Annie Dickerson is a seasoned real estate investing expert with over a decade of experience, and has been honored as the Real Estate Investor of the Year by the Motley Fool. She co-founded Goodegg Investments with Julie Lam, earning recognition as North America’s Best Real Estate Syndication Company by Build Magazine. Their firm has managed over $1.4 billion in commercial real estate investments, benefiting countless investors nationwide. Renowned authors and hosts of the Life & Money Show podcast, Annie and Julie also created the acclaimed Real Estate Accelerator mentorship program, empowering individuals to raise private capital for their real estate ventures.
Here’s some of the topics we covered:
- From Teaching 4th Graders to Real Estate Investing 00:00
- Annie’s Diverse Career Path 6:44
- The Life-Changing Call with Rod 13:39
- Discovering the World of Syndications 18:23
- Embracing a Passion for Real Estate Investing 26:27
- The Power of Vulnerability in Your Journey 34:50
- How Your “Why” Evolves Over Time 37:24
- Understanding Mind Movies and Their Benefits 43:17
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Full Transcript Below
00:00:36:05 – 00:00:55:04
Welcome to another edition of Lifetime Cash Flow through Real Estate Investing. I’m Rod Cleef, and I am thrilled that you’re here and you are going to get tremendous value from the Rock star that we’re interviewing today. Her name is Andy Dickerson, and I had the pleasure of being on her podcast. I don’t remember when, but it’s been a while, but, she’s a a ball of fire.
00:00:55:04 – 00:01:06:03
She’s a hoot. Her and her partner, Julie Lamm, co-founded a company called Good Egg Investments. They’re in over 8000 units, and we are going to have a lot of fun today. Welcome to the show, Andy.
00:01:06:04 – 00:01:09:27
Thank you. Rod. What a treat here. What a treat. Yeah.
00:01:09:29 – 00:01:19:27
So, well, let’s have you start like we always do. Just tell us your story because you’ve got a very interesting story. Fourth grade teacher.
00:01:19:27 – 00:01:20:14
Oh, man.
00:01:20:15 – 00:01:23:00
And now you got 8000 freaking doors. Holy cow.
00:01:23:01 – 00:01:47:12
I never in a million years would have imagined that I would be sitting here talking about real estate investing, of all things. I mean, I was an immigrant to this country, got here when I was four years old, from from China, just born in Beijing. Wow. And, so, you know, all my upbringing, my parents were focused on get straight A’s, go to an Ivy League school, and I did all that, and I thought, okay, well, now I’ve made it.
00:01:47:14 – 00:02:03:28
I’ve done all the things. Now I should have that life that I want. And I started out, as you mentioned, as a fourth grade teacher with teacher teach for America, had big dreams of helping to close the achievement gap, the opportunity gap, and, taught in inner city schools outside of Washington DC.
00:02:03:28 – 00:02:05:00
No kidding. Wow.
00:02:05:01 – 00:02:19:18
Who talk about front lines? It was, yeah, it was quite an experience, eye opening experience. And from there I decided I wanted to go into, game design. So I wanted to make educational games.
00:02:19:18 – 00:02:33:15
You told me that earlier in the two. Just that just is not a parallel and the reason I say that is typically someone that’s a teacher, it’s typically not a super analytical role.
00:02:33:15 – 00:02:34:01
00:02:34:01 – 00:02:36:07
And game design is pretty analytical.
00:02:36:07 – 00:02:40:03
Can be there’s the well, there’s the creative side and the analytical.
00:02:40:05 – 00:02:41:23
Okay. So you’re on the creative side.
00:02:41:23 – 00:03:03:06
Well, yes. I would say more. So on the creative side, it’s funny because, you know, here I am, fourth grade teacher, straight A’s all my, my life. And the last video game that I had played when I went back to school to study game design was Super Mario Brothers. And so I was only used to a couple of buttons on one controller.
00:03:03:06 – 00:03:27:14
And, I went to school with all these guys who had been playing games their whole lives, had a controller attached to their hand, the claws, you know, they’re pale because they’ve been inside all day. And, you know, we had these playtesting labs and where we’d play games and analyze them and all their characters on screen would be like sniper quality, you know, going around the corners and very tight turns.
00:03:27:16 – 00:03:45:01
And here my character’s just bob and it’s head up and down because I’m like, wait, this controller has two joysticks. What does that mean? And so it was quite a learning experience. But that actually that’s a you’ll see that that’s a theme in my story, putting myself in places where I was outside of my comfort zone.
00:03:45:01 – 00:03:53:13
Oh, I love it. You know, if you ever want the if you I don’t know if you’ve ever had the humiliating experience of playing a young child, video game that they shark, you win.
00:03:53:13 – 00:03:53:24
Oh, yeah.
00:03:53:27 – 00:04:03:02
And you’re humiliated by a seven year old or an eight year old. Yeah. Okay, so I feel your pain. So, so please continue game design.
00:04:03:04 – 00:04:10:06
So, you know, it was so I should mention that along this time, real estate was something in the background.
00:04:10:08 – 00:04:11:06
So it was kind of there.
00:04:11:06 – 00:04:34:12
But she was kind of there, but not really anything front and center. What had happened was my husband, I got married right out of college. We were 23. And, you know, we went down the checklist, get married. What’s next? House? We got to buy a house. So we were living in when we were living in DC, we decided to buy a house, but we were in our young 20s, so we thought, let’s buy a condo or a loft.
00:04:34:12 – 00:04:58:10
Something trendy and cool, right? And thankfully we had a realtor talk some sense into us and he said, you know, a condo or a loft would be great, but in DC there’s a lot of these row homes and a lot of these row homes not have not one, but they have two units, and you could live in one unit and you could rent out the other house.
00:04:58:12 – 00:05:27:26
And he said, and I’ll never forget this. He said, if you play your cards right, someday you could get that to be cash flow positive. And because I had grown up, my parents never bought a house. We rented all their lives. I of I know real estate investors around me, and when he said those words cash flow positive, I thought, Holy cow, I have no idea what that means, but I want that in my life, right?
00:05:27:29 – 00:05:55:10
So he has had two properties in DC. We started naming them after the alphabet. So we had Alpha and Bravo and then when we moved to California, we had Charlie and Delta. Okay, keep it simple. Goal was to get all the way to Zulu. Wow. And so, but once we moved to California, where we are now in the military, no, just, you know, the thing is, people ask me all that time because I moved around a lot.
00:05:55:12 – 00:06:19:14
Went from Beijing to Iowa, new Jersey, Memphis, Philly, DC, Vancouver, and now Bay area. People ask me all the time, oh, military family. No, it turns out so when I was growing up, my dad, my dad changed jobs a number of times. And it turns out that’s genetic, because then I changed up and ready to. Yeah. but, you know, so the house hacking thing was something we did in the background.
00:06:19:14 – 00:06:20:29
That was your teaser, your taste.
00:06:20:29 – 00:06:43:13
It was. But it was never something I thought I would take seriously or something that I would focus on. I was over here, goody two shoes, trying to climb the corporate ladder, going from, you know, teaching to game design. And then I went into instructional design, creating trainings for companies. And but the thing is, in the ten years after college, I had nine different jobs.
00:06:43:16 – 00:07:03:21
Wow. Trying to fit myself in here and there. I realize now I supposed to be an entrepreneur all along, but at the time I was like, oh, this is just not the right job. Let me find the next one. Let me find the next one. And right around this time, we were living in the Bay area. we had young kids at the time, I think, you know, four and one around that time.
00:07:03:23 – 00:07:20:02
And my husband, when we moved to the Bay area, he became a real estate agent. We had both been in tech, but we moved to the Bay area and he’s like, honey, I’m going into real estate. And my first thought was, well, I guess if you’re going into real estate, I can’t go into real estate. We can’t both.
00:07:20:02 – 00:07:43:22
We can’t be that couple. So mentally crossed real estate off my list. but, you know, a few years into his business, he was doing very well. He asked me to help with his business. I was reluctant, but then I said, okay, fine. I read a book or two, and in the process I. I decided that I would redesign his website because that was within my wheelhouse.
00:07:43:25 – 00:08:07:25
So in that process, then I discovered he wanted to help people who were like, I was kind of starting out investing in real estate, and this is how little I knew about marketing at the time. I said, well, I think there’s this thing called content marketing. I think it was it was like, write some blog posts or something for you, put them on your website, and then people come and learn about it, and then they’ll work with you.
00:08:07:27 – 00:08:29:17
And so that was the gateway, because once I started researching and looking into this real estate investing thing, all of the pieces of the puzzle started to come together for me, because what I realized then was, wait a second, this could be my key. Forget about my husband’s business if I just. I did some back of the napkin math.
00:08:29:17 – 00:08:42:11
I said if I just invested in X number of doors, all cash flowing this amount, then I could replace my salary. I don’t have to work for get nine jobs in ten years. When was this work at all? When was this? This was 2017.
00:08:42:11 – 00:08:43:06
00:08:43:09 – 00:09:03:11
2017. And at the time we only had those four house hacks that we had done. We still had them all those duplexes. and I thought, okay, forget the Bay area, it’s too expensive here. And we had young kids. Kids have a lot of stuff. I was like, we don’t want to keep moving around. Let me look somewhere else.
00:09:03:13 – 00:09:10:12
But I had no idea. I literally it was like I pulled up one of those maps of the whole United States. I said, well, if not here.
00:09:10:19 – 00:09:12:24
Where does your finger drop?
00:09:12:27 – 00:09:22:16
Ultimately, after a lot of digging, a lot of research, looking at a lot of lists, I ended up in Huntsville, Alabama.
00:09:22:18 – 00:09:23:20
Interesting choice.
00:09:23:20 – 00:09:49:00
Which was a at the time. It was a great time to get into Huntsville. It was right on the upswing. And what got me into Huntsville, and this is something I still use, when we’re looking at markets to this day, even for large multifamily. I read Dave Lindell’s book, Emerging Real Estate Markets. And I remember, you know, beyond the job growth, job diversity, population growth, landlord friendly, all that’s a given.
00:09:49:03 – 00:10:14:09
The one thing he mentioned was that that made me pick Huntsville was he said, it’s great to find a market where there’s a natural barrier to growth. That’s why the coastal markets do so well, because at some point you can’t keep building as oceans there or the mountain ranges there. Right. And Huntsville, unlike a lot of other, markets in the, in the southeast or in Texas, Huntsville has, the Redstone Arsenal.
00:10:14:11 – 00:10:29:09
And if you pull up a map of Huntsville, you’ll see that just catty corner to downtown Huntsville. There’s this huge swath of land, the Redstone Arsenal, it’s government land. So the military is there, the FBI is there. And you can’t.
00:10:29:09 – 00:10:29:21
00:10:29:21 – 00:10:50:29
Right. And so I knew I looked at the job growth numbers, and I knew there was a ton of growth coming to the area. But at some point they weren’t going to be able to to build anymore. And sure enough, you know, we we went from having nothing out of state to within one year, actually less than one year, probably within 3 or 4 months.
00:10:50:29 – 00:11:08:16
Because here’s the thing. When you’re of the Bay area and you call basically any broker in any other market, it seems like everything’s on fire sale. And so this broker that I talked to, I said, well, what do you got? You know, I’m looking for small multifamily. And at the time he said, well, we have these four plexus.
00:11:08:16 – 00:11:15:12
They’re about $200,000. And I said, what do you mean for like the down payment? Right, right.
00:11:15:17 – 00:11:18:09
And you get that reaction from anybody from California. Yeah.
00:11:18:10 – 00:11:33:25
Okay. Yeah. I was like, okay, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll take out all of them. Give me all you got. So we pretty quickly, amassed a small portfolio of I think around 25 doors in Huntsville. Okay. And I thought,
00:11:33:28 – 00:11:50:16
Did you fly out there and look at these things, or did you just buy them sight unseen or because Huntsville’s. I mean, if you were going to look at the map, Huntsville is not even halfway across. Oh, I mean, it’s I mean, it’s way more than halfway across. Yeah. Right. So so it’s it’s, you know, there’s lower hanging, you know, low hanging fruit might have been closer.
00:11:50:16 – 00:11:50:23
00:11:50:23 – 00:12:01:07
Yep. So yep. That’s right. Yes. Yeah I know that now. Okay. but we did ultimately fly out there. But it was only after we bought no kit. The first the.
00:12:01:07 – 00:12:03:04
First guys don’t do that.
00:12:03:08 – 00:12:22:29
Yeah. Okay. Look at that. I Google Street, viewed everything I could, And the first property I bought was actually off of Loop net. Where you okay? Did I? Yeah. Six unit, small property. But here’s what gave me the confidence to invest in it, even though it was sight unseen. Right. Was it was across from this place.
00:12:22:29 – 00:12:45:20
I forget the name of it now. but it was an old middle school that they had closed down and they had renovated the entire inside, and they had shops and eateries. They had an ax throwing place. And this is back in, you know, 2017, early 2018. And I thought, what is this doing in Huntsville, Alabama? This is the kind of place that you’d see in San Francisco.
00:12:45:22 – 00:12:52:09
I thought, this is that path or progress thing that they’re talking about. And the six unit was right across the street from that.
00:12:52:09 – 00:12:53:06
Well, that’s a no brainer.
00:12:53:10 – 00:12:54:15
And so yeah.
00:12:54:18 – 00:12:56:21
The didn’t you make a phone call in 2017.
00:12:56:21 – 00:13:17:09
Why did I, did you know. And so around this time as we were building up this, this small portfolio, I thought, this is what I should focus on. Forget my husband’s business, forget this instructional design thing I’m doing. I should be focusing on this. If I could focus full time on this, imagine where I could take it.
00:13:17:09 – 00:13:29:17
And I wasn’t thinking about multifamily or anything at that time. Just buying properties for myself. And so you were naturally one of the people were you listening to podcast back? I was.
00:13:29:17 – 00:13:35:24
And see guys back then, a lot of people don’t know this. I was taking free phone calls from listeners. Is this one is that what it was?
00:13:35:24 – 00:13:38:09
One of the you know, I actually I reached out to you on Facebook.
00:13:38:12 – 00:13:50:07
You did on Facebook. Okay. Yeah. Because I was taking free phone calls. I do like, I tended 20 a week and I said, I’m not going to sell you anything, but I’ll help you if you need the help. And it really helped me build my podcast. Yeah. So you called me.
00:13:50:07 – 00:14:08:12
Yeah. So I reached out to you and I said, hey, rod, thank you so much for all the value. I have a question for you. I’m thinking about, you know, expanding my real estate portfolio. I really want to focus on that. And at the time, there was just this burning passion in me. And I said, you know, should I should I do it?
00:14:08:15 – 00:14:25:20
I quit my job. I’d been reading all these books about when to make the jump, you know, and I was hoping. I was hoping, right, that you’d say, yeah, quit your job, go after your passion, do it. And of course, you said, nope, not a good idea. Hang on to it. You lenders are going to want to see this.
00:14:25:20 – 00:14:31:26
And I thought, yeah, that’s good practical advice. I should hang on to my job. I should keep my job.
00:14:31:26 – 00:14:33:11
Should we should all over ourselves.
00:14:33:12 – 00:14:36:26
Oh yeah, we sure do. And, she quit.
00:14:36:26 – 00:14:37:25
Her job after that.
00:14:37:26 – 00:14:41:18
Later, one month later, I was out of there. Oh. That’s coming.
00:14:41:20 – 00:14:42:24
nobody listens to rod.
00:14:42:28 – 00:14:47:19
Never done a multifamily syndication before. I quit my job with no net, and,
00:14:47:23 – 00:15:09:15
Wow. No net either. See, that’s what I tell people. And if you’re thinking, which I don’t, even though she’s a huge success, just don’t freaking do it. Here’s why. Okay, now she’s a rock star in. And I call her a unicorn. But, you know, if you quit your job and you don’t have income or you don’t have a net, fear pops up, and what does fear do?
00:15:09:15 – 00:15:26:09
It freaking paralyzes you. Okay. And that’s and I’m sure I said that when I responded, oh, yeah, but, but that’s okay. And it all worked out for you, obviously, but, Oh, that’s funny. I had to have you through that. And just because it was cute when you told me before we started recording. So. Huntsville.
00:15:26:10 – 00:15:29:29
Okay, so you what? You bought some units in Huntsville then? Then what?
00:15:30:02 – 00:15:46:20
So I never intended for this to happen, but I talk a lot about how this business that we’ve built, it seemed to come through me. It didn’t come from me. It was almost like I was struck with, I.
00:15:46:20 – 00:15:47:03
Like that.
00:15:47:03 – 00:16:06:12
Some higher power. Oh, I like that. And so around this time when we were building our portfolio in Huntsville, it was all consuming. So all that I could talk about, every time we’d get together with friends, they’d be like, Annie, what are you up to? What are you doing these days? And I said, you know what?
00:16:06:12 – 00:16:09:08
We’re hoping they’d ask. Yeah, like you were hoping they’d ask what?
00:16:09:11 – 00:16:21:18
Oh my gosh. I’m looking at this market. I’m looking at these properties. And I just got one last week. This is, you know, and because I had that natural passion, people love that no matter what you do, people love that.
00:16:21:20 – 00:16:40:09
They stop you for a second. Let me stop you for a second. I literally just taught this at my warrior event this weekend. When you love what you do, work is play. Yes, and when you love what you do, you never really work another day in your life and it juices you, so you’re passionate about it. And what is required to influence people?
00:16:40:09 – 00:16:40:27
00:16:40:27 – 00:16:41:19
00:16:41:19 – 00:16:59:00
Yeah. So there you go guys. So you know, and I told my students, my warriors, that a few hundred of them here in Sarasota for a two day networking and deep dive in stuff, underwriting and area analysis and, and I told them, if you don’t absolutely love this yet, start associating pleasure with it because you can learn to love anything.
00:16:59:00 – 00:17:13:25
Yeah. But and but I also said, if you can’t learn to love it, for God’s sakes, go do something else. Life’s too short, but learn to love it. And then you’ll be passionate. And then influencing people is so much easier because people want to be around people that are passionate about what they talk about. Anyway, I just want to hammer that piece on, please.
00:17:13:28 – 00:17:39:11
Yeah, so that’s such a great reminder because that that passion just I mean, it consumed everything. And so every time, you know, I go into all this, you know, I love what I’m doing, let me tell you about it. And so naturally people would ask, that’s it. Oh, well, teach me how to do that too. And at the time I wasn’t, you know, having investors invest with me, I was just doing it on my own.
00:17:39:11 – 00:17:57:19
So I said, yeah, no problem. Pull up a chair, let me go through the process. Right. And I go through the, you know, 25 steps, right? You look at the market, you talk to a brokerage property manager, you analyze the you you know, I’m somewhere along the way, inevitably, every time their eyes glaze over. Oh yeah. Yeah. And they’d say you’d lose them.
00:17:57:22 – 00:17:59:12
Oh no no no no.
00:17:59:12 – 00:18:00:17
You mean you actually have to work?
00:18:00:17 – 00:18:17:04
No, that’s not what I want. You misunderstand. No, no, no, I just have this pile of money and I want to put it into real estate. But I don’t want to do that work. Could you just do it for me? You know, you do it. Maybe in the next property that you do, you just. I’ll put some money with you.
00:18:17:06 – 00:18:33:08
And at the time, because I was investing in these $200,000 for plexus, I thought, well, there’s not really that much room in there and I don’t know how to do it. I don’t want to be responsible for people’s money. That’s, you know, if I lose my money, that’s fine. But, you know, I don’t want to be responsible. So I’d say, you know, I’m sorry.
00:18:33:08 – 00:18:58:08
I don’t do that. Good luck. And I had enough of these conversations that one day this epiphany hit me, and I said, wait a second. I’ve been having all these conversations. All these people have the same problem. And if I could just take some time, get beyond my fear around it, and figure out the solution, I could help all these people.
00:18:58:09 – 00:18:59:01
00:18:59:03 – 00:19:15:26
And so and of course, help yourself as well, because you can buy more assets. So just to back up for a second, so you were doing this on your own. You had a big demand because you’re obviously a great communicator and you’re you showing this passion. You had all these people that were like, you know, let me invest with you.
00:19:15:28 – 00:19:23:01
And so, did you get some help? Did you hire a mentor? Because syndications are complex. Yeah. You know, so so I assume you did.
00:19:23:01 – 00:19:45:07
I did so, you know, once I started digging into it first, what happened? Was I the furthest I could see from my vantage point at the time was a JV partnership. So I started looking into that and how the logistics of that worked. And then somewhere my research, the word syndication popped up. And at this time I had been investing in real estate, even in the background, for about ten years.
00:19:45:10 – 00:20:03:19
And it was the first time that I had heard the word syndication. And I started looking into it and I thought, oh my God, this is what I need. This is what I need to help people. And also, I was so angry. I was so enraged that I had never come across this term before. I said, why has this never?
00:20:03:22 – 00:20:23:08
How come I didn’t know that I could passively invest all this time? I thought the only way was to be a landlord. And so once I found out about that, I said, okay, people deserve to know. People deserve to know that it doesn’t matter if they ever invest with me or not. They need to know that this opportunity exists.
00:20:23:08 – 00:20:40:20
And that became a big part of my why. My driving factor is just to get this information out there. And so one of the first things I did was hired a mentor, because I knew this was going to be a very complex undertaking. I was going to be taking other people’s money. I didn’t want to be responsible and make a big mistake.
00:20:40:22 – 00:21:01:02
I wanted to do follow in other people’s footsteps, avoid mistakes. Exactly right. And so I, you know, it was a very small price to pay for a huge amount of value to have somebody, you know, who’s been there before show you the ropes. And, you know, the thing is, you can’t get this from reading a book because you can’t ask the book.
00:21:01:04 – 00:21:20:15
I’ve got this problem with my investor or they said this or I’m a I’m, I’m underwriting this property. This came up, what do I do? The book’s not going to answer you. You got to have a real life person to be able to interact with. And so that was the value of a mentor for me. And I’ve had I can’t even tell you believe in.
00:21:20:15 – 00:21:22:02
Mentors, period. Oh. Oh yeah.
00:21:22:05 – 00:21:28:02
Oh yes. You have mentors right? Person I still do to many, many mentors and coaches over the years.
00:21:28:07 – 00:21:54:03
So, you know, I love what you said. that your mindset was get this opportunity out there. It wasn’t so much self-serving. It was more about, you know, power moves to those who serve and the fact that you approached it from, you know, educating people about the opportunities with investing passively is the reason you’re so freaking successful, because it comes across in everything you say.
00:21:54:03 – 00:22:16:18
And, you know, it’s not self-serving. And so, no, I loved hearing you say that. so, so then you you went through somebody’s program, and, you know, and I and I, by the way, I get people all the time in that same situation. They bought some for plexus. Maybe they have 20, 30. I’ve had guys that have, you know, a few hundred units, but they’ve never syndicated saw themselves.
00:22:16:20 – 00:22:33:05
And they just, you know, it’s intimidating when they realize it’s it’s not that big a deal. You know, that it’s hiring an attorney and dotting i’s, crossing T’s and using a portal and whatnot. You know, we went through quite a bit of it this weekend, with the Warriors. But, but it’s intimidating when you don’t understand it and you don’t know it.
00:22:33:05 – 00:22:57:22
Yeah, right. But I think it’s more intimidating when you don’t think about all the people you could be helping. Yeah, like you’re saying when you when you think about just. Oh, I see I’m scared of this. I don’t want to go through the hassle of this. It is intimidating. It’s daunting. But when you think about the hundreds or thousands of investors that you could help to grow their wealth and help their families and pay it forward, suddenly it doesn’t become such a big deal anymore.
00:22:57:24 – 00:23:19:06
No, I agree, I agree completely, yeah. No, it’s, it’s a it’s a fantastic vehicle. it’s not something you dabble in, right? When you’re dealing with other people’s money. There have been some train wrecks recently with people that have syndicated and lost deals and lost millions of investors capital because they don’t take it seriously. And they made huge mistakes.
00:23:19:06 – 00:23:22:20
And but, no, I love it. So.
00:23:22:23 – 00:23:25:22
So so then I got into syndication. I got.
00:23:25:22 – 00:23:26:14
Into syndication.
00:23:26:14 – 00:23:32:26
I quit my job when I had no, no safety net. Right. Having never done a syndication before.
00:23:32:28 – 00:23:35:08
And I was somebody, I assume.
00:23:35:08 – 00:23:58:24
Yeah. So we got very lucky. I, I quit my job in January of 2018. And literally the very next week I met my, my business partner, Julie Lamb. Oh no kidding. At a we were both in the Bay area at the time, but we met at a conference in Denver and you know, at the time I was thinking, you know, we hadn’t joined forces yet.
00:23:58:24 – 00:24:00:27
She was running her own thing. I was starting she doing.
00:24:00:27 – 00:24:01:13
00:24:01:13 – 00:24:23:03
Already? Yes, she was, she was. So she was doing it probably. You know, I had done it for, you know, 6 or 7 months at that point on the side, she was still working her full time job, and, she and I kind of connected because we both had a passion for helping women and moms to get into real estate, to create passive income for their families.
00:24:23:05 – 00:24:43:01
And at the time, you know, I thought, I’m going to do this all myself. I can do this all on my own. And I thought, how hard could it be? I did a fourplex, for 40 unit or 100 units, probably the same thing. Right? Right. And, you know, I started, you know, learning the underwriting all this stuff.
00:24:43:03 – 00:24:52:05
And around that time when I met Julie, you know, I got an opportunity to coach up. Not with Julie, but with another group.
00:24:52:05 – 00:25:16:29
And let me interrupt for one second. So, guys, what we’re talking about here is, you know, the operators that put a deal together are the jeeps, okay. They’re the general partners in a deal. That’s actually a misnomer because it comes from the days of limited partnerships. But that’s the the nomenclature that’s used for that. And so what will happen a lot is, you know, someone’s by taking down a big asset, you know, multimillion, tens of millions of dollars asset.
00:25:16:29 – 00:25:36:26
And they will reach out to other people to help them raise money for that deal. and, and they’re brought in as coach jeeps. In fact, this deal we’re doing right now that we just closed two days ago in San Antonio, we had three jeeps in on that one that each raised $1 million each. Now, here’s the caveat, though, and I want to spell this out to you guys real quick is you cannot just raise money.
00:25:37:01 – 00:25:55:04
You have to be involved in other things in the deal, significant things. And so like each one of the three jeeps that that we had on this, San Antonio deal, it was there at the due diligence they helped do unit walks. They, they, they, gathered bids for different, pieces of the huge CapEx budget that we have there, the renovations.
00:25:55:04 – 00:26:11:02
We’ve almost $4 million in renovations we’re making there. And and they’re actively involved. They’re either been on all the asset management calls or, I mean, they’re going to be on all the asset management calls, but they’ve been on all the calls leading up to this point. So you can’t just raise money. But but it’s a fantastic way to get going.
00:26:11:02 – 00:26:26:07
Okay. It sounds like you stuck with it though as well. I mean, it’s it’s a it’s a great because if you’re good at something, let other people do what you’re not good at. I tell people, you know, and I told people at this warrior event this weekend, I keep referencing it’s because fresh in my mind, it was yesterday.
00:26:26:12 – 00:26:44:23
But, you know, we do. We force networking. And I tell them, tell them your superpower. Everybody you meet get in groups of five and I force it. But geographic area and and meet you meet five people and you know exchange information. Talk about what you’re good at, see what they’re good at, and see if there’s some alignment because, you know, lots of different hats you can wear here.
00:26:44:23 – 00:26:58:14
I kind of stole your thunder. You were talking about doing it all yourself. It. But but yeah, but no, this is a freaking team sport. Okay. Bottom line. Yeah. And so, but. So you were involved actually in the underwriting as well, though not just the.
00:26:58:14 – 00:27:19:28
Yeah. Yeah, I did a little, but I, I wanted to just like when I was in game design, I went into game design with some design experience, but I wanted to be able to build an entire game by myself. So I focused on the programing and the analysis, the the level design, things like that, so that I could create my whole my own game if I wanted.
00:27:19:28 – 00:27:43:17
And same when I went into multifamily, I said, here’s where I’m strong. Let me get a lay of the land of everything else just so I have enough to be dangerous. Understand me. You need to understand exactly right. Even if you you’re not leading it, you need to understand it. And I actually got into the raising capital initially kicking and screaming because I thought, give me the underwriting, let me talk to the brokers.
00:27:43:17 – 00:27:48:14
I’ll do anything. I don’t want to raise capital. That’s the worst part of the whole thing.
00:27:48:14 – 00:27:50:06
Can be getting on who you talk to.
00:27:50:07 – 00:28:15:03
Sure, but, but but I thought that’s the hardest part. You had to talk to people about money. Oh my gosh. I was like, how can I possibly do that? But you know, somebody said, well, you know, why don’t you just give it a try? You haven’t done it before, give it a try. And you know, your investors will remain your investors and you’ll just start to build this reputation of somebody who can give them access to great opportunities.
00:28:15:03 – 00:28:31:00
Like, like when you find a great hole in the wall restaurant and you tell people about it. Right. And so I thought, hey, I guess I could do that. Yeah, I guess I, I guess I could just tell them, you know, that I’ve been investing and these are great opportunities, you know. So I started that way and it’s question.
00:28:31:00 – 00:28:35:18
Yeah. Did you reach out to your I.T crowd there in San Francisco?
00:28:35:20 – 00:28:40:17
So here’s one of the benefits of having had nine jobs in the ten years after college.
00:28:40:18 – 00:28:41:08
Got a hell of a role.
00:28:41:08 – 00:28:59:02
I had a much larger professional network than a lot of people. Right. And so I started by you know, actually, early on, what I did was I made a list of all these people, that I thought I, you know, because I hadn’t talked to them about money. So I only had a guess of what their net worth might be.
00:28:59:04 – 00:29:17:10
And but I made a list, and I knew that to get into this business to to get people to trust me, especially when I didn’t have a track record of my own, I had to lean on that personal touch, that personal connection, as well as my own personal experience and.
00:29:17:12 – 00:29:21:13
And you likely leaned on Julie’s experience as well. Had she.
00:29:21:13 – 00:29:23:07
Done? And yet. Yes, she.
00:29:23:10 – 00:29:40:20
And that’s why my warriors are so successful. My coaching students, I mean, we’re over 200,000 units that they own now. Wow. Which I’m really proud of. It’s less than six years. I think it’s quite a bit more than that. We just they don’t even post in the group anymore. Sometimes. So I, I heard about like 3 or 4000 units this weekend that weren’t in the group.
00:29:40:22 – 00:29:55:03
But the reason I bring that up is most of those deals are done between warriors, because when someone starting out, they can lean on someone else’s resume. Yes. And they can say we have $200 300 doors, 1000 doors. And that’s how you get started.
00:29:55:03 – 00:30:02:24
That’s exactly right. So I’m assuming you did the same thing. That’s exactly right. We, I leaned on the experience of the lead sponsor.
00:30:02:24 – 00:30:04:18
That’s it? That’s right. It was somebody else’s deal.
00:30:04:18 – 00:30:24:05
Yes, yes, they had experience. Right? Yeah, exactly. And so, you know, as soon as I got into it and I had never had a sales job or anything like that, but I had been a teacher and I realized very quickly, wait a second, I could do this. This is just about teaching people education about what this is. And that’s where I realized.
00:30:24:09 – 00:30:31:11
So as as soon as I started having those conversations, I actually chucked everything else out of the window because that’s.
00:30:31:11 – 00:30:32:10
Your that’s your wheelhouse.
00:30:32:10 – 00:30:32:24
I said.
00:30:32:26 – 00:30:33:23
Absolutely your wheelhouse.
00:30:33:23 – 00:30:51:20
This. I can do this, I can do. So I started just, you know, and that passion for for teaching people about this opportunity, that’s what really drove me. And I started creating all these blog posts, these scenarios, these videos, just.
00:30:51:23 – 00:31:04:08
Really education based mastery is what it is. That’s the way the world is now. And, you know, I that’s that’s the reason that I’ve been as successful as I have, you know, by doing these podcasts, you know, it’s the same, same exact same.
00:31:04:08 – 00:31:06:16
And clearly it worked because you got me into this.
00:31:06:16 – 00:31:28:13
Got you that, you know, and you. I won’t take credit for that, but thank you. But, but, you know, No, I love it. And and guys, I will tell you candidly, raising capital is probably the easiest part of the whole business if you really get right down to it, because it’s just relationships. It’s just telling people, you know, about how exciting this business is.
00:31:28:13 – 00:31:35:13
It’s it’s it could very will be the most intimidating piece of the business. But but actually when you get into it, I think it’s probably the easiest.
00:31:35:13 – 00:31:36:16
Because it’s just the most fun.
00:31:36:21 – 00:31:45:13
And it’s the most fun. Sure. You know, so, so how much of you can I ask? Yeah. Can I ask how much you’ve raised since you started?
00:31:45:16 – 00:31:54:18
Since we started in 2018, we’ve now raised about 100. And, I think, I don’t know the latest numbers, but over 130 million.
00:31:54:24 – 00:31:57:19
That is freaking incredible. Wow.
00:31:57:19 – 00:32:17:12
It’s start. I still remember those early days. And, you know, 2018 was a fantastic time to get. And we had a lot of opportunities to go. And at the beginning the bar was at 500 K. If we could raise 500 K, we could get ourselves a seat at the table. And that was a stretch. I remember the first one we did.
00:32:17:12 – 00:32:38:05
We fell flat. We thought we could. When Julie and I joined forces, we thought, well, if you could raise 500 K on your own and I could reach 500 K on my own, surely we could do a million together. That first year, we raised 420 K, and that was through a lot of phone calls. A lot of meetings, because we didn’t have our own track record to stand on.
00:32:38:12 – 00:32:48:22
And but it got us off to the races. And that first year we did a total of nine co-op opportunities. No kidding. Each first year, first year we brought.
00:32:48:24 – 00:32:49:27
Big or go home.
00:32:49:27 – 00:33:11:20
500 K to each one. By that second year, we finally were able to bring a million to each one. And then, pretty soon Covid happened. We paused for a bit, but then as we came out of that, all of a sudden we jumped to 4 or 5 million a deal. And yeah, we because we kept this focus, as you do on the education piece.
00:33:11:21 – 00:33:30:09
Yeah. Not on selling people on how great our deals are, but really helping them understand what this is about. And so there was so much pent up demand that by the time we released a new deal, after kind of Covid had become the new normal, people were, you know, they were really wanting to get in with us at that time.
00:33:30:12 – 00:33:51:16
Fantastic. No, I mean, whenever you don’t, the people that add the most value in this world. I talked about that this weekend. The people that had the most value in this world are the most successful. Bottom line, when you focus on them. I’ve got a stack of books behind me that is probably 18in high, of books that either I’ve written or been involved in writing about.
00:33:51:16 – 00:34:10:17
Every aspect of this business that I give away. Some of them are best in class, honestly, better than what’s on Amazon. And, you know, it’s the same. It’s the same dynamic. We created a, a, what do we call it, the cash flow port. What do we call it? Math cash flow club. And it’s an educational platform for investors.
00:34:10:17 – 00:34:31:26
They can they can watch my videos, read books, emails, articles, webinars, all for passive investors. I don’t think there’s anything like it out there. And it’s the same thing. It’s just education based marketing, to educate. And, you know, when you add value to people, it’s the law of reciprocation. It just, you know, first of all, you build credibility with them.
00:34:31:28 – 00:34:35:01
They they feel like they know you and, and,
00:34:35:04 – 00:35:00:04
And I got to say that there’s something that you do that I think is beyond the beyond of everybody else in this space. And it’s you lead by example because you share so openly and vulnerably about your experience. And it’s such an inspiration because, you know, there’s you can find a dime a dozen of gurus and mentors out there who just teach you the, you know, the how to do it, and this is what you do.
00:35:00:04 – 00:35:15:28
And they’re kind of selling themselves too. But I could tell right from the get go that, you know, you were here because you really wanted to help and inspire others and get them going in this business. And I still to this day, I remember many of the stories that you’ve shared.
00:35:15:28 – 00:35:17:12
Oh, yeah, I lost a lot of money.
00:35:17:13 – 00:35:18:00
00:35:18:02 – 00:35:34:01
You know, it’s funny you say that because I, I actually, got really vulnerable recently on an interview I had. My relationship coach is sitting where you’re sitting, and, that came up a lot at this weekend where people had listen to it, where I talked about what went wrong with my ex, and she’s about my best friend.
00:35:34:01 – 00:35:44:18
But, the things that I need to do improve. So. But thank you for saying that, you know, I am I’m beyond an open book. I’m transparent to a fault. Sometimes I say things I shouldn’t say, but. But,
00:35:44:23 – 00:35:47:14
Thank you. That’s why you’ve got a great editor. Yeah. Right here.
00:35:47:14 – 00:36:09:12
Right. yeah. Yeah. Except, you know, when I’m in front of a few hundred of my students, right? I drop something that I probably maybe I said that, but you are so freaking successful. You’re a little dynamo, and I always want to know where that drive comes from. What does that passion come from? What’s the what’s the why that’s driving all this?
00:36:09:14 – 00:36:14:06
You know, I asked you about your kids. Yeah. We really didn’t go deep. But. But talk about that for me.
00:36:14:06 – 00:36:40:11
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So when I got into this, I remember hearing about this, extra exercise called the Seven whys. And so I, it was on a podcast. And so I went home right after, and I saw you did it. Yeah, yeah. You go deeper. So you asked yourself, why are you doing this? And at the time I was, you know, I was thinking about why am I quitting my job to go into real estate.
00:36:40:13 – 00:36:47:19
So, you know, the first one was very superficial. And then what you do is then you say, well, why is that thing important to you?
00:36:47:20 – 00:36:54:09
Okay. Can you give a can you give me a little more concrete example? This is very valuable. Guys. You really need to listen to this. This is an incredible exercise you can go through.
00:36:54:09 – 00:36:59:03
Yeah. So so for example, and I don’t remember exactly what I wrote. Yeah. One time. And if you.
00:36:59:03 – 00:36:59:17
Have to make it.
00:36:59:17 – 00:37:15:26
Up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You start very, you know, why do you want to quit your job? And then I might have said, because I don’t like my job, I want, I want the freedom. And so the next, the next layer is then wall. Why why is it important.
00:37:15:26 – 00:37:16:20
To your freedom.
00:37:16:25 – 00:37:35:00
To to have that freedom? I say, well, Well, I guess I want to spend time with my kids. Why is it important for you to spend time with your kids? Well, I guess because I want them to have my presence in their life. Why is it important for you to have their your presence in their life?
00:37:35:02 – 00:38:03:04
And you go deeper in the first 3 or 4 layers, or they come pretty quick by the time you get to five, six, seven, it’s nearly impossible. And I remember I sat there with layer number six trying to get to the final one for probably 20 minutes, I was stumped, I don’t remember exactly what it was, but I remember when I finally broke through, I was bawling.
00:38:03:04 – 00:38:03:24
No kidding.
00:38:03:29 – 00:38:06:01
Yeah, it reached me today.
00:38:06:02 – 00:38:19:23
And it usually relates to love in some fashion. when you get really deep like that. I’ve done a lot of this work with Tony Robbins, but, no, I’m glad you shared that. And, guys, you should try that when you’re going to make a big decision because it’s a it’s a fantastic exercise. So back to your way.
00:38:19:24 – 00:38:37:07
Yeah. So you know, at the time I, I thought that my big why was freedom. Because I had had nine jobs in ten years. I felt these shackles of being in the W-2 world and I thought I just wanted to be free. I didn’t want to sit on a beach, but I wanted to be free to do the work that I loved.
00:38:37:09 – 00:38:41:23
And and that was my way at the time. But it’s evolved since then.
00:38:41:29 – 00:38:43:21
And and they do evolve.
00:38:43:21 – 00:39:16:18
Yes. That’s true. And so I am very blessed because I did get a chance to, you know, have some of that freedom with my kids and to do the things I love. We’ve traveled the world, we’ve done some amazing things. And, you know, what I’ve realized is that business, and especially when you have a business partnership, it holds up a great mirror to all those blind spots that you never otherwise could have seen.
00:39:16:20 – 00:39:52:27
And unlike all those jobs that I had, where I could just give my two weeks notice and go on to the next one. When you’re in a business relationship, you can’t very easily leave, and so it holds your feet to the fire. And so I’ve learned so much and mindset wise and personal development wise, and that has become now my new way that I’ve evolved into is this personal spiritual development, because I now want to figure out, you know, how can I be the best version of me?
00:39:53:00 – 00:40:10:11
So that in every conversation it used to be when I was young, I used to think, I want to change the world. I want to impact as many people as possible. Thousands and thousands of people. I want to change the world. And now that I’ve become older and wiser and I’ve done some of those things, I said, you know what?
00:40:10:14 – 00:40:39:06
I don’t want to impact. 1020, 30,000 people on a very superficial level. I want to it doesn’t matter how many people, even if it’s ten people, but if I can impact them deeply on a soul level, just through being who I am and helping them, meeting them where they’re at, that’s what I want to do. But in order to do that, I have to dig deep into myself and I have to find those blind spots, and I have to figure out how to be the best version of myself.
00:40:39:13 – 00:40:43:07
Not just for me, not just for them, for my kids, for everybody I encounter.
00:40:43:07 – 00:40:44:24
So how are you going about that?
00:40:44:26 – 00:41:02:26
I am, I read, about 65 books last year. No kidding. I went to a number of retreats. I’ve done plant medicine. I’ve done. I’ve explored all the things because I want to go to the edges. Well, you’re in the right spot.
00:41:03:02 – 00:41:04:00
At San Francisco.
00:41:04:00 – 00:41:24:29
Right? Very progressive. You don’t have to travel. Lots of different things. Yes, but I’ve done lots of different things because I want to be able to figure out what works for me and what can push me beyond my boundaries. Again, going outside my comfort zone, isn’t it? Oh yeah. Exploration is very revealing and so that has become my new way.
00:41:25:02 – 00:41:29:03
but in the process, you know, you mentioned visualization. That’s been a huge part to talk.
00:41:29:03 – 00:41:35:09
About, talk about, talk about because you shared. Oh, yes. Your beautiful home. Share that. Sure. That visualization please.
00:41:35:11 – 00:41:57:18
There is, one of the first podcasts we were ever on was podcast called so Money with Furnish Torabi. And at the end of the podcast, she asked us this question if money were no object, and before she could even finish the question, I said a house with a view. I would like a house with a view.
00:41:57:20 – 00:42:13:22
And it was because at the time we were living in Oakland, where the houses are very close together, and right next door to us was this hot pink Barbie pink house that was falling apart. Siding was falling off broken windows, the whole nine opportunity.
00:42:13:22 – 00:42:14:08
00:42:14:11 – 00:42:36:07
Yeah. But they refused to sell because grandma had died in that upstairs bedroom, so they wanted to keep it in the family, but it wasn’t. I saw that whole side of the house glowed pink during the day. So I said, you know, I just want a place where I can look out. Doesn’t matter what the view is, but just so long as it’s not a hot pink house is breaking down.
00:42:36:10 – 00:42:49:00
But you know, I didn’t realize at the time that there was something holding me back, and it was that on some level, deep down, I didn’t think I deserved a house.
00:42:49:05 – 00:42:53:10
The same here, same that it just that imposter syndrome thing, isn’t it?
00:42:53:10 – 00:43:03:12
Yeah. And I thought, who am I to have a house of the view here in the Bay area especially, I would be literally throwing my money out the window to have a house of the view.
00:43:03:17 – 00:43:05:14
Surely the best views on the planet.
00:43:05:14 – 00:43:23:18
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. So I did that podcast interview, said that thing, and I said, you know what? But I don’t really deserve that. But over the following years, as we were building the business, it kept it was something in the back of my mind I thought, wouldn’t that be nice someday? Just have a house of the view.
00:43:23:20 – 00:43:32:01
And so eventually, as I did more of the mindset exploration, I first had a vision board around it, and then I turned that into a mind movie. And for those.
00:43:32:01 – 00:43:33:01
Of oh, describe a mind.
00:43:33:02 – 00:43:59:18
Yeah, yeah. Oh, it’s like a, it’s like a vision board on steroids. So a mind movie is basically you create a short movie, a short video, with images and or, you know, B-roll video. Yeah. Okay. And it was set to a song that was very meaningful to me, and I it was just maybe, you know, 2 or 3 minute little video.
00:43:59:23 – 00:44:18:18
And what I put into it were all these images of homes in the Bay area with beautiful views. And every morning, you know, I do my meditation, my exercise, everything. And then I’d watch that video and I had no idea how I was going to get one of these houses.
00:44:18:18 – 00:44:20:21
You don’t have to know the house, right?
00:44:20:23 – 00:44:21:08
00:44:21:08 – 00:44:23:21
You just have to know the what?
00:44:23:23 – 00:44:42:14
and so I watched and watched it. Watched it. But I was still, you know, a few years, you know, I probably was watching it for maybe a year. Still no closer to a house of the view. But one day, one of my mentors, I was having a call with her and I. I happened to let it slip that this was one of my dreams.
00:44:42:17 – 00:45:16:10
And she said, well, but would you? And I said, but I would be throwing my money out the window. But she said, but would you do your best work in that house? And I said, oh, that’s good. And I said, yeah, you’re right. If I were looking out, if my office desk were looking out over the Bay area, and I could see the water and I could see the mountains so inspired, which I would be so inspired, and I would do my best work and think of the impact that that would have on other people.
00:45:16:11 – 00:45:17:20
00:45:17:22 – 00:45:37:03
And so that broke a dam inside me, and I swear it was, you know, I, I was I wasn’t even looking at her, even though my husband is a real estate agent and we could get in anywhere, I wasn’t I hadn’t even looked at any listings for years. But pretty quickly after that one day and I hadn’t tied the two together.
00:45:37:07 – 00:45:56:00
But one day I was like, well, I just, you know, I wonder what’s out there. I started looking and the the bug bit me and I could not stop looking at listings. And my husband and I probably went to see 40 houses over the span of the next couple of months. And this was in 2021, at the summer of 2021.
00:45:56:00 – 00:45:58:27
Height of that crazy market.
00:45:59:00 – 00:45:59:17
Covid two.
00:45:59:17 – 00:46:03:23
Right. It was the bounce back from covet because 20 2121.
00:46:03:23 – 00:46:04:00
00:46:04:00 – 00:46:16:09
Because people were now itching to they were like, okay, this is the new normal. A lot of competition. The first house we bid on was listed for 1.2 million and went for 2.5 million.
00:46:16:12 – 00:46:18:13
1.2 to 2 point. Yeah. Wow.
00:46:18:13 – 00:46:31:18
And we were like, what is this market we’re competing in? And the house that we have now, I rod, I could not have even imagined it in my wildest dreams. Really? Describe it.
00:46:31:18 – 00:46:32:02
Describe it.
00:46:32:02 – 00:46:46:10
Please. Oh my gosh. It when we first moved in the house, one of my favorite features was we couldn’t even find our kids because there were so many different rooms and nooks and crannies we’ve got. We’re in the Berkeley Hills.
00:46:46:14 – 00:46:52:25
I don’t know Berkeley Hills, but is it like one of those hills where you have those steep inclines? You got to park your car with the wheels turned in and stuff?
00:46:52:26 – 00:47:14:27
Yeah. Is that it? Okay. We’ve got sweeping views of the Bay area. We can see four bridges from our window floor to ceiling windows. I have a view from my laundry room. We have a hot tub in the backyard. We sit there, we could see the the Golden Gate Bridge. I mean, how magical is that? We. Not only that, but we have a,
00:47:15:00 – 00:47:46:13
My mom lives with us, and she has an in-law suite all to herself with French doors that open out into onto this beautiful lawn and beautiful. And it was just it was more than I could ever have imagined. Not only when Oakland, when we were living in Oakland, we had one living area. And so at night, my husband and I, after dinner, after the cleanup, we’d spend time picking up all the toys and hiding them behind the couch so that we could have some adult time.
00:47:46:16 – 00:48:02:17
But this house has not only a living room, it has a separate family room where the kids can keep their mess, and the kids each have their own rooms with a built in loft space, which is going to be trouble when they’re teenagers because it’s an easy place to hide somebody. But anyway, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.
00:48:02:19 – 00:48:13:12
But the so the manifestation and the visualization came in. You know, I truly believe that there’s powers that work with you when you’re really.
00:48:13:14 – 00:48:32:18
The way God works, the universe, whatever you believe. Oh, yeah, the fact that you were doing that every morning and watching that movie, I mean, I you know, it’s really funny. I, you know, I’ve got pictures in the back of my planner. They’ve been in there for 23 years, and there’s a picture that looks just like the mansion I built, literally right across the bay here.
00:48:32:20 – 00:48:46:24
I we’re 25 million now. it looks just like it. And I have another picture that looks just like the view from the my compound here. God’s got a sense of humor. I can see the place across the bay, but I’ve got another picture. Looks just like it. It’s crazy how.
00:48:46:24 – 00:48:47:23
00:48:47:25 – 00:49:00:22
How it works. And, and and, you know, I manifested just about everything in that book. I haven’t got the six pack yet. It’s under there. But I had this picture of a guy with a six pack with my picture on it, you know. Yeah, but I love.
00:49:00:22 – 00:49:02:15
Coming. I love the movie idea.
00:49:02:15 – 00:49:03:22
I’ve never even heard that before.
00:49:03:22 – 00:49:04:21
It’s very important.
00:49:04:23 – 00:49:20:02
People vision boards. But I love the movie. Guys, this is how you do it, okay? This is how you get to 8000 doors. Get the house of your dreams. You know, get the life that you want. You do it through this visualization and manifesting. I’m so glad that I asked you about this.
00:49:20:02 – 00:49:32:08
Here’s the kicker is that in that competitive market where that $1.2 million house went for 2.5 million, our house we got at asking.
00:49:32:10 – 00:49:33:11
No kidding.
00:49:33:13 – 00:49:36:23
No other offers. Wow. For this incredible.
00:49:36:23 – 00:49:39:18
Universe conspired to help you make it happen.
00:49:39:20 – 00:49:42:11
I could not have imagined it in my wildest dreams.
00:49:42:11 – 00:50:00:03
That’s so cool. That’s so cool, guys. I hope you got inspired by that because this is how it works. You want anything in life, you can manifest it. You’ve got to believe in it. You do with gratitude. Yes. You look at this stuff with gratitude and certainly you incorporate gratitude. Yes. You know, I’ve gotten emotional being grateful for things I don’t even have yet.
00:50:00:03 – 00:50:10:02
Yeah, but, you know, and I always make a joke out of this poo poo it at your peril. This is how I had 50 million to lose. And how I got it back by doing exactly what and he’s talking about here.
00:50:10:02 – 00:50:11:28
Don’t poo poo the woo woo. No, no.
00:50:11:29 – 00:50:26:18
No, I like that. I want to steal that. Don’t poo poo the woo woo. All right, well listen Andy, this has been a real treat. I really appreciate you coming down here. And, you know, all the way from San Francisco. And, this has been such a treat to see you again.
00:50:26:18 – 00:50:27:20
The pleasure’s all mine.
00:50:27:25 – 00:50:50:29
Well, thank you. All right, guys, that’s a wrap. So, one other quick thing. We encounter so many people that are frankly, frustrated. You know, they’re looking in the mirror and they’re frustrated that they haven’t been able to escape the rat race. They haven’t been able to build cash flow to the point where they’re able to have financial and time freedom with their families, you know, and maybe they see other people buying real estate and creating, you know, incredible cash flow.
00:50:50:29 – 00:50:55:14
And they think, well, it’s just scary. You know, buying apartments is intimidating. And I get.
00:50:55:14 – 00:50:56:24
It. See, that’s why we.
00:50:56:24 – 00:51:19:29
Created our warrior mentorship program. There are coaching students and they’ve had extraordinary results. My students I’ve been teaching about five years and upwards of 140,000 units. Now that we know of right. And we feel like it’s just getting going now, we’re looking to grow this group and really take it to the next level and honestly believe that the greatest transfer of wealth could be upon us right now with this current economic environment.
00:51:20:02 – 00:51:22:14
Everything’s going on sale. So we’re looking.
00:51:22:14 – 00:51:22:29
For people.
00:51:22:29 – 00:51:51:18
Who want to follow a proven framework, really like a blueprint or a map, literally step by step. And then they’re able to leverage our systems and our incredible network to raise money and equity, to find deals and close those deals and build partnerships really nationwide. So if you’re interested in finding out more about how you can become more in our incredible network and take advantage of the unbelievable opportunities that are upon us, you can apply to my Warrior Mentorship program by texting the word crush to 72345.
00:51:51:23 – 00:52:06:23
Or you can go to mentor with Broadcom. And what we’ll do is we’ll set up a call so you can check us out. And we can check you out and see if it’s a fit. Now again you can go to mentor with Broadcom or text the word crush to 72345 to apply. And we will speak soon.