Ep #304 – Jeb Blount – Emotional Intelligence in Real Estate
Here is some of what you will learn:
The importance of emotional intelligence
Understanding Dual Process
The Empathy Scale
Understanding the Self Disclosure Loop
The most disruptive emotion
How to become rejection proof
The value of assertive assumptive confidence
The 5 questions of human interaction
Understanding servant leadership
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Full Transcript Below:
Jeb Blount – Emotional Intelligence in Real Estate (Ep304)
Rod: Welcome to another edition of “How to Build Lifetime Cash Flow through Real Estate Investing”. I’m Rod Khleif and I’m thrilled you’re here. And I know you’re gonna get a ton of value from the gentleman we’re interviewing today his name is Jeb Blount and his company is SalesGravy and he trains Fortune 500 companies in sales. And so you’re thinking, what does sales have to do with multifamily real estate investing? And I’m gonna tell you everything because you’re selling yourself, you’re selling investors, you’re selling sellers, you’re selling buyers. So make sure you listen up guys. This is gonna be a good episode for you guys. Welcome to show Jeb!
Jeb: Thank you for having me on. I really appreciate it.
Rod: Absolutely so so I know you do a lot of speaking and you know talking about this topic so let’s try to gear it towards you know multifamily real estate investing you know my audience is beginning in advance multifamily investors that you know buying apartment buildings maybe they did single-family before and now they’re moving into this space. So you know let’s talk about well maybe you could talk a little bit about your background and you know and how you might add value today
Jeb: Absolutely well you know I’ve been investing in real estate since I was in college. I bought my first single-family home as an investment property when I was 20 and I own properties all over the country and I’ve been doing it ever since and one of the things I learned early on in the process was about emotional control. And I think that one of the core immutable principles not only in sales but you know you’re negotiating when you’re dealing with objections and you run into a lot of those especially we’re dealing with investors what you’re dealing with people who may not want to come off of their price for the property that you want. One of the core immutable principles is that in those conversation is the human being that it serves the greatest amount of emotional control that it has the highest probability of getting the outcome that they desire. And when we go back to my early 20s when I first started investing in real estate, that was something that that I learned and I learned it the hard way because I made a couple of bad mistakes because I got a little bit too I don’t know attached to an outcome that was not in my best interest. And if you flip forward you know this is that was 30 years ago along the way I was head of sales for a large multinational company and then I started my company Sales Gravy in 2006 and today we’re a global sales training company and the same principles apply whether you’re investing in real estate or whether you’re an entrepreneur and you know you’re trying to convince clients to invest in you or to give you a shot especially when you’re first starting out and I think that’s you know one of the core lessons you just said is I started out in 2006 with this company,, it was just me I left a big job, I jumped into a world decided to be an entrepreneur and I was it and there were a lot of a lot of pressure on me to perform and get it right but I go back to emotional control. In those moments I had to give myself that space so I didn’t make bad decisions off you know off the bat as I was getting started
Rod: Huh okay so I’m clear the benefits of having emotional control when you’re trying to influence someone because that’s really what sales is, an influence, is it, just dig into it just a little bit more for us so I don’t want to assume so so what would, give us an example maybe
Jeb: Well it’s really about emotional intelligence. So we call EQ in our world right but emotional intelligence is the ability to manage your own disruptive emotions and there are a lot of disruptive emotions when you’re investing. There’s worry, there’s insecurity, there’s fear, there’s doubt, in some cases there’s attachment which is a really bad thing, there’s the need for significant, so you walk into a room and you want to look bigger than you are so your ego gets in the way and sometimes there’s eagerness that can also impact you so you’ve got to be able to interrupt those destructive emotions while at the same time you’re perceiving the emotions of other people and then influencing their behavior because this is human. I mean we can use technology to identify opportunities. We can certainly use data to give us an idea of what we should be doing in these with these particular properties but at some point you’re dealing with other human beings. So we have to begin there and the emotional intelligence unlike IQ which is your innate talent, your innate intelligence which is big emotional intelligence is something that you can grow. And clearly the older you get the wiser you get the more you should be able to have control of your emotions and perceive the emotions of other people but it’s something that you have to consistently focus on and build
Rod: Love it love it yeah. I spent 20 years following Tony Robbins around the planet and he’s a master of training this topic as well and now I understand what you mean and no you’re right you know you go into any any interaction with another human being and you bring this big bag of stuff behind you and it’s going to impact your ability to influence them like you said eagerness if you appear too eager you’re gonna scare people off if you’ve got an outcome in your mind and they feel it they’re gonna feel like they’re being sold and I love it you know like Socrates said, “A life unexamined is a life not worth living” you need to work on yourself and your emotional control. They’re very cool topic. So you know I know that you trained sales. So can we speak to maybe some strategies that someone can get just from having listened to this podcast to improve their ability because I consider sales influence. I don’t even like the word sales. It’s your ability to influence so can you speak to you know some strategies for helping some of my listeners in their ability to influence?
Jeb: Yeah a couple of strategies, first is something called dual process. So multiple process is your ability to have empathy, to step into the shoes of the other person, and at the same time the outcome-focused and then face it you’re in a business situation. You’re there for an outcome and you’re there for the outcome that you desire. The problem is as you said if you walk into a situation and you’re so outcome focused, everybody can feel it they just know that you’re trying to focus on what you want rather than stepping in their shoes and understanding that person’s needs. Now the problem that we face is that we all live on an empathy scale. At one you have psychopaths right move up from that you have narcissists and then up from that you have more self-centered people as you move over to say an 8, 9, 10 you move into I-Piper empathic people people who can literally feel the vibration of treats. Now if you’re an investor you’re gonna fit someplace on that and where you sit on that empathy scale is fixed it won’t change so if you are. So if you’re self-centered and I’m a more self-centered person, I have to be intentional and aware of what other people are thinking and feeling in the moment I have to make myself listen. In fact I tell myself before I go into meetings, just shut up and pay attention and stop talking. Now if you are more on the empathetic scale what happens is, you’re so afraid of being too pushy or too you have an opinion that you listen and listen and listen but you never get to the outcome. So people who are who are higher on the empathy scale are better at human relationships. They’re fantastic, they know how to listen. But they’re terrible at getting outcomes. So you have to be intentional about asking for and getting what you want so out of every single meeting that you have, every interaction that you have, there’s always the next step always an outcome. So wherever you fit on that scale you have to know where you are and this goes back to being aware like Who am I? where do I fit? all those things and then and then when you walk into a meeting, understand that you either being empathetic or being outcome driven but you have to be both. This is dual process. And the second thing and this is time to
Rod: Hold on before you go on the second thing. I just want to just put an exclamation mark on what you just said because that really applies in this business because there are a lot of analytical people in this business that are fairly introverted and they struggle with you know getting out there and having that outcome in their mind and I could see how they would be they would be more empathetic. And so those are you listening that fit that bill you know what he just said is very very powerful to make sure that you focus on that outcome as well and maybe you know and which I don’t know if you agree with this or not Jeb but you know for someone like that they may think they’re even a little over the top on their outcome focus and typically when even when they feel that they’re probably just normal at that point. Would you agree with that?
Jeb: Well you’re exactly right that’s that you know you with people who are typically introverts and are higher in the empathetic skill and always say this, when you feel like you’re being too pushy, trust me you’re
Rod: Right right
Jeb: Right so and it’s the same thing you know with people who are more self-centered when you feel like you’re going slow, trust me you are not going slow enough. So it’s you know you’re exactly right. And one of the one of the tricks for were the people who are more introverted is that before you walk into any meeting, any situation, you must define what the outcome you’re going to be asking is before you walk in
Rod: Love it
Jeb: You’re asking for… you’re not gonna be able to explain to the person that you’re dealing with what you’re asking for and it could be something small in a negotiation. It could be something that you want to get from an inspection, it could be some data that you want, it could just could be that you want to have a next meeting with someone
Rod: or start a relationship or start a relationship but I love that. So guys those of you that are introverted define what it is you want before you go into the meeting. I love it be outcome driven awesome. So I interrupted you what was the second thing?
Jeb: Well the second thing is, the introverts are good at this but they’re not aware of what they’re doing. And the self-centered people like me are terrible at this and they have to be aware of what they’re doing. And it and this is I think so important for you for the people that you work with in your industry is activating the self disclosure loop. So let me explain what this is. When we’re investing in real estate people are always hiding something. And what I mean by that is sometimes it’s intentional sometimes it’s unintentional. But there’s this bubble that you’re in and commercial real estate or in real estate investment and both parties whether it’s a party of investors or it’s an individual, both parties are trying to protect their own interests and because of that they’re a highly emotional situation even though it looks like it’s really data driven, it’s still emotional in in nature because everybody wants to win in that situation. And the problem is when people are hiding things and you start asking questions of them, it’s like talking to an iceberg. They only give you this much even though there’s this much below the surface
Rod: Right
Jeb: Now that you followed you know Tony Robbins and Tony Robbins will talk about neural linguistic programming and how you can you know look at people and perceive what they’re what they’re thinking and saying but I’ve always found that the best way to know what someone’s thinking is when it crosses their lips when they actually say it versus trying to perceive it or trying to guess what it is. And the easiest way to get it to cross their lips is activating the salt disclosure look. This is a really simple thing and everybody who’s in the audience is experienced this at one time in their life. You’ve been at a party and say you’re an introvert then you’ve been having a conversation with someone and the other person starts talking and you just get out of the way and let them talk and as they talk they begin to self-disclose they begin to tell you more about themselves and then suddenly out of nowhere they cross the TMI zone. Like and you’re thinking to yourself I can’t believe they just told me that and by the way you’ve been on the flip side of that, you’ve been having a conversation with someone, you’ve been talking talking talking talking and suddenly you say something that you shouldn’t have said and you know you shouldn’t say it but your brain says wow that was incredible I’m gonna do it again and you digged a hole deeper. Harvard University, a group of researchers there did a study in 2014 where they put people in 3D MRIs and they took pictures of their brain while they were having an opportunity to talk about themselves or brag about themselves and what they noticed is that each time someone stuff disclosed the pleasure center of the brain lit up like a Christmas tree. And what was happening was they were getting a dopamine hit to the pleasure center of the brain every time they talked about themselves. And we know this to be true was this is this is you know I guess self-evident that people love to talk about themselves even introverts once you get them going. The problem is, is that we have to get them going and to activate that and then we activate that is asking people questions we start off with easy questions that give them an opportunity to talk, we want to ask them questions to give them an opportunity to brag about themselves or to talk about themselves and we want to avoid getting in the way and this is where disruptive emotions hurt us because every human being has an insatiable need to feel important, to feel significant. And this insatiable need is the singularity of human behavior. So when you’re dealing with someone as a human and they’re telling their story and their self disclosing, you don’t feel significant and you don’t feel important. So what happens you start talking when you start talking you start stepping on this loop that if you shut up and allow them to talk, they’re gonna get below the iceberg right below the surface and they’re gonna give you information that you wouldn’t get otherwise and if you observe great negotiators, if you observe people who are really good at investing, they’re fantastic at getting people to reveal things that they’re trying to hide but they understand that what happens is once the person starts revealing, and this loop gets started, and they start getting we call it brain crack, right they start getting this this shot to the pleasure zone of the brain think it’s very very hard for them to continue to hold their cards close to the best
Rod: I love it I love it. It’s a whole you know Dale Carnegie how to win friends and influence people you ask questions and let people talk and have a sincere interest but I love what you said about get out of their way you know you don’t fill up the uncomfortable silence. You just let them let them dig deeper and talk. Love it. I’ll look into that 2014 study at Harvard that’s very very cool. So you know I know you’ve got a book called objections can you speak to you know how that might come into play for someone that’s in this business and overcoming objections that pop up maybe some high-level strategy?
Jeb: Absolutely. Let’s just think about you know what you do as an investor. As an investor you have to go out and you have to ask people for stuff, you’re asking all the time, you’re asking for information, you’re asking for relationships, you’re asking for data, you’re asking for people to give you a better deal, you’re asking for walkthroughs, you’re asking for everything, you’re asking for referrals, you’re asking for connections, you’re asking all the time. And when you ask, it creates just this incredible vulnerability and the reason that it does that is because we are hardwired human beings. This is baked into our DNA to avoid being rejected. And this really goes back to about 40,000 years ago when the human brain first evolved. We were all living in caves living in huts living in teepees and we depended on each other in groups. And if you for example got kicked out of the group if you got kicked out of the cave, it was survival for real and you were likely not to survive. So humans developed this natural sensitivity to being rejected and by the way this is a double-edged sword because this feeling of vulnerability of being rejected or ostracized or banished, it helps us in our human relations just because it tells us where the lines are drawn with people. The flipside of that when you’re investing in real estate is is when you’re going out in the world and you’re asking and you’re essentially prospecting for opportunities um you’re doing that and by the way even if you’re running your own show and you’re running your own buildings, you’re asking people to pay you rent this comes into play right. So if you feel this vulnerability what happens is you hesitate? or you stop? or you don’t push? or you don’t ask? and oftentimes especially on podcasts like this like will tell people just let it roll off your back or we treat it like it’s some psychological disorder but it’s not. It is as biological as anything that’s human and the way that we deal with this emotion of rejection is different than any other emotion and you’ll know this in the audience if you’ve ever been rejected if you go back and start thinking about that rejection, you can feel it and experience as if you were already there. You can’t do that with any other emotion and the reason is is that our brains do evolution, want us to remember what it feels like. So if we pull all this together we’ve got this big problem, we have to ask all the time, we have to ask for things and we have to be you know forward, and assertive, and assumptive, and confident in what we want. And this fear of rejection gets in the way. So the book of objections is really about you know beginning with how do you gain this this immunity to rejection or rejection to become rejection proof. What do you need to do to interrupt this disruptive emotion? because I can something the most powerful place for a real estate investor the most powerful platform in position is that of assertive assumptive confidence because when you’re confident people move towards you and when you’re desperate or you’re weak or you’re passive people move away from you. So what objections does is addresses how to become rejection proof, and then gives you a series of frameworks that you can use in those situations to get you in control those disruptive emotions that are natural and put you in a situation where you can compel and influence the other person to say yes
Rod: I love it I hadn’t I you know totally did not know that’s what your book was about which is actually a topic I teach in my live event which is you know dealing with those limiting belief systems and I tell the story being rejected on the playground when I was a kid and bullies and you know forming this question this disempowering question which was how can I show them I’m good enough because I hated being rejected. And you know so many people suffer from this and you know and most of the time it has no basis in fact whatsoever. Now and I love what you just said about assertive assumptive competence because you know anytime you go into an interaction, and you assume a positive outcome, it’s like it’s done and it greatly enhances your ability to have that positive outcome when you when you go in assumptively. And no I love it I love it so so it’s a you know I thought I thought it was more about handling objections you got from the other side no that’s that’s awesome. So let me ask you this Jeb, really enjoying this conversation a lot, if you could teach school children one thing for an hour that would massively help them in life, what might you choose?
Jeb: Oh this is such a great question because you mentioned Dale Carnegie right. If you could go back like and read one book every single year you would read how to win friends and influence people, the greatest book ever written you know written by almost a hundred years ago and it still holds up today. So if I was with a group of school children my focus would be on teaching them how to listen better. So how to understand that when you are the listener, you’re you’re in control of the conversation and that in all human relationships, we’re basically checking all five questions. So when I’m dealing with you there’s five questions that you’re asking of me and by the way this is true when you are investing in real estate too and you’re dealing with other people and every person that’s interacting with you wants to know five things. Do I like you? That’s number one right. So are you safe and secure? So you know do you have a smile on your face? are you are you confident? are you assertive? not arrogant? Number two is do you listen to me? because when you listen to people they like you right and third is do you make me feel important or significant? the most insatiable human need. And the easiest fastest way to make someone feel significant is to listen to them. And by the way when you listen to them and you make them feel significant, you give them the greatest gift that you can give another human being and when you give them a gift, you create obligation, when you create obligation, they’re more likely to move to the next step with you, they’re more likely to give in a negotiation, they’re more likely to to help you with more information. Number four is do get me and my problems? do you understand me? So do I like you? Do you listen to me? do you make me feel important? and do you get me and my problems? and that’s core to human beings like we want to be understood. So we go back to the self disclosure loop when I ask someone a question and I get out of the way and they start talking, I make them feel important, I create obligation and it allows them to make sure that I understand where they’re coming from. And when I understand where they’re coming from when I use their language and I in our conversations with them, they go back in the stories they told me they begin to trust me, and when they trust me it becomes almost impossible for people not to build a relationship with me and not to do business with me. So if I were with a group of children. That’s what I’d be focusing. How do you answer those questions for other people?
Rod: What was the fifth one?
Jeb: Do I trust and believe you?
Rod: oh I trust and believe you
Jeb: Do I like you? do you listen to me? do you make me feel important? Do you get me in my problems? and do I trust and believe you?
Rod: love it
Jeb: And you know and when we’re thinking about you know what Dell Carnegie taught us and we talk about Anthony Robbins, so you know it’s an amazing master of this what what you know what Anthony taught us and really you know what you’re teaching people from the stage about you know the story about when you felt bullied and you know you wanted to prove to other people that you were significant, I have a very similar story in my background as a child you know on the playground being bullied and how I spent so much my life trying to prove to people you know that I was worthy I think that if we go back to those five questions, those questions are about other people, they’re not about us. They’re about stepping back and giving other people the stage and you know one thing that I have I’ve always known in my life is that even though I haven’t always lived this rule, I know it is that people never complain about people who listen to them.
Rod: I love it love it. No that’s and that’s something I struggle with all the time is still to this day is is is really just shutting up and listening you know I get excited and I but I love these five points awesome. So let me ask you this, what’s one characteristic you know when as people get into this business you know they really and step into a leadership role. They step into you know they’re starting, they take off their employee hat they put on their entrepreneur hat and they become a leader. What’s one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess?
Jeb: I think that the for me for a leader is understanding that you’re a servant and that you know we can go to Ken Blanchard in servant leadership but I believe that character matters more than competence. So as a leader, you’ve got to recognize that all the people around you whether they work directly for you or whether there’s someone that you need in your circle of influence, you’re leading them by focusing on them first. And when I teach leaders is that when you’re dealing with the other person and you’re in a leadership role, they’re asking two questions of you. The number one question they’re asking is, is this a person who has my best interest at heart? in other words do it can I have a relationship with this person? or are they someone that I like because they have my best interest at heart. Now that doesn’t mean that you know they’re gonna like you because you’re always a great leader. They’re gonna like you because they know that you are looking out for them you have their back. And number two can this person get me in position to win. And if you just think about that this is the same question you’ve asked of every leader in your life, it’s the same question that I’ve asked, its the same question we’ve all asked. Now sometimes we’re asking this question at the subconscious level not necessarily consciously but we want to know that and because when you’re a leader you’re gonna have to make unpopular decisions. You’re gonna have to do unpopular things, you’re gonna have to sometimes you know do things that no one likes and you’re gonna be the most unpopular person in the world. But if all those people believe that you have their best interests at heart and they know that you’re consistently helping them get what they want, they’re gonna run through a wall from you and we just go back to Zig Ziglar who said you know, “If you help enough people get what they want, then you’ll get what you want” That’s what great leaders do
Rod: Love it love it, so you know let me ask you this who inspires you? what makes you jump out of bed in the morning? or what inspires you?
Jeb: You know it’s we go back to the bully on the on the playground. It is so funny that you brought that up. And I’ve ever said this before so so I’m gonna I’m gonna reveal this and you know in public but you know there was a lot that came out of my childhood I was one of the smallest kids, we moved into a town where I was a stranger and it was really nichy and I was bullied on the playground for most of my elementary school years. And you know out of that crucible you know I you know and you know you think about this has been you know 40 years ago that this this type of thing was happening but out of that crucible came you know this this like innate drive. I’ve got this competitive streak in me that is really hard to quench and I you know and I’m you know you could say this is a bad thing that I’m always out to prove that I can win but it’s also a good thing if you channel it in the right way and you know what really inspires me is I hate to lose. I hate to lose and I’m willing to grind it out and do whatever it takes and wake up every day and work harder and longer than anyone else you know this morning I woke up at four o’clock which is not normal for me but I was doing over something and I got up early this morning and came into the studio and came into the office and for four hours I just busted my rear in until I figured it out and got it done and that’s kind of me and it’s not like a whoo it’s a what. And one of the things that I do and I don’t know if this is you know if there’s something you do but I always have some competitor. I’ve got some you know some foil out there that I point to and say that’s my competitor today and I’ve got to pass you and when I pass you have to find someone else and that also can be a bad thing as well because sometimes I you know I’m like I’m you know I don’t look kindly on people that I considered to be my competitors but I always have to seem to have that person I need my Darth Vader I guess in my life
Rod: Oh that’s awesome you know it’s so interesting because I had a lot of parallels and you know you mentioned you know that the two sides of the sword as it relates to that dynamic and in my case you know massive success but at the cost of you know not being there as much as I would have liked to for my family you know it’s a double-edged sword you know it pushes you if it you know the positive side but you do lose some things on the on the on the flip side. So what’s your favorite quote brother?
Jeb: My favorite quote that’s a good one. My favorite quote is, “In God We Trust. Everyone else we follow up on”
Rod: oh I like it I like it I like it so let me ask you this, and you know everybody thinks this I mean you’re very very successful in a lot of parallels between your history and mine you know everybody thinks that road to success is a straight line and that it’s easy and you know what did you have to sacrifice to get to where you are? I know you’ve got a big company you’re teaching a lot of people, you’re adding a ton of value in the world, you know what did you have to give up?
Jeb: Well you talked about family time you know as building just business I started off my first four years in this business it was me and me on the phone cold calling. I left a big corporate job. I had you know two assistants and you know corporate jets and all the things that you would typically have in it in that world and I left there and started my own company. And I was grinding every single day and the problem was is that I was grinding so bad because I’ve made so many stupid mistakes. I mean I was just I’d make a mistake and I have to go fix and I make another mistake and not to go fix it. Kind of like an ant like running into things until it figures out a way around that was kind of in that space. So I had to sacrifice a ton of time with my family and my son was growing up at the time. So he’s 21 now but at the when I started the company he was in grade school and even though I picked him up every day in the afternoon, a lot of times I was working until midnight. So my first I tell people you know in my first three years and run you know starting this company, I don’t really remember it because I was so tired because I would work until my body hurt. Like I would I would be sitting in my chair in my home office because that’s where I was working like a lot of your clients and I just would get to the point where everything on my body hurts so bad because I’ve been in that place so long trying to build the company. And you like you said it’s not a straight line I shudder at all of the mistakes and the stupid things that I did along the way. And the anything that got me past him and didn’t create disaster was the willingness to grind through it and to learn from it and keep going and when I made a mistake just fixed it fast and kept going but you know I’ll never get those years back you know again. Now on the flip side of that my 20 year old son goes to a private university that’s paid for, he has no college debt, my family and I live a lifestyle that you know I was you know an executive and a Fortune 500 company that’s 20 times what that was we you know we do things and go places and you know and experience things that we would never have been able to do how to not gone through that period of time. And I wouldn’t change it for the world but there is a lot of regret when I look back on it for the things that I missed and some of that regret is I probably didn’t have to miss those things had I been a little bit smarter when
Rod: That’s oh that’s that’s the thing that’s my greatest regret in life actually was coming home to my kids, eight million dollar house on the beach playing with them every night but being distracted. I was mentally it’s my biggest regret to this day you know Mike my kids will tell you I was a great dad but I didn’t live up to my own expectations. So yeah we could have both of us could have done it differently you know had we’ve been a little more evolved, maybe had you know a little more introspection, have the knowledge that we have now. But so let me ask you just a few more couple more questions you’ve added so much value. Was there an aha moment in your life at a moment where you’re like okay now I get it. Does anything come to mind? I know I didn’t prepare you for any of these so but you’re doing great
Jeb: That’s a really good question I think that the aha moment from me was two years ago and now this is kind of weird right. So my company has grown fast and I was with one of my clients so out in California and he offered me a ride to San Francisco. I had another gig we were up in Redding, California had a gig in San Francisco. And he was heading that way and said you know let me offer you a ride. Now normally I think to myself I spent all day long with this client I need some alone time I’ve got a plan but for that moment I said all right let’s go. So hot from the car with this cat who had from his living room built a 50 million dollar company and I spent the three and a half hours on the road asking him about his aha moments and what had changed and that ride from Redding, California to San Francisco change the shape of my company and in Jason if you’re listening to this this is about you but you know I listened to what he had done. I got smarter. I picked apart my business just going through the period of time. I you know I took a lot of the distraction away dialed in exactly what we do and we’ve doubled the size of our company two years in a row because the three and a half hours that I spent and I think you know if I if I say there’s aha moments, there’s these moments in your life that that are presented to you and the question is are you gonna take them? like when your intuition says you should do this you should. And I remember that day distinctly because my intuition said get in the car of this guy and go and drive to San Francisco this is gonna be fun. And I paid attention to it and I would say for everybody who is listening or watching, pay attention to your inner voice, pay attention to your intuition, it’s almost always right and you know and when you when you run into those moments where you need a person or you’re in a situation and it feels good, follow your instinct and be aware, don’t do dumb things but follow your instinct and a lot of times it’ll make a massive change in your life and of your business
Rod: I love it I love it you know I teach my coaching students to trust it on the flip side if they get a bad feeling in their gut to make sure they don’t ignore that but I love using it for the positive you know that’s that’s a fantastic example. And just recognizing the the importance of having relationships with people that add or another level than you are and allowing them to influence you through questions and as much time as you can spend with them you know I tell you guys go out there and have lunch with people that are making it happen. Take them to dinner, try to add value to them in any way that you can just be around them and they will lift you. I love it well let me ask one last question if you could give my listeners one last piece of advice what might it be?
Jeb: Wow this is a really good a good good question. Here’s I would start with where we started. I would go back to this my piece of advice is this, in every situation that you are in business, it’s the human being that exerts the greatest emotional control that has the highest probability of getting the outcome that they desire. And if you are true to yourself and you look back whether it’s the bad feeling that you had that you ignored whether it was a situation where you were too eager or whether you were attached to winning an outcome and you became arrogant, whatever it is, if you go back and look at most mistakes that you’ve made, almost all of them were caused by your emotions. They were caused by something that that impacted you. And you should never forget that it’s the human experience. It’s what people feel as they’re going through the process with you that is usually the most consistent predictor of outcomes. So if you were weak or passive or if you were overbearing or whatever the case is, it creates a poor experience and I’ll leave you with you know this quote from Maya Angelou and we’ve all heard this quote that you know, “People will forget what you said. They’ll forget what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel. So go back to managing your emotions so that you can influence the emotions of other people.
Rod: Love it love it man. Man I’ve taken notes furiously, guys and if you’ve been listening you haven’t been taking notes go back and listen to this again. Tons of great stuff thank you brother you added a ton of value is absolutely my pleasure to meet you and really gonna be following everything you’re doing. I know you’ve got lots of books out there guys it’s Sales Gravy is his company and really very impressive. Thanks my friend
Jeb: Yes sir thank you
Rod: Well that was awesome brother thank you I’m really very impressed you know I might I have a high-level mastermind there’s usually about three billion dollars in the room, these guys all have larger organizations you know it might make sense for you to pop in. Where do you where you based?
Jeb: I’m in Augusta, Georgia
Rod: Okay okay well maybe even come in via zoom or something I promise to be worth your while you know I let me let me what just before I let you go I mean is there you know these guys all have organizations, they have companies you know there there are thousands of units, do you ever do like a like a keynote or something like that to add value to these guys and obviously you know build your own company?
Jeb: Absolutely so we that’s pretty much last year I spent three hundred eleven nights on the road and that’s what I do I’m either giving keynotes or you know in the first quarter is pretty busy for us when I say pretty busy we’re on the road every single day including weekends oh yeah sure you can possibly imagine. I’m in China, and India, South America, you know a lot of stuff so absolutely and we’ve done some work in your in your space so real page as a client of ours which is a place big in multi-family homes. So absolutely I’d be very happy to do this and
Rod: Okay yeah no you kicked ass buddy you kicked ass. So we have your I’m assuming we have your team’s contact information. I’ll get it and I’ll email you. I’ve got an event in March in San Diego and then I don’t have my calendar here in front of you but I’ll email you the dates and if you can make it live that’d be fantastic if not maybe just come in on Zoom for an hour and add value. So all right my friend well it’s very much a pleasure. This will probably go live fairly quickly because I really enjoyed it. I’ve got a big backlog but I really enjoyed this. So I won’t be next week cuz I got my 300th episode but probably the week after. So we’ll let you know you put it out to your peeps as well
Jeb: Sounds good I think you guys know Lisa she’ll get to me we’ll get it out
Rod: Sounds good great all right brother Happy New Year! Take care
Thank you for listening to the Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing Podcast.
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