Ep #489 – Anthony Metzger – First Multifamily Deal was 218 Unit Apartment

No experience and no money, former sommelier Anthony Metzger put together a syndication that took down a larger property – while in his late 20’s.

  • The value of adding value
  • Work toward a goal
  • Law of the first deal
  • Creating reach
  • Intimate Relationships
  • Happily Achieving 
  • Developing a motivational mindset 

To find out more about our guest:

Full Transcript Below

Ep #489 – Anthony Metzger – First Multifamily Deal was 218 Unit Apartment

Rod:    Welcome to another edition of “How to Build Lifetime Cashflow through Real Estate Investing.” I’m Rod Khleif and I am thrilled you’re here. And I’m really excited to talk to the gentleman, the young gentleman that we’re interviewing today. His name is Anthony Metzger and Anthony’s first deal, you know, we have lots of people that come on the show that started with a house, started with a duplex, started with a fourplex. Well, Anthony’s first deal was a 218-unit apartment complex. So, we are gonna dig into that. Welcome to the show brother.

Anthony:          Thanks Rod. Really appreciate being interviewed on the world’s most popular Real Estate Investing Podcast. It is an honor and I want to say thank you and I appreciate everything you’re doing. All the content you put out has really helped me and thousands of other people accomplish their dreams and improve their businesses. So, I want to say, I appreciate everything you’re doing.

Rod:    Well, that’s really kind of you to say that my friend. Yeah. And so, step back, you’ve got kind of an interesting background involving wine and French and everything else. So, step back and tell us a little bit about your journey and just how you ended up buying a 218-unit complex as your first deal. Because most people, you know, they have to build that, I mean, you’re not Grant Cardone. Grant Cardone goes big or goes home. But, you know, most people they start, they have a courage muscle that, you know, they do that house that does it then they do that duplex. Then it’s a 10-unit and then maybe 100-unit but 218 right out of the gate. So, please take us back and then feed into that.

Anthony:          Sure! Be happy to. So, my story right out of high school actually got into the wine industry. So, I got into the wine business. Went over to France straight from high school and studied to be a sommelier. Worked in a restaurant as a sommelier. Over there, got an internship. Then I got more into wine making. Traveling the world, making wine, you know. It’s a good way to travel the world and have it, you know, and then working while you’re doing it and having fun while you’re doing it. So, a lot of wine making. A lot of drinking wine. A lot of different countries. So, that was pretty much my 20s was all wine. I went to school in Napa Valley for three years. So, wine was definitely my 20s. Then after my last excursion around the world, doing what I was doing at the end was wine documentaries. So, if you actually go to YouTube, you can search my wine documentary. I did in South Africa, for example, just type in “The pink grape South Africa wine documentary” and I’ll pop up. But, so, I did that for a while and then I came home. Kind of, you know, tired from all the travels. Wanted to kind of, you know, flip the page. Kind of figure something out that’s more. Because the thing is, I’ve always been an entrepreneur and I really, really want to be rich and wealthy. And I wasn’t finding that in the wine business or as many opportunities. Sure, there are people that do it. But, for me, there was nothing that seemed to click, as far as doing that. So, when I came home, I did some reflecting and started listening to like, podcasts, like yours. I read the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” book. Started to mindshift a little bit and, you know, often I started thinking, you know, let’s start getting into apartment investing because I love it. I mean, it’s in the name of your podcast, “Cashflow” and I love that idea. I love passive ideas. I love that I can understand it. You know, it’s a simple industry, simple topic, real estate investing? Not easy, but simple. And it’s something that I was able to wrap my head around and understand. And there’s so much great content out there. Like your podcast, that educates people like me into figuring out how can we get into the industry and how can we move forward. So, late 20s got into, started listening to podcasts. Then I found a group. So, this is, so then now we’re getting into how I did my first deal. So, I did, I went from as Rod said, zero to 218-units in one deal. I mean, I’ve never even purchased a single-family home on my own. This is the first real estate deal I’ve ever done. So, how did I do that? I got educated with podcast books and then I found out what you can do because I have no money, no experience. At the time I’m in my late 20s. So, what I did is I, from getting educated, is I found out that you can do what’s called a multi-family syndication. And a syndication is essentially finding a team of people to buy an apartment building together, and then raising private money to do that. And so, again, no connections to private money and no education or experience in asset managing. So, what I did is, I found a group, a private equity group of guys and I approached them from and I said, you know, I want to do deals. You guys are doing deals. Right now, it’s harder to find a great deal than it is to find private money. So, I said, how can I add value to you guys? And it’s pretty obvious. Find us a deal and bring that deal to us. And if we like it, if it meets our criteria, we will partner with you on it. And that’s what they said to me, and I said, you know what? That is, I’ll take it.

Rod:    Let me stop you for a second. Just because you’ve said so many awesome things. You know, this business is simple but you’re right it’s not easy. Okay? You actually have to work it, yes. You have to get up early, stay up late, do what it takes to make it happen. But what’s so awesome about what you did, I mean, I teach this stuff and you just did it, you know, organically is you look to add value. You know, you look at what your superpower might be and you don’t focus on your weaknesses. Be it analysis, be it, you know, as operations asset manager. You’ve never done it before, but you can go make relationships and talk to brokers and find deals. So, you hammered in on how you could add value and that’s how you approach this group and that’s the best way to do these guys, you don’t have to wear all the hats. You figure out, you know, maybe you’re analytical and you’re great at analysis. So, you bring that to the table. Maybe you’re like Anthony, who was obviously a people person. How he used to push wine on people. So, you’re definitely a people person and so you’re going out there making relationships. You know, maybe you’re the, you know, you’re the operations. Maybe you’ve worked in a business where you’re in project management. You’re great with operations. You bring that to that table. So, there’s so many ways to get into. Maybe you’ve got a high net worth and some liquidity and you bring your resume to the table or you put up the at-risk capital, the earnest money, you know, the third-party report costs, the finance charges. You know, so there’s so many ways to get into a team. But guys, you know this is a team sport. So, I just want to add, you know, just wanted to hammer home what you did. That you focused on what you’re good at and that’s what you brought to the table. So, how did you find the deal? Tell us about that.

Anthony: Sure thing. So, once I got the “Okay, go find us a deal.” What I did is, I learned their criteria. I learned how to underwrite. I learned their tool in which they used to analyze deals. And keep in mind, Rod and everybody, that when I started doing this, I wasn’t on a payroll. This was after I got home from my nine to five job. I would go to my apartment and I would educate myself. I would analyze deals. I practice on deals. I call brokers. This is all after I just put in an eight, nine-hour shift at work. So, I think Robert talks about in his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” where the lesson was, work for assets, work for an outcome, don’t just focus on working for money. And that’s exactly what I did to achieve this 218-unit.

Rod:    Let me interject something guys. I’m seeing him. If you’re on iTunes, you’re not seeing him right now. Well, behind him he’s got a, he’s got the cashflow game sitting on his table. He’s got a hat that says “Cashflow”, and you’ve got Benjamin Franklin, it looks like, and Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington on the wall behind you. I freaking love it. Got an awesome backdrop. But what you said is so profound because, and of course, so many people’s lives have been changed by Kiyosaki’s books about not working for money and having money work for you, but you got the memo. So, you got yourself educated. You know, you made sure you were bringing deals and the parameters that these guys wanted them in. You found some, you know, they got some software to do that and there’s lots of great software out there. You can do this work, guys. And that’s what you brought to the table. So, you’re evaluating, you’re learning, you’re growing. What’s next?

Anthony:          Right. So, once I got to go ahead to get started. I did, I spent a year and a half analyzing deals.

Rod:    Wow!

Anthony:          Before I found this one deal.

Rod:    Wow!

Anthony:          So, that’s a year and a half of going home after work analyzing deals. A year and a half of educating myself. A year and a half of not getting paid to do this work. All in all, to reach an outcome. So, my goal was to do my first deal. That is my goal at the time, when I first get started. So, I just, you know, it’s like this book, I do the miracle morning and there’s this book I’m reading, part of it called “The One Thing”

Rod: Gary Keller. Yeah, Gary Keller. I had this; I had the co-author on my podcast. Awesome book.

Anthony: Awesome! Right, and so what I, so here my one.

Rod: By the way, we didn’t let you say it. It’s “The One Thing”, the book, “The One Thing”, Gary Keller. Forgive me, I could see it but you guys listening couldn’t.

Anthony: All right. Right, so in that book and like, you know, from hearing your podcasts. So, I focus on my one thing. My one thing was, do my first deal. So then, I backtrack from that. How do I do it? I network with this GP group; this private equity group and I educate myself when I analyze deals. So, those were the three paths on my roadmap to achieve my goal. And so, a year and a half of analyzing deals on my own time after work.

Rod: So, did you get frustrated? Did you get it? Did you talk about, guys, I want to talk about this. You’ve heard me talk about this before. It’s that first deal, it’s always the hardest. You call it the law of the first deal, whatever you want to call it. Where, you know, it takes the longest. It’s the hardest. It’s the most frustrating. It’s the most stressful and then once it’s done, you’re like, “Was that all there was? Sure, I got this.” And boom! And I see my students all the time. They get, you know, it takes eight months a year. Maybe a year and a half, like in your case, to get that first deal. Then next thing I know, they’ve got hundreds, maybe a thousand doors. This is crazy. It happens, It’s like clockwork. But anyway, so talk about the journey itself.

Anthony: Sure.

Rod: How did you maintain your focus and your motivation when you got discouraged? Because a year and a half is a pretty good chunk of time.

Anthony: It is. And I did get close on a few deals during that time. They did not work out, you know, I got to a point where we agreed on a price on a deal and actually couldn’t agree on the terms and the purchase agreement. And that was heartbreaking for me, because I had gone and this was out of state. I went and I walked the property, I was so excited. This is gonna be my first deal. Hearts pounding out of the chest and then it all came crashing down as quick as, you know, just really fast. So, how do I recover from something like that? How does someone recover and keep motivated? You know, after that, when I did take a step back and reevaluate it, I mean, you have to at that point but

Rod: Okay.

Anthony: I looked at all my options. I realized this, there’s just too much precordium. I mean, you’re telling, in your podcast, you’re telling about all the stories, this works. So, I can’t give up on the first one. You gotta be anti-fragile. You gotta get back up. You gotta keep going. And one thing, so part of my miracle morning too is I wrote down my “why” and my “purpose”. And so, while you’re on this journey, you’ve got to have a “why” and a “purpose in life”. And that will help you get through these tough times.

Rod: What’s your “why”, by the way? You said you want to be rich and wealthy. Why do you want to be rich and wealthy?

Anthony: I’ll read you my “why” and “purposes” in a paragraph. “My why and my purpose is to become financially successful and free so that I can own and control my life and my time. This will allow me to chase my spiritual purpose in life which is to have a healthy and beautiful family. As well as to create positive impactful art via the creation of documentaries, as well as writing books, coaching, and creating a school.”

Rod: Oh, I freaking love that brother! And you know what? Success is inevitable because power moves to those that serve and your “why” is not about you. It’s about adding value. I freaking love that. Are you single? Kids? Married? What’s your story?

Anthony: I’m single. Yep. I’m great.

Rod: All right ladies, all right ladies. You heard it. This guy’s going places. I love it. I love it.

Anthony:          Give me a few more years to achieve that and then I’ll be good to go.

Rod:    Okay. Okay. Now listen, you’re well on the way. So, you know, so you found the deal. You brought it to the group. It made sense and you closed on it. And, I know, you’ve done a smaller deal since then. You got a fourplex and you’re, you know, you’re on the way. And what are you doing now? Are you out there doing any other pieces of this business? Are you building relationships with potential investors, brokers? Talk about what’s next. What are you doing now?

Anthony:          Sure. So, I’ve done the first deal. And now, and then, I’ve, I house hacked a fourplex with my acquisition fee. Now I’m on to the next step which is, build my investor network which I’m currently doing. I’ve also got other partners since doing this deal. I’ve met other people that are also doing deals. And so, I’ve got other GPs I can bring deals to. I can now bring money to their deals.

Rod:    How are you building your investor’s list?

Anthony:          So, I’m actually just starting that process, you know.

Rod:    Let’s talk about, let’s talk about that for a minute.

Anthony:          Yeah.

Rod:    So, guys. There’s so many ways you can do this, that you can build reach. I mean, I’ve got warriors, my students are called “warriors”. I’ve got warriors that, probably three, probably two or three dozen that have started podcasts for example and I’ve helped them do that. You can start a meetup group. I think, I’ve, I was the impetus for the largest group of meetups there is out there right now. You can do a LinkedIn channel. You can do a YouTube channel, you know, Instagram. I’ve got this, a young kid that I connected with his partner that’s killing it on Instagram in this business. So, there’s so many ways you can create that reach to maximize what you’re doing. So, it’s not just one-on-one. So, have you thought about that Anthony? Have you thought about a vehicle?

Anthony:          Yeah. So, the way I’m starting is, I’m starting from the center. From the, you know, network of friends and family. So, I’m starting there now I am gonna, I am creating a website, social media, and all that. And then I’m gonna pitch my product which is real estate investing and the returns we’re giving. And now I have an example to show which is this.

Rod:    Okay. Let me. Can I give you some feedback?

Anthony:          Absolutely!

Rod:    Don’t mind. Okay. If you pitch your product, you’re not going to get anybody. What you’re gonna do is add value. Think about how you can add value through education, through sharing what you spent a year and a half freaking learning.

Anthony:          Right.

Rod:    And when you do that, then people will listen. And then, you know, like my first couple of years in this, first year in a podcast. I used to do 30-day. I’m sorry 30-day, 30-minute free phone calls to anybody could call me for whatever. I’m not gonna sell you anything. We’re just talking, hundreds of them. And like I said, we just broke nine million downloads. So, you know, it but I didn’t, in fact I used to tell people I first started practicing, I’ll never sell you anything. Now, I’m a freaking liar, you know, I hit a million dollars like, a million dollars like, maybe I better do something with this, you know. And so, now, you know, the rest is history. But the point is, anybody that adds consistent value, success is inevitable. And so, that would be my, and this is not just me telling you. This is for everybody that’s listening.

Anthony:          I appreciate it.

Rod:    You know, if you, to build reach in this business, its social media is so freaking amazing. I mean, nine million downloads. I mean, who would have thought that? It’s just crazy. My YouTube channel, got watched 30,000 hours last year. It’s just unthinkable. That’s what’s possible and you can do it with TikTok. I don’t know a damn thing about that but there’s so many platforms now that you can utilize to create this reach and do it so fast. You don’t need hundreds of thousands of people. You get a few hundred that are listening to you weekly, adding value to them? They’re gonna want to work with you. And so, anyway, thank you for letting me rant but but I wanted to share that in light of what we were just talking about here. So, I’m sorry.

Anthony:          I appreciate it. Yeah. And you know, I’m just getting into this now. I’m just flipping the page into raising and growing my private network of money to investors. So, this is, I love hearing it

Rod:    Yeah. Just give, give, give, give. That’s all it takes. I just interviewed one of my students for the first time that I met two years ago. She had lost her husband. And when I met her, she was this shy, scared, you know, really fragile human being. Beautiful soul though. And now she’s in a thousand doors, you know, and just a completely different person. She runs this women’s mastermind, it’s just incredible! She’s created that, she’s done this and created that reach. And so, you know, there’s so many ways to do it. I said, she did a mastermind. She did this online Facebook group. There’s 500 women in it now. I mean, it’s fantastic. So, so many ways that you can add value and build this thing. But that’s the secret is, pick something you enjoy doing, okay? So, if you like doing video, it looks like you’d be good at video. Maybe you do video. If you’re a writer, do a blog or go on LinkedIn and do posts. If you’re, you know, if you’re more auditory, do a podcast. You can do audio only and I don’t recommend it. You should do audio-visual cause you can throw it on YouTube too. I was blown away. We just threw the podcast episodes on YouTube and it was like 30,000 hours. I’m like, holy crap! And we’re gonna exceed that this year. But so, just pick the medium that you’re, that you feel comfortable with, the best with. And that’s the one you use to add value but you could just teach the things you’ve learned. You know, it’s so simple and by doing that, you’re perceived as, from a position of authority. Like, you know, if you start a meetup, you fake it till you make it. You act as if, you know, and that’s how, you know, people will, you know, even though maybe you’re just a host and you bring in guests? They’re gonna think you’re an expert because you’re the one put the thing together. Right?

Anthony:          Right.

Rod:    I’ll stop ranting. So, that’s what’s next for you, is finding investors, building that investor network, continue to build relationships, you know.

Anthony:          That’s right. That’s right because I have a lot of great relationships right now. And people that are doing deals, GPs that are doing deals. And, you know, there’s a deal right now that’s being done. I could be a part of this deal but I need to start bringing, I need to, the way I’m gonna add value in a deal like this that I didn’t find, is bringing private money to the deal.

Rod:    Right. You’ve got to bring equity. And guys, just do you know, you can’t just bring equity to a deal. You also have to, you also have to play an active role and I know you know this Anthony.

Anthony:          Yeah.

Rod:    But, let me ask you this buddy. You know, you mean, you’re not like real old. You’re 31 years old but, you know, with what you know now, would you have done anything differently or do you feel like you’ve done this just in the right sequence for yourself?

Anthony:          You know, it seemed. What would I have done differently? You know, I was so focused to getting that first deal that I did. One thing very, you know, is that the best way you know to spend a year and a half? Maybe. Maybe not. But, moving forward like, I just did this house hack on this fourplex. That took so much time and focus. Now going back, I would have done it again but it took me out of so many other bigger opportunities, you know, like I said I’m just starting to get into raising private equity. Well, I did my first big deal a year ago. This house that took me eight months, believe it or not.

Rod:    Right. And it says, same amount of work for four units as it is for 218.

Anthony:          That’s right.

Rod:    And guys, I hope you hear that. And I mean, here’s the proof of it. So

Anthony:          Exactly. You know, going back, I would have liked to have hit the gates for running with raising private money a little earlier. Definitely.

Rod:    Oh yeah. Yeah. That’s a good one. Yeah, for sure. Start building those relationships. Okay. Love it. Any, you know, roadblocks that you come up against that you might suggest people watch out for?

Anthony:          Sure. So, like, when I did. Okay. So, when I was bringing, trying to bring a deal to a private group, one thing that never actually clicked in my mind was you could spend all the time in the world finding a deal. And then, you finally put it on a team and you go to bring it to this group. Well, this group is, by the way, they’re on vacation. They can’t get back to you for a week. Or, they just did a deal they’re not doing any more deals till the end of the year or till early next year. So, and in my mind that didn’t click cause that kind of, I got close to that kind of a scenario with this one team. So, it would be nice to have multiple partners to bring a potential deal to. So, if you have a deal, you bring it to one partner, “It’s not a good fit right now. I just closed on a deal” Okay. Go and let’s pitch it to another partner. So, having multiple avenues in which to bring a deal to, is definitely, would have definitely helped.

Rod:    True. And that’s why you build relationships, guys. As you go out there, you go to these live events and, you know, the student that I was just talking about that I just interviewed. She’s been to like, the last six of my live events because, and that’s, you know, the most. My most successful lawyers are the ones that are the most connected. You build those relationships and you’ve got multiple opportunities to pitch deals. And so, very, very important. Let me ask you this buddy, what did you have to give up because, you know, progress requires sacrifice. What did you have to sacrifice to, you know, to be where you are today?


Anthony:          Sure. So, going back to the year and a half journey of after work, going and analyzing deals. There’s a lot of sacrifice in that, in, you know, you’re not going home and visiting your parents and your younger siblings as often as you would probably like. I definitely sacrificed a lot of traveling. My 20s was all traveling. I haven’t done really good, solid, consistent traveling when that’s something I absolutely love, you know.

Rod:    I actually missed, right now. With all the crap going on, but.

Anthony:          Right.

Rod:    We did sneak over to Mexico a couple times but I’d love to go back to Europe. And you know, anyway, yes.

Anthony: Yeah. And that’s exactly it, you know. So, exchanging, you know, sacrificing the time of doing some of the pleasures in life to buckling down and working and looking at spreadsheets and stuff. And it’s like, do I really want to do this? I just want to go have a beer with the boys. Or, I just want to go on that trip that my brother and his wife are going on. Or, you know, I want to go and buy this, the new car but, no. So, you got to make those sacrifices and again, you know, I’m like you pointed out earlier. I’m single. I’m 31. I kind of associate that with also sacrifice. You know, relationships and for me and stuff. I know there’s more successful people than me obviously in relationships. But for me getting off the ground, a relationship is time and its money.

Rod:    All right. All right. I’m gonna smack you. I’m sorry. I’m just gonna have to.

Anthony:          I mean, a girlfriend. That’s kind of what I’m talking about.

Rod:    All right. I know what you’re talking about. And what I’m gonna smack you about is, when you study successful people like I have, is what you’re going to find that almost all of them have long-term relationships and why? Because you’re grounded. Why? Because you’re not out there catting around. Why? Because relationships are an emotion magnifier. It’s like the movie, Jerry Maguire. When Cuba Gooding Jr, you know, won the football game and it was like he had nobody to share that with it. You’re able to share the magic and the incredible moments. And you’re able to have someone help you hold you up when you really need it. And so, I’m going to encourage you not to let that be a step child anymore my friend. Okay? And anybody listening in the same situation, again, this is not me picking on you. This is hopefully, you know, adding value to the whole listener base here. But relationships are so important and intimate relationships, I’m talking about here. And so, sorry but I had to use that opportunity.

Anthony:          I understand too. I understand what you’re saying and where you come from. And obviously, there’s the most successful.

Rod:    It’s a commitment. But listen brother, you are young. There’s 24 hours in a day. There’s not you, there’s no reason you can’t. I’ve got students that have retired from very high paying W-2 jobs with families, with kids, with full-time jobs, and we’re able to pull this off and on thousands of doors in just literally a couple of years. So, you know, it’s absolutely doable my friend. Seriously. And I would encourage you to think about it. Not push it off. People say now, wait till I’ve got this or this or maybe, you know, there I’m achieving to be happy. And I’m going to tell you, it’s much better to happily achieve and you’ll get further faster. So, let me ask you this, a couple more questions. Number one, you know, if you’re gonna give some advice to someone new, you know, who hasn’t taken action yet. What might you tell that person? Somebody that’s, you know, been looking at this. Been listening to my podcast. Hasn’t done anything yet. What might you tell that person?

Anthony:          You know, one thing is, that I really like to help me was write down your “why” and your “purpose”. Yeah. Start working on your mindset. Start developing your mindset to create that sort of internal flame of motivation and not give up. And once you can work on self-improving and all that stuff then find what kind of business avenue you want to go down. Like, for me, I did. I want to do my first deal. How can I do that syndication? How do I get to my first deal? I work from the first deal back. There was the three avenues networking, analyzing deals and educating myself. So, definitely mindset stuff. Writing down your purpose. Educate yourself and then find something you want to work towards. And then, once you figure that out, start implementing a plan to achieve that goal and do what the book says, “focus on the one thing” you know, focus on that one thing to figure out and then from there, you take the next step forward. That’s what I would do. Mindset and find your one thing.

Rod:    Love it. Love it. Love it. So, let me ask you this. What do you think is the, I’m gonna ask you the best and the worst. What do you think is the, first, the best. What do you think’s the best advice? Well, let’s start with the worst. What’s the worst advice you think you’ve ever gotten about business, about real estate, about life, and anything? Well, if you ever had somebody tell you something like, you know, money doesn’t grow on trees or any, you know, any limiting belief systems that have been shoved on you. Anything like that.

Anthony:          Yeah. I mean, you know, that’s like the typical standard way that the, you know, the chickens think, is they, thinking that in those terms like in a reference, Roberts book again, you know, you’ve got the chickens and the eagles. He talks about it in his book “Fake”, his latest book. And so, you gotta almost, you’re gonna get all that stuff. I’ve gotten everything, you know, all that stuff you’re talking about even it goes back to when we’re all in school, you know. How they, how they educate you and how they try and push you off into the real world. And that’s how, that’s when my real education began. Is, when I left school because that’s when I, traveling the world got to improve my people skills. Right? By actually going out there and doing things. That’s how I made my French fluent, was actually by going to France and living there. So, yeah. You get all those, you can get discouraging things but you’ve got to stand guard. You gotta stand guard at your mind and filter out what you think is bad. But, yeah. All the typical.

Rod:    Love it. Love it. So, parlez-vous français?

Anthony:          Oui

Rod:    Oui. That’s all I know how to say. It’s probably and I’m in the taxi and the cab drivers ask me something I say, “Si, si.” I’m like, I’m hopeless when it comes to other languages. My dad spoke five but I didn’t get that memo. All right, love it. So, how about the best advice you’ve ever gotten brother?

Anthony:          The best advice is literally just coming from podcasts like yours. Just listening and the best advice from podcasts like yours is that it opens up my mind to thinking differently. Opens up my mind to different opportunities. Things I didn’t think about before. Maybe something I heard before but it never processed the same as when all of a sudden, I heard someone as influential as yourself say it. So, the best advice really comes for me, is books and podcasts.

Rod:    Yeah.

Anthony:          And there’s a ton of different things, you know, that are motivating and informative to me. The list is unlimited, you know. Just go listen to your podcast.

Rod:    Love it. Love it. Love it. And, you know, and go deeper though guys. You know, I do these two-day live events. They’re $97. I don’t sell anything. It’s kind of a no-brainer. If you get them early enough, they’re $97. Otherwise, it goes up a little bit but, you know, be it me or anybody else there’s lots of resources out there to learn this business. But, you know, I believe there is the soup is about to hit the fan and there’s going to be some real opportunities in this business. And so, you know, learning it as fast as you can. So, you are able to capitalize on what I think is an incredible opportunity that’s coming is, is really a big piece of this as well. Well listen, Anthony, it’s been a real delight to meet you and you are definitely going places. And it was very much a pleasure to have you on my show my friend.

Anthony:          Thank you, Rod. It’s an honor to be on your show. Again, the world’s most popular Real Estate Investing Podcast. I mean, just for me to be able to say I’ve been on that is pretty awesome. So, thanks for having me and I appreciate all the value you’re adding to everybody in the world.