Warrior Win

Anthony & Candace Coffey

Single family investors for 7 years
Motivated by freedom.

Property Details

Address: 164 nw vesper st blue springs MO
Number of Units: 8
Value Add Deal? Yes
Purchase Price: $225,000
Estimated monthly increase projected? $150/unit
Anticipated value after value add: $750,000
Estimated Cash on Cash Return: 100% after we BRRRR out
Estimated Internal Rate of Return: 100% after we BRRRR out

Warrior team
shout outs:

Any comments about your experience so far in the Warrior Program?

Great community. Looking to get more involved and attend some events In 2022

How did you find this property?

PPC lead

How did you structure the financing of this property?

Partnered 50/50 split with cash partners

Was this a joint venture or syndication?

Joint Venture

How did you raise the equity?

Mastermind group we are in together

What was the equity raise?


What are some hurdles you had to overcome to get this deal done?

Finding the cash/giving up equity

What are some of the lessons you learned with this deal?

More due diligence. I bought pretty quickly after one walk thru. Sellers needed to close in 3 weeks.

* These examples depicting income or earnings are NOT to be interpreted as common, typical, expected, or normal for an average student. Although we have numerous documented successful deals from our coaching students, we cannot track all of our students’ results, and therefore cannot provide a typical result. You should assume that the average person makes little to no money or could lose money as there is work and risk associated with investing in real estate. The students depicted have participated in Rod’s training and coaching. The participants shown are not paid for their stories.