The A.C.T Framework For Real Estate Investing

Your Secret Sauce To
Achieving MultiFamily Mastery

This proprietary framework is the secret to long-term wealth for
you and your family. Pay attention, because it’s deceptively simple
to get wrong… but if you follow this correctly, you will transform
more than just your bank account.

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Before jumping into any deal, the first step for any real estate professional is to raise your level of awareness… to see what’s really in front of you.

This means being honest with yourself about what you know… and what you know that you don’t know when it comes to Real Estate.

This is your opportunity to become aware of your investment criteria, to gain market awareness, to be aware of what team members are present and missing so that you can succeed fast… and to become aware of the investors and syndicators you’re pooling together so that everyone can win.

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Step two is for you to become a master of the close.

Learn every step of the process to efficiently close the best deals. Perfect your deal structure. Know the ins and outs and make sure it’s legally accurate and favorable for you and you team. DO your due diligence and secure opportunities.

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The final (and most exciting) step is Transformation. This means building up and transforming your property so it is a true cashflow vessel… it means transformation for your investors, transforming your team, transforming the community you’re building, and most importantly, this is when you get to transform as well.

It’s only up from here… rinse and repeat. When you follow this process you are constantly learning, improving and discovering new things about yourself and the market. I truly believe that one of the greatest tools for self growth is growing your real estate legacy. If you’re doing things correctly, you’ll astound yourself throughout the journey!

Think you’re the right fit?

Join Our Community Of Real Estate Warriors And Get The Guidance and Support To Build Your Own Cash-Flow Kingdom

When you join the multifamily community, you’re given the world’s best tools and network to succeed in real estate.

You and your family deserve to have cash flow for life, not to be stuck exchanging time you will never get back for scraps of money that don’t hold the same long-term value.

Let’s work together to create something truly special for your life.

Think you’re the right fit?

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1-1 Private Mentorship

Here’s your chance to mentor 1-1 with me and my expert coaches.

The main difference between our crew and the other “coaches” in the real estate training industry… is that we don’t actually have “professional coaches”…

If that’s what you’re looking for, well, your just flat out of luck.

Our team members are anything BUT professional coaches. Instead,
we’re proudly made up of veteran Real Estate Investors. It’s common for each of your mentor coaches to have an average of 600 doors to their name…

Yes, you read that correctly… 600!

This select group of advisors is here to share every tip, secret and strategy they’ve acquired so you don’t have to waste time creating cash flow for life.

Our slogan is… “screw coaching”… we’re all about REAL results here.

We give you the right steps to take so you don’t have to do the hard work on your own… you get a much better option than “try till you die.”

This mentorship program is for individuals who are serious about transforming their life through multifamily real estate.

Think you’re the right fit?

Group Coaching With Rod

Join hundreds of students and become a part of our group coaching community. This is the place to discover the right steps with a group of go getting real estate pros.

The Warrior Community is our group of motivated and engaged real estate investors, who are taking massive action and are committed to:

Take control of your life and your financial future.

Think you’re the right fit?

Join The Next Multifamily Mastery Bootcamp

Get the blueprint for Multifamily real estate investing live and in person with me for 3 days!

The Multifamily Bootcamp is a 3-day LIVE training event where I guide you step-by-step on how to generate consistent, monthly cash flow through multifamily real estate. Not only will you discover how to buy an apartment building, I’ll also help you breakthrough your limiting beliefs and develop the confidence and mindset you need to succeed.

These are the exact same strategies I’ve used to find and buy the 2,000+ properties I’ve personally bought over the last four decades.

The Lifetime Cashflow Academy

This is our signature online platform to help you advance in Multifamily real estate.
These courses are for you as a compliment to our live trainings and
to give you the tools to succeed on your own.

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Popular courses include:

The Incredible Power Of Passion

“Live with Passion” – Tony Robbinsread more Passion is more than enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that’s materialized into action. “Passion is the genesis

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Multifamily Mastery Course

The documents you need to get started in creating lifetime cashflow through multifamily property investing. Scripts, Sample Letters, Contracts, Guides, Checklists & More!

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World’s Greatest Wholesaling Course

This 30 Day Quickstart Action Plan is designed as a step by step guide providing you the blueprint to get started building your multifamily real estate investing business.

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Finding Deals Course

Learn Where to Find Hidden Multifamily Properties to Invest In and What to Say When You Find Them.

Rod Khleif Book

Full Document Library

The Lifetime CashFlow Book Companion Course provides video instruction offering detailed explanations of the content per chapter of Rod’s Book.

Raving Reviews For Rod’s Programs

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