would you tell them to focus on? because you know a lot of my listeners are brand-new they haven’t started yet I mean of course come to my freakin event for $97 that’s a no-brainer but beyond that, after they’ve done that what should they do? Give them a little framework and some of the things you might suggest that they focus on.
Jacob: So there’s quite a few entry points and so in my opinion, there’s a lot of moving parts when it comes to owning real estate but nothing happens without the deal. And so the golden carrot is the deal. So if you can be a specialist in finding deals, putting yourself out there, knowing what a good deal is, I mean that’s the top of the food chain. So becoming an expert there and then really if you’re just getting started or depending on your experience or what type of resources you have, it could be a thing where you’re focusing on creating relationships with sponsors. Other successful people looking for their next deal and you’re going out there and procuring and putting together deal packages and getting leads. That’s a good way to step yourself into a deal, you can reinforce, even if it’s as simple as finding that deal possibly putting under contract or LOI, doing the underwriting and preliminary one page or two pager and letting the experienced sponsor take it from there that they do everything else. Most people are very happy with getting you a piece of that deal whether that was an upfront check or some carry. I mean anyone buying property thought I’ll work anyone into a deal if they bring me a good deal
Rod: Yeah we bought a thousand doors last year and we had about half of those came from our students that brought us deals and guys, that’s a fantastic framework to start I love it. No, that’s a great way to get into the business you know there’s I’ve got students that did it by raising equity for deals. Now there’s a caveat there. You’ve got to be an actively involved in the deal you can’t just raise money and I and I get into all that with you know a syndication attorney on my bootcamp but that’s another way to get it. Another thing is some people start passively you know and invest in other people’s deals like you have investors come in your deals we have investors come in our deals. And so that’s another way to get started just to learn the mechanics and to kind of see what’s happening behind the scenes in a passive framework on a deal. So you know you’re right there are a lot of ways to get into this business. In fact I just talked to a new student that that comes from the property management world. So that’s his background so he’s got a great framework there we have people that come in from finance. They’ve learned to finance but you know even if you’ve just done a little bit of real estate every little bit helps as you’re getting into this business. So let me ask you this Jacob, what hurdles did you personally face getting into this business and talk about some of the hurdles that you had to overcome to get going and I’m sure it was a mindset shift to go from single to multi but beyond that what else comes to mind when I ask that question hurdles?
Jacob: Oh man is there ever a time when we’re not faced with the hurdle. I mean if you want to make progress, you absolutely will be facing hurdles time and time again. So I think if I’m gonna focus on something as it relates to multifamily, I think one of the initial hurdles going from single family to multi-family is probably on the asset management side. So it comes in the way of knowing how to properly have a pulse on your property. Knowing your KPIs, Key Performance Indicators like occupancy, collections, your turnover time for new leases, your different rates. So from an asset manager perspective I think there’s a bit of a learning curve there. You go from single-family and you rent it and you collect rent and you don’t really distribute it right but on a multi-family you’ve got fifty to four hundred five hundred plus units in one place I mean that’s a lot. It’s one business entity and there’s a lot of intricacy that it goes into knowing what’s going on. Do we need to adjust rates? Do we need special? Is there seasonality that we need to be preparing for? And so that’s probably one of the biggest hurdles in learning curves going from single-family and multi-family as I got.
Rod: Yeah and I mean the fact that you guys are self managing is very interesting and certainly more challenging than a lot of people you know will just go and they’ll hire a third party property manager and let them do a lot of the heavy lifting. So you’ve got to establish systems for all of that as well because you know you’ve got to have systems for leasing, for lease up, for first screening, for rent collection, for evictions, for maintenance requests, for all of these things you’ve got to systemize and have you know forms for and resources for and so you know obviously that speaks to your super power and Vanessa obviously as well in the operations side. So let me ask you this, what did you have to give up to get where you are today cuz I know you just had a baby. How old’s your baby?
Jacob: Six months
Rod: Six months, first baby and she’s adorable. So tell me you know prior to that I know what you had to give up for the baby, no sleep but talk about what you gave up in this you know to reach the level of success that you’ve reached today. What are some of the sacrifices you may have had to make if any?
Jacob: You know quite honestly I love what I do and most people in real estate multifamily I mean you wake up every day and you work because it’s what you want to do right. I have always created businesses and it with the idea that I can build a big business and put a rockstar team underneath and around me and in order to better control my time. So that’s been a big motivator for me. There’s certainly times where there’s no way you’re in a sense owned by the business for this period of time going through something difficult or you just got a got a peek in what you’re doing but for the most part I think I don’t really think of very many sacrifices because it’s what I enjoy. It’s what keeps me keeps me going right
Rod: Well you just remember that now that you’ve got that baby girl cuz that’s that’s I will tell you I my biggest regret in life and I you know if you come spend a couple days with me in my live stream you hear about this you’ll also hear about the worst moment in my life which was telling our kids I was getting a divorce. But my biggest regret was I’d come home every day and I play with them but I was distracted I was focused on success I was focused on you know proving the world that was good enough that I mattered and so you know which caused me to create great success but it also cost me my first family. So as I wanted to mention that with your new baby girl and although all of you listening make sure you keep your priorities straight and in my coaching and as you know Jacob a lot of what I talk about is that balance and keeping what’s most important on the forefront because you know making the money, honestly you may think it’s hard but it’s not. If you’ve got the framework and the map and you take massive action success is inevitable it’s just that you don’t lose anything on that quest for success. Would you agree with me?
Jacob: Yeah and I think your ability to frame that and highlight it and make it part of the business is that it’s a huge work-life balance and yeah I think every day I try remind myself to be present, take a breath, take a break you know like when you get into when you get into a rhythm and you blow through five hours of the day and you turn back and you might have got a lot done but were you present? Could you have taken a break to kiss your daughter? Or give a relative a call? Yeah so it’s a great point
Rod: Yeah no I mean even before this interview I told you I was 10 minutes late and I’m just finishing lunch but then I went out I found my wife gave her a hug and kiss talked to my maintenance guy, got in the steam shower getting installed right now just kind of decompressed for a minute, got present for a minute, and got back so I could be everything I needed to be you know to have a kick-ass interview with you buddy. So yeah so are there any quotes that you know or embody or like that you use to stay motivated? A quote that you might love
Jacob: Two come to mind, everything worthwhile is uphill all the way. That’s a that is like the name of who said that is I can’t remember but everything worthwhile is uphill all the way. So every day I just try to think that if I’m starting this day to make progress, I need to expect challenges. I need to expect problems. I need to come with solutions and I need to come with innovation and it’s only going up hills is what’s gonna move you forward.
Rod: Yeah I would say anything worthwhile causes you to be uncomfortable as well love it love it. Did you have another one?
Jacob: It escape in my mind right now
Rod: No worries no worries no worries
Jacob: Oh when it comes to cold calling
Rod: Okay
Jacob: Every No, every rejection, every voicemail, is one step closer to the next deal. So every time I get rejected or have someone who’s a little crabby or voicemail. You need to get excited about that because you just knocked off one more tally and you’re that much closer.
Rod: Yeah you know it’s and that ties into something that’s been ingrained into me by one of my mentors Tony Robbins which is it doesn’t matter what happens to you, it’s the meaning you place on it. And so you’re putting a positive meaning instead of a negative meaning and two people can experience the exact same thing and see it completely differently. And so life really is about meaning and when you put when you position it that way, it’s much much more powerful. Well listen my friend, it’s great to see you. It’s great to have you on the show and I really appreciate you coming on and spending some time and sharing some wisdom. And I’m sure I’ll see you at the next multifamily boot camp event. So thanks
Jacob: Yeah thank you so much Rod. I hope that if anyone can take away something from this podcast, it’s that the people around you and the people who shape you and the people you surround yourself with, that’s what’s important and so just be conscious of those people and be grateful and let them know.
Rod: I love it man and you did and it’s so grateful for your kind words buddy. Yeah your peers are everything guys. Who you hang out with is who you become. Choose wisely. And all right thank you brother. It’s great to see you man
Jacob: Thanks a lot Rod
Rod: All right
Ads: Rod, I know a lot of our listeners are wanting to take their multifamily investing business to the next level. I know you’ve been hard at work helping our warrior students do just that using our ACT methodology which is Awareness, Close, and Transform. Can you explain to the listeners how they can get our help? You bet. Guys, we’ve been going nonstop for three years building an amazing community of like-minded people and our coaching students which we call our warriors have had extraordinary results. They’ve purchased thousands and thousands of units and last year we did over a thousand units with our students. And we’re looking to grow this group and take it to the next level. We’re looking for people who want to follow a proven framework that’s really step by step and then leverage our systems and network to raise equity, to find and close deals, and to build partnerships nationwide. Now our warrior community is finding success in any market cycle. So if you’re interested in finding out more about how you can become more of our incredible network and take advantage of the incredible opportunities that are coming very soon, apply to work with us at mentorwithrod.com or text “crush” to 41411. That’s mentorwithrod.com or text “crush” to 41411.