Ep #591 – MFRS – $10MM in multifamily assets under management in one year
Warrior Rasool Mutawakkil is a financial wizard! He specializes in financial analysis and underwriting to determine an investment’s potential. As a U.S. Army veteran intelligence operative, his attention to detail, work ethic, and desire to serve others with pertinent information are his primary drivers.
Here’s some of the topics we covered:
- The value of sales training
- How to network
- Mailbox money
- Stress testing a property
- Your peer group
- A shift in mindset
- Maximizing opportunities
- Analysis paralysis
Full Transcript Below:
Rod : Welcome back to Multifamily Rock Stars. So, this is where we interview people that are crushing it in this business and we show you guys the inside scoop into you know, how multifamily investors are creating massive success in their businesses and in their lives. And as always got our co-host who’s the director of our massive action team for my warrior mentorship program, Mark Nagy on the call. What’s up Mark?
Mark: Hey Rod, do well. I’m super excited for this one because we were just talking about. This is a really cool story of just seeing a student of yours come full circle from one year ago today getting started, roughly one year ago until today. So it’s kind of a unique story over the past year and just hearing what he’s got to say here and what he’s done.
Rod: Yeah we’ve got Rasool Mutawakkil and I think I may have come close to pronouncing that right, on the show and he’s a cool guy. He’s actually a Financial Analysis expert. He’s, you know, he used to actually be a veteran intelligence operative with the US army. So we have to thank him for his service. But anyway he’s been a warrior for not quite a year. In August, will be a year he’s at 166 doors, 10 million in assets under management. And just going to have some fun today. Welcome the show brother.
Rasool: Hey thanks for having me Rod and Mark. I really appreciate it.
Rod: Yeah so you know, I suppose let’s start where we always start. Just have to have you tell a little bit about your story because I mean you know it’s really cool to see this progression and see you kicking butt man and I know a little bit of the secret to your success. I’m not gonna spill the beans on that but tell us your story buddy.
Rasool: Yeah well as far as commercial like you said, like it’s not even been a year ago. So if you actually go back to a year before today, I actually didn’t know anything about from commercial multifamily, at all. I actually had a buddy of mine who was also a warrior, Marvin Mitchell. He asked me if I knew about Rod Khleif and I was actually in your free group on Facebook. But I never really did any of the meet ups or the what do you call the boot camp. I never did any of that stuff. And yeah he had me sign on and I was like all right, cool! Let’s see what this is about. So once I went through the course material and that was it! It opened up my mind because I had real estate. I had a duplex. I ran as an Airbnb. That was my first foray it’s a real estate investment. I started that pretty recently as well. I’m so very new into real estate. I started that in 2018 with my wife. We just– we decided hey you know, we’re in a comfortable position we can start taking some risks. Let’s try to start to get to that next level in life. So we did the Airbnb which was in hindsight, a nightmare. Made a lot of money but crazy amount of headaches. Awesome learning experiences. And we both said to each other there’s gotta be a better way is people who are doing thousands of deals and we’re like– I’m like dying with two. So long story short, I once I figured out how people scale up. They work as a team in multifamily which I really appreciate that. I actually need that. There’s no way I can imagine doing everything that I’m doing with these units that I have with just me and my wife. You know we’ve got a young one right now, two years old and another one’s coming in December. So it’s gonna be even harder to try to manage this stuff so, I’m having a–
Rod: Congratulations!
Rasool: Thanks so much! Yeah, having an awesome team and most of my team consists of warriors believe it or not.
Rod: Yeah. Well, I will say something about you and I say this to all the warriors and that is get connected. And that my most successful warrior without question are the ones that are most connected and you are a connection fool. I mean I see you posting in the Facebook group all the time where you’re– you’ve met somebody. They’ve come into town or you’ve gone to see them or whatever. I think you’ve done that you know maybe 10 times I’ve seen. It’s been a lot. So you know just great to see that and great to see that you listen and actually took action. You know, so you know, talk a little bit about what you did just prior to you know, getting into real estate because I think, like you were like a Korean linguist or some crazy stuff after 9/11. Yeah.
Rasool: Yeah. So it is weird. I graduated high school in 2001 in June and I did pretty well in school. I had a 4.3 GPA. And I just– I didn’t want to go to school. I didn’t want to go to college. I was like I had scholarships to FSU and I was like something told me I didn’t want to go. I didn’t know what to do. And so a recruiter had come to my house and and trying to you know, try to get me to join, hey this is a good alternative and I was like yeah I’m not sure and you know 9/11 happened. And that kind of sealed the deal for me. I was like you know what, I just watched full metal jacket. I was like it’s my time. I gotta go and man up because I was a scared ,shy kid. I was– I’m not very– I wasn’t very gregarious like I am now. I was extremely like introvert and everything like that. So I initially joined the military you know, do my service for one, use my intelligence to help out the cause fight for the country. And then two, I wanted to get you know– get toughened up and you know, do all that stuff that army people do like be all you can be. And so, that was an awful time joining the military after 9/11 in wartime. I didn’t know what to expect about it. But I made it through fairly unscathed. A little bit of disability here and there. And I decided all right you know, what I need to go to get my education. I put that off I need to go get something done. And a girl I was dating at the time said “hey you love video games” by the way my super nintendo’s up there still. You should go and make that your job. So I went and got a degree in video game programming right and so that I went to full sail in Orlando if you guys are familiar with that.
Rob: Oh yeah! I took my daughter there that’s a cool university.
Rasool: Okay that’s awesome! It was really cool. I hated it! Video games is nowhere near as fun as playing it. But I had this field. I did really well in that as well so it definitely helped set me up for the future later on but that was right around the time the great recession. You know I’ve heard your story tons of times Rod or you talk about everything that you lost. I couldn’t even get a job as a programmer back then. So you know, necessity is the mother of all invention. I actually went to a cattle call for a sales job selling life insurance. And I was like I gotta pay my rent. So I gotta do something. So I ended up getting my life insurance license and that’s how I got into sales. And I think of everything that I’ve done in my life, learning sales is probably the most crucial skill that I’ve ever really am asked in my life.
Rob: Guys,I hope you heard what he just said. That’s absolutely the truth. Your ability to influence is probably one of the most important precursors to success and so sales influence and so you know, I was– I– you did some door-to-door I think. I even saw you did some insurance door-to-door knocking .You know my son, he just went to he went– where he works for my brother selling roofing. He knocking on doors up there and I’m like fantastic. Because that’s how I learned as well knocking on doors and foreclosures to buy houses. So there’s– you know that’s fantastic skill set. Thank you for bringing that up.
Rasool: Absolutely! Little character for sure.
Mark: That was one thing I wanted to ask you about because obviously knocking doors is not something that a lot of people do even in the sales industry and I know we talk about this a lot in multifamily is be willing to do things that other people aren’t willing to do. So tell us about some things that you’ve been willing to do in multifamily that you feel that you know a lot of people aren’t willing to do that’s gotten you to where you are.
Rasool: Well Rod touched on it a bit. Getting myself out there and networking. Anytime I can get someone to sit still, I ask them you know, what do you do. You know with your investments or you know what’s your plan. Do you invest in real estate or anything like that. I just asked. And I talked to everybody. I think my wife at this point is a little bit, you know, he’s like, oh my god there he goes again. We were in vacation in the … and I was just in the pool and these guys came up to me. I was like oh yeah they’re like “what do you do?”. I said “oh I buy apartment buildings. What do you guys do?”. “Oh I do construction”. I was like oh we should have this conversation because some of my properties are in Ohio where these guys live. And it just seems like everybody that I talk to is either very interested in wanting to do so. They don’t– they have no idea how to do it .They never even think. They just you know, they always say the same three T’s you know, tenants, termites, toilets and stuff like that and they’re like that’s not for me and everything like that. And so I talk to them about being passive investors and how they can get you know, mailbox money and your ears perk up .And they’re like “oh yeah I don’t have to do any of that headache stuff like” “No, you can get double digit returns with your bank account getting you right now”.
Rob: Right.
Rasool: Zero one percent? I was like well my target minimum is ten percent cash on cash.
Rob: Right.
Rasool: 50% ROI is what I strive to get for all my investors and they’re like “yeah here’s my phone number give me a call”.
Rob: I love it.
Rasool: Yeah.
Rob: Love it. Let in and you know, let me ask you this because you’re analytical but you’re so gregarious. Would you say, you’re more of an introvert or an extrovert?
Rasool: I’m a little bit of both. If I had to pick one, I’m a homebody man.
Rob: You’re an introvert. Okay. Yeah. That’s it. So you’re really unique in that regard and typically I mean that– or you’re just really stretching yourself which is really even more admirable because you know I know as an introvert you get energy from being alone. As an extrovert you know we get energy from being around other people. So okay. So let me ask you this. What do you –what are you now –you’ve created teams –oh by the way I see your sword back there you got your friggin warriors sword back there. So guys I don’t know if you know this. When one of our students gets their first deal, they get this awesome freaking sword in the mail from us and it’s really cool, actually a cool sword. But anyway, when you know in these teams that you’re created– that you have created, what role are you playing?. Are you playing the– you know, the connection person, building the connections or are you doing the analysis? Are you doing both? Just give me an idea.
Rasool: My primary role is capital raising. So after going through the course material, my very simple dumbed down version is like– there’s three things you know– three essential components to doing a deal. You got to have the experience. You got to have the boots on the ground and you got to have the money.
Rob: Right.
Rasool: By virtue of me being brand new I don’t have experience. I live in Miami so I don’t buy anything down here. It’s like crazy expensive. My backyard is like extremely difficult to get involved in. And so I started networking virtually. Everything I’ve done is virtual. I haven’t even left Miami to do these deals but I’ve got a deal in St. Louis. One in Cleveland Heights in Ohio. Looking at Cumberland Maryland I’m looking at a San Antonio right now. It’s all over the U.S. Everything’s virtual and I have trusted investors in one of those cities and when they hit me up they’re like hey I’m just dealing the contract take a look. So I do the underwriting. I make sure that the metrics are there and extremely conservative because this market is terrifying me personally. How I look at it. So I don’t want my forays using investor money to go sideways whatsoever. So I have a really– I have a whole bunch of buffers for conservative underwriting in that regard.
Rod: Nice.
Rasool: But yeah.
Rod: And so why don’t you speak to those for a moment. Talk about the stress testing and the buffers that you’re utilizing right now because that’s a fascinating topic. And so guys, what I’m talking about is when you’re looking at a deal you do what’s called stress testing it where you look to see you know, at what point you can break even for example is a stress test. So go ahead and speak to yours.
Rasoo: Yeah. So a couple of those things. One, the first thing I start with is the rent roll. All right, I see how much money it’s currently you know, bringing in and what it can do. That’s going to be a very heavy indicator on my purchase price.
Rod: Right.
Rasool: Because I want to be able I want to cash what they want. I don’t want to buy it where it’s bleeding money out or I have to get like a bridge loan. I will do it if the deal is right. But typically all my things are cash point at least eight percent day one because you know, beauty the midwest I guess. And then the next thing I do is I look in that market I see what are the potential rents. What are market rents currently going for that’s on average not necessarily newly renovated units but what can I reasonably expect to get from these units once I, you know, we do our repositioning and everything like that. And that point I sometimes only consider 90 maybe 95% of that amount. I don’t want to take it right to market even though I have a good chance of getting that especially with renovated units.
Rod: Right.
Rasool: The next thing I look at are the rent escalations. I start off with you know some sometimes people like to do three four percent average depending on the market. I actually go zero percent year one. And then I do one percent year two and two percent year three. And I keep.
Rod: Wow!
Rasool: Yeah.
Rod: So It’s very conservative you know. Like we’ve got a deal in San Antonio right now that we’re actually– we’re conservative as well. But it’s much more aggressive on the amount just based on historically whether it’s done there like we’re at three percent. But actually we’re using that number as our complete rent growth including from our– never mind. You know, what I’m speaking out of turn because that– what we’re doing on ours is we’re actually rolling our new rent amounts into that percentage even based on repositioned units. But do you do a break even test for example. Is that– do you ever look at that?
Rasool: Oh yeah. I want to see where at what point does my you know, that service become one.
Rod: Right.
Rasool: All right. A lot of times I’m looking at 50,60 percent because I can only get in on really good deals because of how conservative I underwrite. And I fully expect to be a little bit more aggressive either when I have more of these deals that are progressed further along or when something happens in this market that just provides a big opportunity to start buying up a lot faster.
Rod: That’s a really good point. So yeah. Like just in this example in the San Antonio deal we have under contract right now. We’re raising money for we’re we can break even at 59% economically occupied which is really very freaking conservative.
Rasool: That’s awesome you know.
Rod: Yeah. It’s a screaming deal.
Mark: Yeah so I know, talking about another deal Rasool, you mentioned you’re working on a 14 unit and you’re looking to add four units which is unique. We don’t get to talk about that very often. I only hear about those sorts of deals every once in a while, but for the people listening that want to do something like that. What made you decide that you know, you wanted to add and build brand new units on top of this deal.What was kind of the indicator there?
Rasool: Well the indicator is actually a lot more straightforward than you think. The guy has 14 units and four units are being used in storage. Like on top of the 14. It already has plumbing in there. Has running water. All we need to do you know, they got windows you just make it studios or efficiencies and it’s going to increase the NOI by 30%. It was a no-brainer.
Rod: Nice.
Mark: So let’s back into that a little bit. If I could ask, how did you get in front of that opportunity. For most people listening, they’re probably thinking well yeah that is obvious. That’s a huge value add. This owner doesn’t know what he’s doing. How did you put yourself in front of that opportunity to be potentially closing on that deal.
Rasoo: Might be telling myself here. But I don’t look for deals. They all come to me. Everything that I’ve done over this past year. I used to make the calls, talk to wholesalers, bird doggers, go direct to seller, hit– I was on the phone for hours. I mean like I say hours. I do my nine to five my well– my job is six to two thirty and after that my wife take the kid. Leave my– lock the doors. I’m in here going to like eleven o’clock at night. I’m gonna do what others won’t do. Right? so–
Rod: Wow!
Rasool: Yeah. I’m up doing all that stuff.
Rod: I’m really impressed because I didn’t– I thought you were doing this full time already and I just based on how prolific you are with your connections. So basically if I’m going to translate what Mark just asked you, your answer– your translation is you’ve built so many connections that you have deals coming at you.
Rasool: Yeah.
Rod: So guys again, this business is a team sport. It’s a connection sport and here’s a perfect example of someone who not naturally an extrovert has gone out there and built this. By the way if you’re interested in our warrior mentorship program for god sakes check it out. There’s an application process but just text the word “CRUSH” to “72345” again just text the word “CRUSH” because we help you crush it. Like we have with Rasool. Text the word “CRUSH” to “72345” and we’ll set up a call to see if you know, if you’re a fit for us and of course if we’re fit for you. So anyway so.
Rasool: I gotta say about that by the way if you guys are listening. I 100% believe that all the success I have in commercial is completely because of Rod’s program and the team that he has providing the support. I had a coach who walked me through when I had deals that I was underwriting trying to figure everything out. Like I talked about the underwriting right now, I had no idea what any of this stuff meant. Zero percent. I knew nothing. Like when I say nothing I absolutely mean zero. And the program actually gave me the basis of knowledge that I needed. And I went really hard right? So I wasn’t doing all the calls in the beginning. When I signed up, I dedicated myself after work. Like three to four hours every single day. Going through the course modules, watching the videos, re-watching the videos, taking notes. I got 57 pages of notes that I took on the course because it’s very long. And it took me two and a half months. So my first year right coming up here my first two and a half months were just studying and trying to get my knowledge base up.
Rod: With a full-time job and kids.
Rasool: And a kid yeah.
Rod: And I see pictures with you and your kids. You’re not like an absentee dad by any stretch of the imagination. I see that on Facebook. So what do you love the most about this business?
Rasool: People.
Rod: Yeah.
Rasool: I know– that’s why I said you know it’s a toss up. I’m an introvert and I’m an extrovert. You can–. It depends on the scene with other people to being extroverted but when I’m around other like-minded individuals it’s very energizing. I don’t like to go out and socialize and just party and drink for the sake of doing that. But like I went to that secret x trip earlier this year.
Rod: Yeah.
Rasool: It was amazing! A whole bunch of people who have the same goal. Same mindset. They think the same way. It’s extremely refreshing to be out in an environment like that and it charges me up and it gives me the motivation to continue finding more people like that. And helping more people like that adding value–
Rod: Well you may be an extrovert then. You know I’ll tell you may actually be an extrovert but bottom line is the secret to success in this business is those relationships. And if you truly are listening and you truly are an introvert and you’re like okay I don’t want to do that, then you just align with someone that’s not afraid to build those connections and make those things happen. And one thing he just talked about which is super important is the power of your peer group. You know whether you joined the warriors or not you know, he was talking about another event that I actually went to as well from some of my students put together that went to Costa Rica which was very cool in the year before we went to Jamaica. Because again you want to be around people that expect big things of you. That hold you to a higher standard. That aren’t intimidated, fearful or jealous of your success that aren’t going to hold you back and you know who you hang out with is who you become guys and– so choose carefully. Most people you know, default to the people they work with or went to school with. But you’ve got to be proactive and pick people that frankly think what you think is hard is easy and you know that’s why I started my mastermind and you know that where Rasool and I went was it was a mastermind, bottom line. So you know, be cognizant of that and get around people that want more.
Mark: And one other thing on that topic by the way is that’s why I love these Multifamily Rock Stars episodes so much. Obviously, the warrior group that takes it to a whole another level but just listening to somebody who says I’ve got kids, I’ve got a family, I literally knew zero when I started this and a year later where you at. It just gives you the confidence right? Other people that are listening right now that are maybe in that exact same situation, you can walk into this knowing that with the right help like absolutely you can do it as well. And on that topic Rasool, I’d love to get your opinion obviously you’re very good at networking now that’s your skill set. But what are some skill sets or even mindsets that you think everybody should have getting into this business.
Rasool: Yeah the first thing about mindset. I think the mindset itself is just really crucial. So I grew up in not the best part of Miami. A place called Perrine if you guys are familiar with the area Cutler Ridge area something like that. And a lot of times you know opportunity is not really shown to us growing up. If it wasn’t for my dad being the entrepreneur that he is, I would never have you thought to like own my own business one day or anything like that. You know my whole entire vision of success the same as everybody else. Get a good job go to college or go to college get a good job. You know get that house of the white picket fence 2.5 kids and then you know put sock money away in stock market for 30 years and then hopefully have enough when you retire to live on right before the money runs out. Like that’s what I thought was success was. And when you have that shift in mindset, I’m like everybody else guilty. It’s kind of like cliche to say it but when I got out of the military in 2006, I read “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and that was the first like feeding into my mind of like oh something’s a little bit different. I never thought about doing something like that, that was 2006. I didn’t buy my first property until 2018. Right? so it’s really important about taking action. Don’t just get the knowledge right? I slept for 12 years.
Rod: Wow! But imagine where you’d be, if you’d freaking started probably six would have been bad but unless it started in nine. Oh my god. You’d be– you know you’d be in the thousands of units you will be. Let me ask you in fact on that topic. What’s the driver brother? You just talked about your dad. You just gave your dad credit which is cool as hell. I just saw something on Facebook or Insta or something where somebody gave their dad a Ferrari. And that freaking cool. Like the dream car and you know. I mean– what do you have any giant bucket list, goals, that involve other people?
Rasool: Absolutely! You know for the … Dad doesn’t want a Ferrari. He wants a Rolls-Royce Ghost.
Rod: Okay.
Rasool: I said “mom, dad what do you guys? want I’m gonna make it. So whatever it is just tell me what you want. I’m going to set the goals to get it”. It’s going to take a certain amount of time.My wife wants an Infiniti qx80. Okay sure. Throw it in the bag. All right and I’m not thinking about how much it’s gonna cost, how many doors I need based on my cash flow and everything like that. I’m doing the math and the way I look at it now like the way I think about finances now is how much can my passive income buy me. Right. Beyond providing for my life so I just need to grow my passive income streams. And that’s literally it and you know people talk about you know Dave Ramsey with the debt snowball paying that down. You could actually have the investment snowball going way up to a point where it’s self-sustaining perpetually, forever. And I think it’s yeah–besides the cars, my wife, new house obviously. You have a nice huge house right now but you gotta get a ridiculous house right. Detective to the ego like that Rod said.
Rod: You know. What you know– it’s okay but the fact you know– the fact that you want to do things for– I mean that’s for your wife you the vehicles and the stuff I just thought you know. Sorry I kind of pre-framed the question that way. But you know we all have drivers and I know your drivers your kids and in that.
Rasool: Yeah but actually even more than the kids yeah. The kids yes. Because I want to be able to have them understand how they can live a life of abundance and freedom and opportunity. If they want it. Right? But for me, the question that’s always burning in the back of my mind is I look forward. I’m 75 years old at the end of my life and I look back, you know. Did I maximize those opportunities that I had. I had the knowledge you know I had you know a peek into like this crazy other life that people can live if they work hard enough and they’re smart enough and you know they’re financially savvy enough. You know. Am I just gonna say no I’ll just go ahead and be comfortable. I got a great paint job. I can kick my feet up right now. Do absolutely nothing and have a very comfortable life, right? Me and my wife make plenty of money doing all that stuff. But to be able to push myself and hit that other– another echelon, that next level and be in a position where I can give back to a whole bunch of other people and free their minds and teach them the things that I know. I feel like I would be doing the service to myself. I would live with like crazy regret and die with that regret. If I didn’t even take the opportunity to push. Give myself 10 years and push really hard for 10 years and see what it looks like. Come up for air, look around and be like what happened and then at that point I can reassess and then do something else.
Rod: Love it man. Freaking love it.
Mark: Yeah. So Rasool, what’s– through this whole multifamily journey, what’s some bad advice you’ve gotten along the way that you think the listener should maybe look out for and avoid?
Rasool: Absolutely! Underwriting. Bad advice. I’ve seen this so many times please do not change numbers that’s to make the deal work. I’ve seen rent escalated– somebody pitched me in a 30 percent IRR on a full gut rehab on this deal in Houston. In Houston? 30 percent okay! And I looked at the underwriting, I was like, well, the numbers are, they’re okay. What’s happening with there’s something I’m missing. And I looked and I peered into it. It was like on one of these hidden tabs and I opened it and their rent escalator was 10 percent for 10 years straight! Oh okay. So don’t do that. Don’t– the numbers are what the numbers are. So you’ll find a deal and I’m gonna tell you right now. I’ve underwritten personally the deals that I sourced over a hundred deals and not a single one of them worked.
Rod: Yeah.
Rasool: And of the deals that I have right now, four of them work that other people have bought to me and I don’t know how many hundreds of deals they have to go through to find it. So it’s really is finding a needle in haystack but the only thing that you have to do is just don’t stop looking, you’ll eventually find it.
Rod: Well you learn from the looking anyway. So how the heck you’re going to learn if you don’t look at a lot of– kiss a lot of frogs. That’s how you learn. I hear people bemoaning it but that’s how you– you know you get to– you look at enough deals you get to a point where you can smell if a deal is a good deal. So don’t avoid it or bitch about it. Freaking just you know go through the process and learn and grow and become more and– you know you’re a perfect example of that man. And so listen I’ve really enjoyed this episode with you buddy. You’ve added tremendous value and just shown what’s possible you know, so if you had you know one thing you could tell someone listening that hasn’t taken action maybe or or thinking about this. Think they want to do it maybe a little afraid of it, maybe they’re an analysis paralysis or whatever. What might you say to that person or those people?
Rasool: Do it! Honestly. Analysis paralysis is the definition of how I used to be. Like I said, I started reading these real estate books back in 2006. I had the knowledge. I knew. You know I read the “Millionaire Next Door”. I know how people are buying homes, building equity, doing other stuff, cash out, refinancing and doing other things. Like of all the things that I know right now, if I can go back to myself at 23 years old when I got out of the military. I got out of the military, I didn’t spend a dime. I was an introvert back then. Really shy. 4 digit saved up. Made on an 18,000$ year salary and 40,000$ saved up and I blew it all clubbing and drinking! In two years! It was crazy. But you know take that action. You know, and even if you don’t know everything that you need to know and how a deal works, the only thing that you need to know is the next thing to do.
Rod: Yeah.
Rasool: Take that out the way and then figure out what the next thing you do is. If you don’t know, call me. Call Rod. Whatever. Right?
Rod: Yeah. Like Dr. Martin Luther King said take that first step. The next step will be revealed and that’s just how it works. You can drive all the way across the country only seeing 50 feet in front of you and you know you’ll make it. You’ll hit some obstacles possibly but other you know other people have done it. And that’s how it works in this business as well.
Rasool: Oh and that’s great. I do want to say that too. When you hit those obstacles, that fear of failure is a crazy it’s a stupid thing to be afraid of because those failures are how you learn. I made so many mistakes with my Airbnb business. But it made us multiple six figures. And making– I mean every mistake you could think of flat roof, water damage, all kind of bad plumbing. Everything that you can think of that can go wrong with the property, can go wrong. And we had a whole bunch of seminars going through that. And everything that we learned to make us better on the other side. We were still stronger which like you said what’s hard to somebody else, it’s like easy to me now. The things that people complain about, but you have to go through it. Look for failure, right. Don’t try to fail but don’t be afraid of having those lessons come up and teach you what you need to know in order to get to that next level.
Rod: Yeah. We fail our way to success you know. I will tell you, if you’re not having setbacks or things you’re frankly not trying. Let’s just be real about it okay. You know who you are listening. Okay. If you’re not having setbacks or failures that– then you’re not trying and that’s how you grow that’s how you become more. And when you lose more than 50,000,000 come talk to me so I feel better about my 50,000,000 dollar seminar. But you know I’ve had multiple seminars throughout my life and that’s how you grow and learn and become more. Well listen. Great to see you brother. And look forward– we’re having a warrior-only event coming up really soon. And so all the warriors will get together and yeah– so anyway good to see you bud we’ll talk soon brother. Thanks.