Jordan is the driven managing partner and founder of NextGen Investment Partners, LLC, with a background rooted in rural southern Minnesota. After graduating from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, he served for 8 years in Aviation with the Minnesota Army National Guard. Today, Jordan channels his passion for service into disaster response with a global humanitarian organization. When not engaged in his W2 or multifamily investing ventures, he enjoys travel, weight-lifting, outdoor pursuits, and quality time with his wife, daughter, and family.

Here’s some of the topics we covered:

  • Jordan’s Military Background and Journey To Multifamily
  • Disaster Relief Planning and Deploying To Help
  • Faith, Family, and Friends
  • Getting Over The Fear Of Public Speaking
  • Discomfort and The Way Through It
  • Raising Capital Examples and Advice
  • Networking Before You Have A Deal
  • Specific Networking Examples
  • The Different Channels You Can Network Through

If you’d like to apply to the warrior program and do deals with other rockstars in this business: Text crush to 72345 and we’ll be speaking soon.

Full Transcript Below

00:04:27:09 – 00:04:44:10
Welcome back to multifamily rock star. So as you guys know, this is where we do deep dives into our guests deals and give you more early, more practical and actionable items and strategies for getting started in doing your first deal, especially if you’re new to multifamily. Of course, I’ve got my co-host, Mark Nagy, with me here. Good to be here.

00:04:44:10 – 00:04:46:18
Right. And we’ve got another good.

00:04:46:18 – 00:04:53:07
Guest for less than six months from when he came from working with us. So love these types of podcast people doing it quickly.

00:04:53:07 – 00:05:04:11
Nice. Nice. Yeah. We got Jordan Hinze on today and Jordan’s a fairly new warrior and he has closed on his first 48 unit deal, which we are going to dig into. Jordan, welcome to the show, brother.

00:05:04:12 – 00:05:07:07
Hey, thank you guys so much. Appreciate it. Excited to be.

00:05:07:08 – 00:05:13:20
Yeah, for sure. So why don’t you give us a little bit of background on who you are, buddy and where you came from?

00:05:13:21 – 00:05:35:17
So I’m born and raised. Southern Minnesota, the number two pork producing county in the U.S.. Growing up, I worked on hog barns and in construction. After that, after college, I joined the military and served eight years in the Army National Guard. And while I was in college, going back a little, my friend, my best friend growing up, his parents bought a house.

00:05:35:17 – 00:05:54:24
Every time one of their kids went to school. Their five children ended up with five houses plus another two. They did. The whole house hacking thing is just mind boggling and so smart. Then after they’re all out, they all graduated. Then they sold their whole portfolio all to one buyer up in the city there. So that really caught my interest in real estate right out of the gate.

00:05:55:00 – 00:06:16:17
So then after Army Fast Forward moved here to Rochester, my wife owns the dental practice and we were able to buy that building. She practices oral. So that was our first commercial official commercial real estate that we owned. So I kind of got ambitious when I started adding to the portfolio in that realm. And hence after the pandemic, the office space didn’t really look to appealing.

00:06:16:17 – 00:06:27:09
So I started following her out on Instagram and really just just drew myself more and more to him and then joined as a warrior in September and after the races we are. I love it.

00:06:27:12 – 00:06:43:05
Nice, nice. So I can hear the Minnesota. When you said Minnesota, I heard I heard it, man. I didn’t hear it when we were doing a pre frame, but I heard it then. Excuse me. I love it. Thank you for your service, by the way, as well. That’s that’s freaking awesome. You know, I know you’ve done some disaster relief stuff.

00:06:43:05 – 00:06:47:00
Talk about that for a second before we get into the real estate stuff, because that is so cool.

00:06:47:02 – 00:06:50:11
Yeah. Can I name drop the organization or just keep it to disaster? Really?

00:06:50:13 – 00:06:52:12
Absolutely. No. A name. Drop it.

00:06:52:14 – 00:07:10:21
Okay. Yeah. So I formally my W2, right now is working for the American Red Cross, the number one disaster relief organization in the world. And I am a quote unquote, planner for the American Red Cross. So I’m always planning for the next disaster. I do a lot with data ArcGIS Excel. So I’m really in that realm of planning.

00:07:10:23 – 00:07:30:08
And it’s kind of funny because a lot of my interaction with multifamily in the last six years has been from apartment fires. So when there’s an apartment fire, we’re working with the property managers to if they don’t have insurance to help those residents, we’re the ones housing those residents in either hotels or shelter locations. So that’s really been my interaction with multifamily in the last six years.

00:07:30:08 – 00:07:51:24
And it’s really funny how we go full circle about mobility. I’m going to be in I’m on the other side of that now as an owner, so it’s really cool. But yeah, so we work obviously hurricanes, home fires, apartment fires, tornadoes, you name the disaster, we’re there on the ground around. I am fortunate enough to be virtually virtual with my because I’m really tech heavy, but I can go and deploy anywhere if I want to at any time.

00:07:51:24 – 00:07:55:24
So you do deploy sometimes as well at these disasters? Yep.

00:07:56:01 – 00:08:03:19
You can. How? Like Katrina was one of the first ones that came in and was the recent ones all, all hurricanes. You know, you’re in that area, so.

00:08:03:21 – 00:08:24:14
dude, I settled for $1,000,000. I settle for $1,000,000. They’re on my compound on end because I got six buildings, roofs, paint, everything else. And Ian is my best friend. Ian was good to me. I’m not too many people, but he was good to me. Well, so let me ask you this. What kind of listeners on the show do you think would relate to you the most?

00:08:24:16 – 00:08:38:04
You know, and this this, this, this this ties into your personality and you’re very analytical. You told me before we started going that you’re an introvert. And so talk about what listener you think you could relate to the best. Yeah.

00:08:38:04 – 00:08:59:17
So I goes by a three F’s faith, family and friends. Those are huge pillars of mind. God, I give it all to God and really trust in Him and what he has plans for me and then my family is really what I want to spend the most time with and really help them succeed in life. I grew up with parents that were huge role models of mine.

00:08:59:18 – 00:09:29:03
I consistently look up to them always, forever, and really strive to be as much like them as I can, but yet develop areas that I hoped I would have got, like the financial literacy when I was younger. So I’m always trying to better my family’s future and also the friends that I surround myself. Being an introvert, my friends are all big talkers, so I’ve had it really easy that I can just kind of hang out, listen in the room and let them do all the talking.

00:09:29:05 – 00:09:51:07
So that’s been pretty fun. They’re all really successful in their realm as well. But planner my friends and family, I’m the one who plans our vacations. Does all that leading, leading to in organizing those trips. And so I really see myself as a planner, you know, faith, family and the organizer of the the groups that I’m in family and the friend group.

00:09:51:07 – 00:09:52:14
So bring that into.

00:09:52:14 – 00:10:02:22
Multifamily, right? Because you have an interesting story about doing your first deal and your quote unquote superpower, because you talked about, you know, kind of your personality.

00:10:02:22 – 00:10:05:13
Type, you work with data, etc., bring us up.

00:10:05:13 – 00:10:11:10
To speed on kind of what you thought your superpower might be getting into multifamily. And then how did that change?

00:10:11:12 – 00:10:32:22
Yeah, so it’s crazy. I mean, we do, like I mentioned, working exclusively at Data Excel and thought I’d really be comfortable in the underwriting realm and I love the underwriting well, but I definitely wouldn’t say it’s my superpower yet. I think we have a lot of growth there. I’m constantly joining warrior groups and trying to develop that part of me and I would say counter the super power.

00:10:32:22 – 00:11:00:14
I’d say my kryptonite is this public speaking. And that’s kind of thing that I have tried to attack. I’m naturally an introvert due to a speech impediment when I was younger. So after I was program to September, he said, learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. And I took that very serious. So every time I get uncomfortable and usually in the past I’d just hightail it and say, make up an excuse to get out of it, or just not be involved with it.

00:11:00:14 – 00:11:23:10
Now I push forward. I do what it is to grow and it’s it’s working huge. I’ve had a broker call one time that I connected with a broker and he just let me up when it comes to terminology, everything. But I had to get out of the comfort zone. I called him, I, he called me out a lot of things and I left that conversation, called my coach, Nick Woo.

00:11:23:14 – 00:11:38:20
I had I said everything according to her. I was thinking, Man, did I get it? To me, He’s like, It’s all right, man. Now you know, turn it back and go back and do better. So and it’s full circle. That broker now is LPM Micro Project, so it’s really cool. Wow, that.

00:11:39:00 – 00:11:56:10
wow. Good for you. that’s awesome, brother. That’s absolutely awesome. You know, it’s funny. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. You know, I jumped my fear. My fear is heights and I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane a few years ago, and I’ll never do it again. But I got uncomfortable. I love it. So let me ask you this.

00:11:56:10 – 00:12:19:15
What do you think? You know, you we’ve got a lot of listeners that have never taken action yet. And what is one item you think we could deep dive into today with you that would benefit our listeners to get started, to just get started in this business or just get rolling any, any, any does that resonate at all.

00:12:19:17 – 00:12:39:13
To get started? You just got to pull the trigger. You can’t keep sitting on your hands and thinking things are going to come to you. You got to go for it, get after it. Networking is a huge thing. You constantly talk about it within the Warrior group and on your podcast here. That is by far the biggest powerful thing that you can imagine is through networking that I was able to get on.

00:12:39:13 – 00:13:03:13
My first opportunity is through networking. That really energizes me, especially, you know, early on I kept hitting lows. You know, you’re doing all this stuff, getting all this work, but you’re not seeing anything from all this time you’re putting into it. So really, I found energy by connecting with warriors, you know, resonate in we, you know, hearing their same issues they’re running into or seeing that they’re turning things around and things are coming.

00:13:03:13 – 00:13:24:00
So it’s it’s energizing. I left every conversation with another warrior like, wow, I can do this. I’m back on top of goal. So and it’s a great chance that, you know, a lot of people get to know you what you can bring as a value, but also who you are as a person. And I think that in turn will come full circle again and people reach out and join teams with you.

00:13:24:03 – 00:13:26:16
You mentioned networking. We try and give the practical.

00:13:26:16 – 00:13:27:03
Steps on.

00:13:27:03 – 00:13:46:03
This podcast, so break it down for us. What are the what are the avenues that you network? How do you reach out to these people? And then when you do, you know, for other introverts listening who might not even know where to start, what do you say? How do you open the conversation? What are the things that you do in that conversation to quote unquote network with these people?

00:13:46:03 – 00:14:16:17
In my comfort zone is always texting people, and that’s all I can introvert, you know, communicate with you. So I’m trying to not do that. So I. Go ahead. Obviously, Facebook’s been a huge thing. I messenger email setting up founder Lee calls with folks to get on a video, call with them face to face and just come with a list of questions to kind of figure out where they’re at, what their markets are, at, what value, you know, what are their superpowers, what they what are they going to bring to this relationship.

00:14:16:17 – 00:14:34:15
And then just sometimes the conversations, actually, a lot of the times they turn more personal and we just kind of talk and keep it light. So that’s that ability to kind of really get to know each other on a personal basis outside of just the multifamily realm that we’re trying to get into. But yeah, and then I’m constantly buying new conversations.

00:14:34:15 – 00:14:51:21
It’s kind of funny because my W-2, somebody asks, you know, what do you do for a living? I don’t even talk about my W-2 anymore, which is crazy because now I’m, you know, working on my elevator pitch and just talking about multifamily. This is this is the future that I want. And so that’s the future I talk about when it comes to networking with folks out and about.

00:14:52:02 – 00:15:15:00
Got it. Excellent. And so yeah, yeah, yeah. Now let me ask you this. You know, you heard me say be comfortable with getting uncomfortable. Were there any strategies that you used internally to push through that? We call it stress achievers called fear stress, but it’s fear to push through that fear. Any any strategies that you use just to just frickin do it or you just did it?

00:15:15:00 – 00:15:16:17
I’m just curious.

00:15:16:19 – 00:15:30:16
It’s always front of mind. So I try to just do it. I recognize it all the time when it comes and sneaks up on me. Heart’s racing. I want to bail and I just literally recognize and just push right through. I try not to dwell on that too long.

00:15:30:18 – 00:15:49:05
That’s the secret I think is not thinking about it. I mean, this is not this is probably a trite or maybe it’s not even a great example, but I do a cold plunge every morning now and it is cold as hell. well, not for you Minnesotans, but for me. Yeah. I lives in Florida. It’s it’s cold and and and if I think about it, I’m screwed.

00:15:49:05 – 00:16:05:20
But if I just do it, I’m done. It’s all good. I can. I can do it, but. Okay, well, listen, I know you’ve you’ve got your first deal as a warrior, and and it’s not an insignificant deal. Why don’t you tell us about it? Tell us where it came from, how you got involved. You know, give us the numbers.

00:16:05:20 – 00:16:11:09
Let’s start with the numbers and. And all of the things. So let’s just take us through it just any way you like.

00:16:11:10 – 00:16:35:19
All right. We’ll start with the numbers first and we’ll circle back and talk about how I came to. That’s really cool story. So it’s a 48 unit townhomes up in Maple Grove, Minnesota, one of the best suburbs in Minnesota by far. We purchased it for just over $10.2 million. Total equity we raised was 4 million and we locked in a seven year, 6% fixed interest rate on the property.

00:16:35:19 – 00:17:11:01
This is a B property and a B plus area with a 98% occupancy. We have in-house construction. One of our partners owns a construction company, so he’s going to be keeping the in-house construction there, which is a 400,000 Reno budget that we got. So CapEx budget, this was a five or six C opportunity was obviously B or C is new realm for me, but C made it a little more interesting for me because there’s only accredited investors that I could bring in and then that split up the investment categories into two different classes, A one, a two, both have little slightly different returns.

00:17:11:01 – 00:17:25:15
Let me stop you for a sec. Let me stop you for a sec because I think people’s eyes are going to be crossed in here. We’re not careful if we’re not careful. So, guys, there’s two kinds of syndications that we see the most. Five or six be in five or 65 or six. B is what it used to be when I first got started in the business.

00:17:25:17 – 00:17:45:18
And when they passed the Dodd-Frank Act, they allowed five or six. C now five or six. B You can only deal with people you know, or that you have what’s quote unquote, a substantive financial relief well, not financial substantive relationship with them, where you understand their financial ability substantively, five or six C or otherwise, and you can’t advertise at all.

00:17:45:18 – 00:18:02:18
Back when I started, they had what was called the three touch rule. You had to actually touch somebody three times before you could tell them about a deal. Now you have to have that relationship, that description of a relationship. Now a five or six C the clouds parted, the angels started singing. We could advertise, we could scream it from the rooftops.

00:18:02:20 – 00:18:24:09
But that your your investors have to be accredited. What is accredited? You have to make $200,000 a year with the expectation of it to continue 300,000 if you’re married or have a net worth of $1,000,000 without your personal residence. So now now he’s talking about different classes of shares. Describe those classes and why they’re different.

00:18:24:11 – 00:18:55:24
Yep. So Class A-1 is a $200,000 investment, and those returns are going to be a little different. So we’ll have a 8% preferred return for them, 18.3% a IRR and a 2.28 x multi equity multiplier. And the A two was $100,000 investment with a 6% preferred return and 16.3% RR and 2.14 X equity multiplier. So just two different categories there.

00:18:56:01 – 00:19:01:14
So you’re just forcing people to put in more money, say, hey, you put in more money, you get a better return essentially to bring it down.

00:19:01:15 – 00:19:19:05
I rounded it up to like five big influences I really like about this opportunity. So one was this opportunity was in our backyard. So this is my first one and a lot of my investors, the first one. And what better than an area that everybody really knows because areas all my vessels are from Minnesota. So they knew this area very comfortable, this area.

00:19:19:09 – 00:19:38:17
Some they could drive through and physically see, hey, I’m LPM this opportunity. I’m a partner on this property. Number two I mentioned earlier is our broker is on as an LPs. He liked this so much that he joined as an LP and this one. Thirdly, the original property management company was the company that we beat out to purchase this asset.

00:19:38:19 – 00:19:52:15
So they, they had managed it for so long that they liked it and knew what it had for potential and they wanted to purchase it themselves. But we beat them out there. The Bovie, we did. There’s a bit of done a year prior on this that came in at 11.3 million.

00:19:52:17 – 00:19:57:04
Believe is a broker’s opinion of value. Okay please continue.

00:19:57:06 – 00:20:13:19
And that so we were able to buy it for 10.2 which is 1.1 million difference between the two. Bob was higher last year. Interest rates they didn’t want to sell us, so they held on to it for another year, hoping that the rates would come down a little better. And then lastly, the team is very.

00:20:13:21 – 00:20:30:24
You know what, I apologize because I interrupted you. So the broker’s opinion of value came in at all at 11.3 million last year, and you got it at 10.2 because rates have gone up. Yes. Yeah. Fantastic. So I just want to make sure that that that people got that so awesome deal. Great.

00:20:31:04 – 00:20:51:04
Yeah. So and then lastly, the GPC team was very active in my backyard Rochester and obviously in Minnesota. So it was a great opportunity to bridge the gap. You get a relationship built there and hopefully many more opportunities in the future as they’re navigating around my market in my back yard. So I just saw a huge value add there with this team.

00:20:51:06 – 00:20:55:06
So what value did you bring? What did you bring to the table? Yep.

00:20:55:06 – 00:21:11:07
So I was able to bring capital to this opportunity as our raiser. And then also I am on the asset management team not only to learn but also to help bring in market analysis every month on our and our GP calls and help and support the team for the next five years.

00:21:11:07 – 00:21:31:13
HOLD Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m curious on this because again, you said this is, you know, capital raising, being an introvert, that’s not your skill set. How did this opportunity present itself for you to go into something like this? Well, more importantly, more importantly, how did you push through the fear of picking up the phone and calling your friends, associates and everything to raise money?

00:21:31:13 – 00:21:38:06
I think, you know, because that’s not your wheelhouse, brother. That’s that’s just comfort. So you really push in that discomfort thing.

00:21:38:08 – 00:21:46:08
yeah. yeah. Well, it’s helped me before. I don’t say my age, but 36 years, you know, and I think kind of been long and please.

00:21:46:08 – 00:22:01:19
No, please know, this is not condescending, but I’m going to tell you I’m freaking proud of you, brother. I mean that because that’s that takes a lot because. Because it’s completely counter to your personality when you push like that. But look at you, man. You got you got a screamer deal under your you know, under your belt already.

00:22:01:20 – 00:22:06:17
Awesome job, man. So how did you get into that role then? How did that how did that come about?

00:22:06:19 – 00:22:08:22
Yeah. So how did we get to this deal so well.

00:22:08:23 – 00:22:10:23
And your role of raising the capital, how’d.

00:22:10:23 – 00:22:30:19
You even get to that point? Yeah. So this deal came about is I was actually looking at another property here in Rochester, Minnesota, and that property I was underwriting with a warrior came out to be a 40 property, so low income. So we got a little skittish, not really familiar with that background. So we pulled back on it.

00:22:30:19 – 00:22:47:24
Then at our Warrior event down in Phenix, I was asking around, trying to find out another warrior that that’s what’s so great about this community is there’s so much experience that there’s going to be somebody out there that’s really good. So I was able to find a warrior course. NAMER Very good, extensive background in low income housing. So I was able to connect with him.

00:22:47:24 – 00:23:14:02
Him and I underwrote this thing again, started digging deep on this. And then we got to a point that we found out there was a previous warrior that underwrote this and dug in deep and their due diligence way back in May on this property. So that warrior ended up being Charlie Peters. So we got on a call, Chris, Charlie and I and another partner of Charlie’s, we all got on a call together and talked about this opportunity, thought all those little hidden gems that the broker just wasn’t bringing to the surface for us.

00:23:14:02 – 00:23:37:17
So we ended up tossed it on the table. But through that conversation, I was able to meet the partner Charlie and Charlie. I connected after that call with them. Just got to know them. Networking. This is what I do. He’s like, I’ve heard so much good things about Rod’s Rod’s warriors, the community that he’s built. I love for you to come join this opportunity because we’ve heard nothing but good news about all those warriors in that group.

00:23:37:17 – 00:23:41:07
So I was like that. Yes, I love the of the opportunity.

00:23:41:12 – 00:24:00:18
Wow. Wow. I didn’t know that. That’s awesome. So talk about let’s let’s drill down on on why you love this deal. Let’s talk about the rents and whatnot. Why why is this deal such a great deal? I mean, obviously, you said it’s in one of the best subdivisions in your area. Townhouses. We love freakin townhouses. Nobody’s living above or below.

00:24:00:18 – 00:24:06:22
You. You know, the townhouses are probably my favorite. But what else? What what were the rents and things like that?

00:24:06:24 – 00:24:23:04
Yeah. So what really stuck out when we were looking at this property is our rents were quite a bit lower than what the market rents were. So just on a two bed, two baths we were at 1800, markets are 1895 and after our target range, our target RINO brand renovation.

00:24:23:04 – 00:24:24:17
Target renovation. Right.

00:24:24:19 – 00:25:04:14
Okay. Would come in on that two bed, two bath about 2070. So a little above the market. And then for the three bedroom two bath, our average leased rent was 2011 and our target, the market rent was at 2200. So after RINO renovation, we’re hoping to get that rent up to 2395. So we really want to it’s going to be about an average increase just to get up to market of $271 and then after renovations, 175 average bump up to get us slightly above where the market is just because the area that inconsistent consistent, we’re really going to beef it up and really look like it’s a class property, but it’s going to be class

00:25:04:14 – 00:25:04:20

00:25:04:20 – 00:25:14:18
So talk about some of the talk about some of the things you’re going to do in your in your in your CapEx and your capital expenditures and your renovations to bring on the ones that you do renovate. Talk about some of the items you’re doing.

00:25:14:18 – 00:25:32:03
So even after our first conversation with the property management company that we have on deck now is negotiating our current contracts. So an example, we’ve already got Tiger garbage services cut by 50%. So we’re really going through all the contracts that were in place and really shoring them up and getting better ones in place. So that, by.

00:25:32:03 – 00:25:51:18
The way, guys, sorry to interrupt, buddy. Sorry. I apologize. By the way, guys, cutting expenses is just as powerful as raising rents because any increase to the net income is an exponential increase in the value. It’s about 17 to $20 to one for every $1 you increase the net income. That’s how big a deal it is. So sorry to interrupt.

00:25:51:18 – 00:26:03:18
So so that was the expense cutting on that topic. To dig deeper on that, again, for the practical knowledge, what did you do? Did you just call up the garbage company and negotiate lower? Did you switch? How did you do that?

00:26:03:18 – 00:26:21:12
So we have boots on ground. One of our property managers literally lives in Maple Grove, so he’s extremely familiar with all the services in that area. So he not only knows those folks in the area, but has those connections already. So we were able to get on the phone, talk to those and negotiate better prices with folks that we already had relationships with.

00:26:21:16 – 00:26:32:09
And then also knowing folks down, it’s only an hour away between there in Rochester where their other asset is located those. So they also have connections down there with folks that they could have brought in.

00:26:32:13 – 00:26:35:11
Got it. Okay. So what are the upgrades you’re doing?

00:26:35:13 – 00:26:59:06
Yeah. So interior upgrades. So we got about 35 units that were put in new plumbing fixtures. We’re adding flooring, we’re painting new countertops, adding the white trim and updated cabinets. So we’re really trying to give this place a facelift to really, again, look like that class property in Class B are actually assets. So and then externally, we’re adding new signage.

00:26:59:06 – 00:27:12:12
We’re going to be putting Waystation that way stations in and really adding to the grilling patio areas better set up there. But the big catalyst that, you know, renegotiating, negotiated the contracts was huge to really get us up to that market rent.

00:27:12:18 – 00:27:32:16
Nice, nice, nice, nice. So let me ask, by the way, so you you found that you connected with Charlie, You connected with Chris. You put all this thing. These are warriors, wonderful people, by the way. I’ll in fact, let me just say this, guys. If you’re interested in applying to our Warrior program, for God’s sakes, do it. Okay.

00:27:32:16 – 00:27:48:21
Text the word crush to 723, four or five. That’s how you apply. You know, we look you over, you look us over. If it’s a fit, be the greatest thing you ever did in your life. I can promise you that. And if it’s not, even if it’s not, you’ll leave that call better than you got on it. So again, text crush 272, three, four or five.

00:27:49:00 – 00:28:05:01
So let me ask you this. You know, at the current pace, you know, you’ve only been in the program like just six months, not even quite. If you were to take a guess or a projection, how long do you think it’s going to take for you to reach financial freedom? Your definition of that.

00:28:05:01 – 00:28:26:01
So I came in here with the goal five years to really be financially free, dig myself out of the college debt that we have in our household. And I think after really digging in here, looking at I put myself at about a four years in about a thousand units, so averaging about 300 units a year, I think definitely would give me financially free.

00:28:26:06 – 00:28:28:23
And any more than that, it’s just a plus to get me going. But that’s.

00:28:28:23 – 00:28:35:14
Just gravy. Love it. Love it. Well, one thing I know you mentioned here, Jordan, on the hot topics, everybody’s been talking about interest.

00:28:35:14 – 00:28:36:16
Rates lately, but I know.

00:28:36:16 – 00:28:45:06
You mentioned capital raising. Now, why did you bring that up as kind of I know why you did. But the hot topic for the listeners, why did you bring up capital raising?

00:28:45:06 – 00:28:45:17
And tell us.

00:28:45:17 – 00:28:49:03
A little bit more about, I guess, why you think that’s going to be so important over the.

00:28:49:03 – 00:29:13:12
Next 12, 24 months in the market? Yeah, So everybody’s probably aware of what we got going on with the Fed cuts coming in the future. Possibly we got election year. We have so many layers of hodgepodge going on in this economy. Who knows? So a lot of folks are really conservative with their money and want to make sure they’re putting it to the safest conservative, most conservative area to get that gain.

00:29:13:14 – 00:29:34:08
So I really am seeing a slowdown and folks letting go of that money. So I think capital raising is a huge part. I think I’m seeing a huge up deal uptick and deals coming my way, but I don’t see the uptick in money coming my way. So it’s kind of a pendulum from what I’ve heard. You know, in the past, it’s been a big uptick in money, but but a low lower deal is coming to the plate.

00:29:34:08 – 00:29:55:02
So it’s kind of a pendulum swing here. And that capital is, yeah, it’s valuable. The folks that are giving it up want the best out of it and I want the best for them. So I’m really being picky with the opportunities that do come to the plate, being very conservative and making sure it’s going to be the best option for me and for most importantly, my investors to get them their returns.

00:29:55:05 – 00:29:55:11
A quick.

00:29:55:11 – 00:30:01:11
Follow up. What sort of effort did it take then to raise the capital for this current deal in terms of calls.

00:30:01:11 – 00:30:20:10
Networking, etc.? Tell us a little bit about that. Yep. So right when I joined as a warrior, I started immediately reaching out and saying, Hey, this is what I’m up to. I got hopefully some opportunities coming in the future. Would you like to partake? So I really started building out my list of potential investors. So with that, I had those all sitting on the back docket waiting for this deal to come.

00:30:20:10 – 00:30:43:10
So when this deal came, they’re on board. So it’s really nice to have that ready, that list of folks ready. And then even better being that it was the five or 630 which I could openly solicit, I was able to start amortizing this more just in my circles. I didn’t really go outside and post it anywhere in public knowledge areas, but just doing that was even they didn’t.

00:30:43:11 – 00:31:06:01
Even if they didn’t join my investment, I was able to add to my investor list saying, Hey, I like this opportunity. I love to join future ones. So I found a huge gain in the five or six being restricted that was just credited. It also a huge gain, an opportunity to openly advertise exactly what I’m doing and show them some numbers while I’m doing it versus just talking about, you know, this could be the potential or examples.

00:31:06:07 – 00:31:08:04
How much of the 4 million did you raise?

00:31:08:04 – 00:31:10:02
I always ask 800,000 of.

00:31:10:02 – 00:31:13:05
That fantastic space, by the way, to go out.

00:31:13:05 – 00:31:17:03
And start raising money before you even get to a deal. Because very often people.

00:31:17:04 – 00:31:25:10
Ask me a question like, hey, what do I do to raise money when I get a deal? Do I just post it and hope I get money? But it’s such a better idea to.

00:31:25:10 – 00:31:28:21
Actually start networking before you even get to that point.

00:31:28:23 – 00:31:37:02
What did you do? Drill down on that a little bit. What did you do prior to having the deal? Talk about how you built that list.

00:31:37:02 – 00:31:45:00
So I was consistently reaching out to folks Facebook. I reach out to Hilary Graves, who’s a ginormous you know.

00:31:45:02 – 00:31:50:14
She’s she’s she’s awesome. Yeah, she’s she’s fairly new as well. And she’s killing it with capital raising.

00:31:50:16 – 00:32:10:13
And she you know, she pointed out how she uses Facebook as one of her avenues. And that’s kind of where I started is using Facebook. I have all these friends on Facebook that I maybe haven’t talked to in years. So let’s let’s connect again. So I started regionals saying, hey, this is what I’m up to. Whether this be something that you’re interested in and, you know, give or take, people signed up or they didn’t.

00:32:10:15 – 00:32:30:04
So that was my first avenue that I really started utilizing is Facebook Messenger. And then outside of that day to day, my new conversations at the gym that I attend every day or try to just those conversations with people, Hey, what are you up to? This is what I’m doing now. Would you like to would you be interested or anybody that you may know be interested in something opportunity like this.

00:32:30:06 – 00:32:46:11
And you know, a lot of my friends are farmers. They have half the year hanging out in the winter here in Minnesota, are not doing too much. And they’ve got money on hand. So they’re also looking for opportunities as well. So this is kind of a new realm instead of going to buy that new tractor. Mike, Hey, how about you?

00:32:46:11 – 00:32:51:14
Are you down this opportunity and we can buy two tractors in five years?

00:32:51:16 – 00:32:57:04
I of it. Are you okay with listeners reaching out to you, and if so, where? And how can they do that?

00:32:57:04 – 00:33:20:09
Brother Yes, I love that. Yeah. If they want they can visit my website at WW dot next give dot com so any give e-com or you can look me up Jordan hands on LinkedIn I’m on there as well okay kind of cool little secret the next give dot com if you don’t mind is a place one of the big things I love about your brand is that you give it back so much more.

00:33:20:09 – 00:33:35:14
So I came up with the next given the next gen so I really want to give back once we get going with this. So first invest next gift. So that’s kind of our concept behind next year because that’s a huge part of our lives as well. Giving giving back as much as we can.

00:33:35:16 – 00:33:54:04
I love it. I love it. And I know you. You were at the Orlando event in September and you saw, as do the Hall of Fame Awards to the exemplary warriors. And every single one of them gives back in some fashion and, you know, power moves to those who serve. So and some brothers. Yeah. Clarify that’s next give without the correct.

00:33:54:06 – 00:34:12:24
Yes, that’s correct, Ivy. Okay. Just for the last year. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So So again, yeah, You saw it. You saw just that literally every person we had on stage, it wasn’t just about the fact that they’re killing it in the business, but the fact that they give back. And it’s just extraordinary. And we see it almost on a weekly well, definitely every other week basis.

00:34:12:24 – 00:34:38:06
Somebody posts in the way a group that they’re doing something charitable and you know, we’re making the world a better place besides just, you know, making ourselves better financially. So. Well, listen, brother, I appreciate you coming on. You you did a great job today and you push through and and and it’s obvious why you’re going to be an incredible you know, you’re already a success, but you’re going to be an incredible success in this business.

00:34:38:06 – 00:34:42:22
I’m certain that a certain of it. So. Well, thanks. Thanks for coming on, buddy.

00:34:42:24 – 00:34:43:11

00:34:43:13 – 00:34:44:05
Good to have Jordan.