Ep #219 – Joe Fairless – From Madison Ave to Easy Street – $265M in Multifamily Real Estate Holdings

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • Using single family units as ‘training wheels’
  • Pitfalls of hiring family/friends
  • The challenges of long-distance properties
  • Small lessons that have huge value
  • Advantages of Goal Stacking
  • How to be hyper-focused
  • How to scale your company for exponential growth
  • The three steps to leveling up
  • Identify driving needs
  • The value of daily rituals
  • Celebrating your progress
  • The value of journaling Magic Moments
  • The power of identity statements
  • Why people fail
  • Book Recommendation: Investing for Dummies by Eric Tyson

About our Guest:

To reach Joe Fairless please visit: joefairless.com

Full Transcript Below:

Ep #219 How to Make Money In Real Estate With Joe Fairless –

Rod Khleif: Welcome to another edition of How to Build Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing. I’m Rod Khleif and I am absolutely thrilled you’re here. You guys are gonna just absolutely love the guest we have on the show today.

In fact, it’s his second time on the show. He was actually episode number 34. If you don’t know who he is, you’re really not paying much attention on iTunes ‘cause he’s got an absolutely fantastic podcast. In fact, it’s the longest-running daily real estate podcast on the planet. His name is Joe Fairless.

It was kind of cool, I was at a Tony Robbins event, and we’re both sitting in the VIP section, and I look over and there’s Joe Fairless. We got to actually meet in person at that event, which was really cool. We’re like, “Hey, you know what, we need to get back on each other shows”, and here we are my friend. Welcome back brother.

Joe Fairless: Rod, thanks a lot. Looking forward to our conversation and great catching up with you again.

Rod Khleif: Yeah, likewise… Just to enhance your bio, Joe… I mean it’s amazing what you’ve done since we first talked… You’re now controlling over $265 million worth of real estate. I know you weren’t anywhere near that number when we spoke the last time. You’ve got that fantastic podcast. You’re the managing principal of Ashcroft Capital. You’ve done lots of syndications.

I also love the fact that you’ve got a couple of volumes of your book “Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever”. But what’s cool about it is you give all the profits to Junior Achievement, which I just think is absolutely awesome.

Anyway, so let’s refresh my listeners’ memory with a little bit of your background, and what you’re up to these days. What’s your focus?

Joe Fairless: Sure. Ultimately, my focus is apartment community investing. And there are a couple of different things related to that that I do. A little bit about my background is that I am from Texas. I went to school at Texas Tech University, moved up to New York City out of college. Lived in New York City for 10 years. Climbed the corporate ladder, relatively quickly. My major was advertising. I was the youngest Vice President of a New York City advertising agency.

I didn’t start out that way, by the way, I was making about 30,000, or no, I was making $30,000 when I got started in New York City. My paycheck was about … [overlap talk]

Rod Khleif: That didn’t even pay the rent, did it?

Joe Fairless: Yeah, my paycheck was 700 and some dollars, my rent was, I think $750.

Rod Khleif: Oh wow… [chuckles]

Joe Fairless: Yeah, it was a little tight, especially with my student loans. I had like $19,000 worth of student loans too, so all sorts of resourcefulness taking place at that time. Then I eventually made more money, climbed the corporate ladder.

Along the way, I learned about investing, and then learned about real estate investing. One book that was really helpful for me was “Investing for Dummies”. They talk about the three different ways that you can invest. One is real estate. Two is stocks bonds, and three is investing in LLCs. I ended up choosing real estate real estate, and then bought my first house in October of 2009.

Rod Khleif: Perfect timing.

Joe Fairless: Yeah, perfect timing. I was just lucky. Just lucky; that was it, ‘cause I didn’t have any money before then.

Rod Khleif: Right.

Joe Fairless: So I bought my first house in October 2009, and then left the advertising world, then ended up forming Ashcroft Capital with my business partner Frank.

As you mentioned, we buy apartment communities. We have about 3,000 units. all of them in Texas. I don’t know where we are at the time when you and I had our conversation.

Rod Khleif: I don’t think you’re even halfway that big yet.

Joe Fairless: Yeah. Yeah.

Rod Khleif: In my recollection… I think I would have remembered. I mean, you’ve done a lot in the last year and a half, two years. Is that an accurate statement?

Joe Fairless: Yeah. Yeah. A lot has been accomplished in the last couple of years.

Rod Khleif: Right. Right. Right. Awesome brother. Awesome. So all in Texas… You do a lot of syndication. I think I had one of your equity raisers… His name is escaping me… David?

Joe Fairless: Mm-hmm. Yep.

Rod Khleif: David, on the show here. A good guy, and talked about how he raises money, and brings money to other people’s syndications. He added a ton of value. I know he does a lot of work with you.

Let’s see what we can do to add value to my listeners with maybe some of the specific nuances of your journey. In fact, one question that I know I didn’t ask you the last time is… So many people think that success is easy, that it’s just a smooth ride, and everything goes beautifully.

Let’s talk about some of the seminars; you know I use that word for failures. Some of the hiccups, some of speed bumps that you’ve encountered, and maybe you can impart some wisdom as to what happened, and maybe help people, prevent that from happening, or what to do if it happens.

Joe Fairless: One benefit I had with my journey, or I’ve had with my journey is that I started with single families. That allowed me to have some training wheels before I was riding by myself.

Rod Khleif: Right.

Joe Fairless: One thing that happened with my single families that did not go well is a purchase of my fourth property. I bought four homes prior to buying apartment communities, and partnering with investors.

Homes one through three, great stuff. They make two to 250 bucks a month, until someone moves out and then it’s $5,000 and wise way the profit for the whole year and a half, or two years, which is why I scaled up.

Rod Khleif: Right.

Joe Fairless: We’ve talked about that offline before, and on my show.

Rod Khleif: Sure.

Joe Fairless: But time is on my side, paying down the mortgage, whatever. Those three were fine. I still got them. But the fourth… Well the fourth is a different story, and the lessons I learned on the fourth, I applied towards apartment investing.

On the fourth house, I’m living in New Your City, I’m buying in Dallas, Fort Worth, where I’m from. So I’m buying remotely, and I came across a wholesaler who shared a property with me.

I didn’t have any cash to invest, but I had been approved by American Airlines Credit Union for a $40,000 line of credit. So I was presented this property by the wholesaler, and it was $35,000. I thought, “Okay, that’s great ‘cause that’s 5,000 less than what I have”, from a line of credit.

He mentioned in the email that it would cost approximately 5,000 to get it…

Rod Khleif: Fixed.

Joe Fairless: Completely up to speed. Yeah, what needed to be done… And I thought, “Perfect, 40K, I got 40K line of credit. I’m good.” So I buy the house, 35,000 and I make a whole lot of mistakes on this place.

One is, to do those fixes. I ended up hiring a good friend’s dad to do the work. And what I realized afterwards is that that was the only work that they actually had to do at the time. I was their only project that they were working on. What that did is that it extended the $5,000 to $15,000…

Rod Khleif: Wow.

Joe Fairless: Because of the amount of time that it took, plus I think there’s some fishy things going on… Fast forward about eight more years to today, it clearly, some things were happening and that that person has gotten into some trouble.

One, I hired the wrong contractor… Perhaps though, the lesson there is be careful if you hire family friends because then when you mix friends and business it can be tough to separate the two if things don’t go well.

Rod Khleif: Absolutely.

Joe Fairless: So that’s number one. Number two is, I had zero experience overseeing a project like that… No, it wasn’t supposed to be a lot of work but it end up being more time, and more work. So number two is, if you don’t have that experience, then I suggest being closer to the property so that you can check in on it versus me being in New York City and the property being in Fort Worth, Texas. That’s number two.

Number three is, I just didn’t do my research on the market. Even though my dad lived two miles away, so I should have known this but I didn’t, perhaps because it was so close to an area I thought I was familiar with.

I didn’t do the due diligence that I did on the previous three homes. But when I invested $15,000 on top of the purchase price for this home, it rented for less than what it rented for before the repairs.

Rod Khleif: Wow.

Joe Fairless: It was just a train wreck through and through.


Joe Fairless: The third lesson there is, do your market research, obvious thing. But I didn’t. I got a little cocky or sloppy, after hitting three singles on my homes.

I ended up selling that house. Fortunately, Fort Worth, many just appreciated. I ended up losing probably 5,000 bucks where I should have lost 20,000 or more on that home. Those lessons that I learned on that home were, at the time expensive, but in a big picture… Holy cow, totally cheap if I’m applying those lessons that I learned on these multi-million dollar properties.

Rod Khleif: No question, and you know what, maybe I’m not accurate on here but that might have been the catalyst to get you out of single-family, to the huge success you have now in multifamily.

You got your nose bloodied and you’re like, “Screw this. I’m not doing single-family, I’m going bigger.” I don’t know if that played a role at all, but I could see how that could happen.

Joe Fairless: Yeah. Absolutely. It did. I mean that and apathy towards my full-time job. I’d gotten… You’ve mentioned I’ve heard Tony Robbins talk about, when you have a goal, make sure that once you accomplish, you have something else set up to achieve…

Rod Khleif: Oh, yeah. Right.

Joe Fairless: My goal was to become… to make $100,000 at my full-time job in advertising before my 30th birthday. Well, I made it by age 28 or so. Then I became Vice President. I was making 150K in base salary plus bonus, and I realized, “Well now what?”

Rod Khleif: Right.

Joe Fairless: I will become apathetic and I realized…

Rod Khleif: You got comfortable… You get comfortable.

Joe Fairless: I realized that wasn’t really what I was trying to get.

Rod Khleif: Got it. Got it. Yeah.

Joe Fairless: I needed something deeper. I needed something more meaningful. That really played the primary role for me leaving the advertising industry and going to real estate full time, because I wanted to do something more meaningful and have more flexibility with my time to make that happen.

Rod Khleif: Well, it’s great that you had the realization because a lot of people, doing that well at your age could become, again, very comfortable. Then have regrets because they didn’t take action because they didn’t go outside of comfort. So that’s awesome.

Let me ask you this, what advice, knowing what you know now, on the success that you have, what advice would you give your 20 year old self knowing what you know now?

Joe Fairless: Ultimately, it’s the same advice that I give anyone who asks, “How did you scale your company?” or “How can I scale my company to a level that creates exponential growth?” If I were to give that advice that I’m about to give to my 20 year old self, then I would have been even farther ahead towards accomplishing the goals that I have for myself.

The advice is as follows. There’s three steps to take your business to another level. Regardless of if it’s real estate or if you’re to have a side gig selling something on Amazon, or whatever it is. There’s three steps to take your business to another level.

The first step is to identify the skill sets that are required for your business to thrive at the highest level. Once you know what’s required of your team to achieve at the highest level, then the second step is to identify which of those skill sets can you compete against anyone in the world against. Which skill set are you especially talented at?

Once you identify that, then the third is to simply find team members to work on, to do those other skill sets that complement the one that you’re really good at. The thought process behind this is that when we do what we’re especially talented at doing, then that’s where we maximize the business results that we will achieve.

Coincidentally, it also maximizes, in my opinion or based on my experience, the fulfillment that we get out of the process, because we’re doing what we’re especially talented at doing.

Now the challenging part of this, a couple of challenging parts. One is, knowing what we’re especially talented at doing within the realm of what’s required for that business. First, I think easy part is identifying what skill sets, the first step, what skill sets are required for success within the business because that’s just reading books. That’s talking to people. That’s listening to your podcast.

The challenging part is the second part, for some people, and that’s self-reflection. Okay, out of all these skill sets what am I the best at? What am I world class at or what should I be world class at based on my talents that I have and that I can hone?

Then the third that might be challenging, but this just is a test of resourcefulness is finding other team members whether they’re business partners that you joint venture with, or they’re vendors that you hire. Finding the right team members to compliment your strengths.

Rod Khleif: That are extraordinarily skilled at where you might need help. Yeah, I think that’s probably, in my opinion, the most challenging piece of that is finding people that really, that you will align with, that you are compatible with, that are exceptional where you’re not.

Now, that’s fantastic advice, Joe. I’ve not heard it articulated like that. In my live event, just this last week, I talked about aligning yourself… Same conversation, just coined differently. Play to your strengths, and hire or partner for your weaknesses, and you’ll go further faster.

Joe Fairless: Yup.

Rod Khleif: Absolutely. We are in complete agreement on that, and that’s the key. That’s one of the biggest keys to success. Fantastic advice. Now, let me ask you this, are there any things that you’ve had to cut out of your life to get where you are right now?

Joe Fairless: Oh, that’s a good question. Let me think about that… I have… cut out of my life…

Rod Khleif: You have a family, right?

Joe Fairless: I do.

Rod Khleif: You’re married too?

Joe Fairless: Yeah. I got a wife. We got married this past summer.

Rod Khleif: Congratulations.

Joe Fairless: She’s the love my life.

Rod Khleif: Awesome.

Joe Fairless: Yes, Colleen.

Rod Khleif: Awesome.

Joe Fairless: Nothing comes… I can’t think…

Rod Khleif: Okay.

Joe Fairless: I wish… I’m gonna think about that more, and if something comes up, I’ll mention it during our conversation.

Rod Khleif: Okay.

Joe Fairless: I can’t think of something. I’ve always been laser focused.

Rod Khleif: Okay. See that’s an incredible quality that a lot of people don’t have. They get caught up in distraction: email, Facebook, Netflix, whatever, and focus is so… Well that…[overlap talk]

Joe Fairless: I mean, I get obsessive about stuff. When I’m in I’m all in, and I put all my effort towards that. So perhaps if that was an evolution of my personality, then I would have had to cut some things out but it is something that has always been with me on anything I’ve done from as long as I can remember. So when I’m in it, I’m in it.

Rod Khleif: Do you know what your drivers are? I mean do you know why you’re so focused and why you push so hard? Do you know what’s doing it?

Joe Fairless: Yeah.

Rod Khleif: What is it?

Joe Fairless: Yeah, going back to when you’re talking about us hanging out and seeing each other at the seminar. At the Unleash Power Within, they talked about “What are the six human needs? What are the ones driving you? What are the top two?

Rod Khleif: Right.

Joe Fairless: And I made a conscious effort to have growth and contribution… Or excuse me, love/connection and contribution, as being my two driving needs, and because of that, I have shifted my mindset towards making sure that what I do contributes to others, knowing that in the long run, we’re all gonna benefit.

Some specific things that are driving me, I mean with all of my business dealings, there’s either a direct or indirect philanthropic component to them. From a direct standpoint, as you’ve mentioned my books, all the profits are donated to Junior Achievement to help underserved kids and communities. I’ve done a scholarship for the past five-six years, for Texas Tech students to go to New York City to shadow different advertising agencies.

Rod Khleif: That’s beautiful man.

Joe Fairless: All sorts of stuff. And then, on the indirect stuff… When we close on a deal, we don’t have a component that automatically donates X amount of dollars to a certain charity, however, I do donate personally from profits I make on deals, to say, Junior Achievement.


I just committed to donating $30,000 to Junior Achievement this year, and I’ve got some other stuff too that I’m doing.

Rod Khleif: Fantastic.

Joe Fairless: So that is, when I have others top of mind, and I focus on the contribution then I know that everything will take care of itself.

Rod Khleif: Always does. If you’re thinking outside of yourself, you’re focused outwardly instead of inwardly, frankly, your success in anything is assured, and your happiness is assured. Whatever you give, you receive. That’s awesome to hear you say that.

Do you have any morning rituals that when you get going, do you have any routines that you found have contributed to your success?

Joe Fairless: Yeah, three things. One is, and I haven’t missed this for five-six years. That is I drink a liter of water with a scoop of wheatgrass, every single morning… One liter of water with one scoop of wheatgrass every morning.

The second thing is I have a daily journal. I started that about two and a half years ago. I’ve missed approximately 30 days total, over two and a half years. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to open up that… It’s just a Word document. That’s all it is. I put the day’s date, and a bullet point, bullet point… Whatever I want to say, that’s what I write.

Sometimes, it’s a bullet point, and that’s it. Sometimes, it’s a recap of what I was doing that day. Sometimes, it’s thoughts. Sometimes it’s me slamming my fingers on the keyboard because I’m pissed off about something… Which takes a lot to get me upset so doesn’t happen very often but some times it’s there.

It’s incredible to see what has been– what I was thinking a year ago, what I was working on, where I was at, what my mindset was and how that’s evolved, or how I have not improved in certain areas. And it’s a wake up call. For example, I believe I am about eight pounds overweight, what I should be. I was reading my journal last week, and I realized I was the same weight a year ago.

I was like, “Okay, clearly what I’ve been doing over the last year didn’t work, so now, fortunately, my wife is a personal trainer so now she is kicking my butt into gear Monday, Wednesday, Friday, in our kind of gym basement that we’ve got at our house. That’s what we do. That’s gonna be very effective. I guarantee that.

Rod Khleif: Awesome. Awesome. I wanna circle back to something you just said because people might be confused. We both experienced Tony Robbins. Was that your first event, by the way?

Joe Fairless: No. Second.

Rod Khleif: Second. Okay. Well, anyway, Tony talks about every human being having six basic human needs. Not desires, needs. And those needs are significance, the need to feel important. Certainty, which is kind of equates to comfort. The need to know the ceiling’s not gonna cave in, in certainty.

Then ‘cause God’s got a sense of humor, uncertainty, human needs a surprise, and change, and things like that. Then love and connection is a human need. Growth is a human need. Every human needs to feel like they’re growing. And then contribution is a human need.

When many people self actualized, and they look at these six human needs, they discovered that typically one or two of the top ones are certainty or comfort, and that manifests in many different ways; overeating, smoking, sticking with stories to soften where you are, and stay in comfort, to not push yourself, and then the need for significance. Those are typically near the top of many people’s list.

When they really look inwardly, they realize what needs to be on the top, like you did. You and I both did, Joe. Love, of course, needs to be near the top or number one. Growth needs to be near the top. Contributing beyond yourself needs to be near the top. Anyway, I want to share that so my listeners understood where that conversation came from.

Why do you think most people fail to succeed, Joe? What do you think in this business, or any business, what do you think it is that they either don’t take action or if they take action they give up? What do you think that is?

Joe Fairless: That’s an easy answer. Give me one second just to complete the thought on my morning routines because I said I had three and I mentioned two. In case someone’s wondering.

Rod Khleif: Okay. Yeah. Let’s finish that.

Joe Fairless: The third is that I read everyday. I read something everyday. I’ve got tons of books. Anytime someone recommends a book, I buy it on Amazon, and then I put it in my shelf. Then I’ve got a shelf that’s dedicated towards books I read. I’m reading or… No, I’ve read this year. That way I have a sense of accomplishment for the books after I read them ‘cause I can see my wall of my books I’ve read.

Rod Khleif: That is huge. Let me interject something guys. The goal, as evidenced by my own personal story, if you’ve heard mine… The goal is never enough to keep you happy. Progress equals happiness. I love that idea. Actually, I’m gonna steal that idea. Taking the books that you’ve finished, and putting them somewhere so you can celebrate the progress, ‘cause that’s such a critical component.

Anyway, I cut you off. Please continue your thoughts. Sorry.

Joe Fairless: And that is something I discovered this year, Rod. Because I read a bunch of books but it’s like I wanted that sense of accomplishment, and I tried to document in Word Document. That wasn’t working. Now, it’s just a dedicated bookshelf. Super easy, and it’s a great feeling.

You wanna keep reading because you want to add to that bookshelf section.

Rod Khleif: Love it. Love it. I got thousands of books, literally. I could turn the camera here to because we’re videoing this, as well as audio. I mean, you could see I’ve got thousands of books here, and I love incorporating that because progress equals happiness, my friends. I don’t care what it is.

I wanna add something to your journaling comment. I tell my coaching students to also journal magic moments. I did this with my children, and I wish I had done it less intermittently than I did. But I came across some of my old journals where I just journaled things that they did, or things that just made me tear up, or laugh, or whatever.

My daughter is 26 or 28 now, my son is 22, and we found those journals about six months ago, and we went through them. And we all teared up, and we laughed. It’s just hilarious.

Guy’s, those of you listening with kids, give yourself that gift, please, or eve like if you’re just in a relationship. Capture magic moments when you journal, it takes two minutes a day, or even if you just do it once a week because two things will happen, one, you’ll forget it otherwise but more importantly if you take the time to do this life is about magic moments. It will prompt you to create more, and to think of more. How can you shake up your spouse’s life? How can you shake up your children’s lives, and do something magical. Give yourself that gift.

Love your morning routine, brother; the reading, the journaling. Hal Elrod’s got that book, “The Miracle Morning” and those are the two components he talks about. He talks about exercise, journaling, and meditation, and reading.

By the way, that’s a great book. I highly recommend “The Miracle Morning” from Hal Elrod, Austin Book.

Joe Fairless: There’s actually one more that I forgot, that I do everyday. That is, I have an actual five-star notebook next to my bed. As soon as I wake up, the very first thing I do is I write down, “I’m a strong, confident, successful, and handsome real estate billionaire entrepreneur.” I write that 15 times.

I’ve been doing that for about eight months now. I probably missed 10 days or so. That’s something I picked up just from many different reasons.

Rod Khleif: Anything you put the words “I am” in front of, becomes an identity statement. There is no greater power in the human psyche than the need to remain consistent with how we identify ourselves. I’ll tell you mine. I’ve memorized it because I’ve incanted it so many times, “I Rod Khleif, am a magnificent, amazing, passionate gift from God. I’m an incredible father, and inspiring leader, loving billionaire, and an amazing husband that puts smiles on the faces of children, and inspires others to excellence, and rocks the world.”

I’ve said that a thousand times. I’ve incanted it while I run. If you go down on my exercise facility down below us here, I’ve got, “I am a business genius. I am health and energy. I am focus and determination. I am an amazing husband, and I’m helping thousands of people.”

I have all these Vistaprint signs that I’ve had printed. It’s not because I’m bragging like that business genius one; it’s what I wanna embody because whatever you put “I am” in front of, again, is an identity statement. I love that brother, thank you for sharing that because I don’t know that I’ve ever discussed that on this podcast. Awesome.

What’s next for you buddy?

Joe Fairless: Well, so then to answer your question why people fail…

Rod Khleif: Oh, yeah. [chuckles] Yeah. I forget.

Joe Fairless: The answer is lack of resourcefulness. That’s the answer, for sure.

Rod Khleif: Could you elaborate on that?

Joe Fairless: Yeah.

Rod Khleif: That’s not the answer I was expecting so… I was gonna think fear, limiting beliefs, whatever I want… Please expand on it.

Joe Fairless: Anything is possible if it’s been done before, and some things are possible that haven’t been done before. Therefore, in order to accomplish something, if we look to see how others have done it, then it’s likely; we can accomplish that or something similar to that.

Therefore, when people fail it’s not because they… It’s not possible. It’s because it wasn’t possible for them based on the skill sets that they had, or the lack of research that they did, or the lack of execution, and ultimately all that is not being resource enough to get what you need to get in order to accomplish what you want to accomplish.


Rod Khleif: And it’s all out there, you just have to go get it. You just have to find it. I love that answer brother, that’s a great answer.

By the way, I don’t wanna forget, I know you’ve got an awesome event coming up in February. Let me give it a shout out. Can you…And by the way guys, you know I don’t typically talk about events because you know this isn’t about promotion. But what I love about Joe’s event is there’s nothing being sold there. This is pure education so please tell my listeners about it.

Joe Fairless: Sure. Yeah, it’s called BestEverConference.com, or well, that’s the URL. BestEverConference.com, it’s the Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Conference, very consistent branding with my podcast; The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show… [chuckles]

Rod Khleif: Yes. That’s a familiar name,

Joe Fairless: Yeah. It is for investors who have gotten some deals under their belt. It’s not necessarily for beginners.

Rod Khleif: Okay.

Joe Fairless: It’s for people who are looking to grow their real estate investing business. We talk about multifamily. We talk about investing in parking lots. We talk about investing in office retail, industrial…

Rod Khleif: You had my friend, Kevin Bupp on there for mobile home parks in your last one.

Joe Fairless: Mobile home parks, yeah.

Rod Khleif: So cross-denominational, cross sector… Whatever you wanna learn, he’s gonna cover it. I love it.

Joe Fairless: Yeah.

Rod Khleif: And this is when in Denver?

Joe Fairless: It’s February 9th and 10th in Denver, and it’s BestEverConference.com. It would likely sell out in the next week or so, because we’re getting close.

Rod Khleif: Yeah, well, it may be sold out when this airs, but if so, sorry guys. But I wanna mention it because of the fact that it’s not a ‘sellathon’, as many of these things are. Like I’ve got my live event coming up in April. I just had the one in Tampa, it was sold out, with a huge waiting list. I’ve got one in April 6th, 7th and 8th, in LA.

Again, no outside speakers selling anything. It’s just me training for three days. That’s the kind of stuff I like to go to. It’s always so frustrating when you go, and it’s one sale after another.

Joe Fairless: Yeah.

Rod Khleif: Awesome brother. And the guys check out his podcast… please, Best Ever Real Estate is what it’s called, right?

Joe Fairless: Yeah, it’s a mouthful; Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show, and for anyone who wants info on investing in apartments, then you can just email, info, I-N-F-O@JoeFairless.com, and I’ve got a free resources guide that I can get you.

Rod Khleif: Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Well, thanks for adding value, brother. We could have gotten granular on multifamily investing but I knew you had bigger things that you could add value with more mindset, and just the mechanical stuff… We do plenty of interviews about the mechanical stuff, and I wanted people to really hear who you are. I really appreciate you being on the show my friend.

Joe Fairless: Grateful to catch up and looking forward to staying in touch, and talking again soon.

Rod Khleif: Likewise brother. Alright. Take care. See you.


Thank you for listening to the Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed the show, please take a minute to visit iTunes and leave your comments. For more resources or to connect with us further, please visit our website at rodkhleif.com. Tune in next week for our next show.


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