Morgan Ehrenzeller is an entrepreneur who, growing up in a small town of 700 people, made a promise at 13 to build a better life for his family. By 14, he had launched a software company, generating $1,000 a day in sales by 16. At 17, he purchased his first duplex, marking the start of his real estate journey. Now, at 27, Morgan privately owns 198 rental units, not tied to any syndication or fund. His story is a testament to grit, vision, and taking calculated risks, offering both inspiration and actionable insights.

Here’s some of the topics we covered:

  • From Teenage Hustler to Real Estate Mogul
  • How He Started Earning $1,000 a Day as a Teenager
  • The Ultimate Shortcut to Financial Independence
  • Mastering Networking Secrets to Crushing It in Any Market
  • The Power of Seller Bonding to Unlock Deals Others Can’t Touch
  • Unfiltered Beginning Investor Advice
  • Morgan’s Fiery Real Estate Horror Story
  • The Best Parts of Real Estate You Can’t Learn From a Book
  • How to Tune Out the Noise and Make Bold Moves in Real Estate
  • The One Core Value Every Investor Needs to Win Big

To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal: Text Partner to 72345 or email 

Full Transcript Below

01:20:15:11 – 01:20:34:09
Welcome to another edition of Lifetime Cash Flow to Real Estate Investing. I’m Rod Cleef, and I am thrilled that you’re here. And I know you’re going to enjoy the interview I’m doing today. It the gentleman’s name is Morgan Aaron Zeller. And, Morgan has a very unique story. Very young. And, he’s already accomplished a hell of a lot.

01:20:34:10 – 01:20:36:02
So we’re going to have a lot of fun today. Welcome, brother.

01:20:36:06 – 01:20:37:09
Hey, thanks for having me, rod.

01:20:37:10 – 01:20:45:11
Absolutely. So why don’t you, give us a rundown who you are, where you came from, and, you know, and then bring us cards, and we’ll go from there.

01:20:45:13 – 01:21:06:03
Yeah. So I’m Morgan Aaron Zeller, quick and dirty about me where I came from. Small home town of about 800 people in Pennsylvania central PA. My entrepreneurial journey kind of started when I was 14. I started a software company. Ran through it that me and my partners, we were making a bunch of money at the time, but we weren’t an adult.

01:21:06:04 – 01:21:28:20
So all of our third party financial processors like PayPal, for example, you had to be an adult to take payments. So since we weren’t actually 18, they kept limiting our accounts. So at that point, as a young entrepreneur for about 1516, we’re probably pulling in probably $1,000 a day at this point. I’m software sales. So like how how do we pivot?

01:21:28:20 – 01:21:54:08
You know, we’re not we’re not adults. We can’t take money legally. So then I came across cryptocurrency and bitcoin. So then we moved all the SAS profits from you know, everything rerouting it from PayPal and money money orders and all that stuff to bitcoin and Bitcoin was about $30 at the time. Well, so did that, made a boatload of money there, kind of one kind of an accident as well, right?

01:21:54:10 – 01:21:54:23

01:21:54:23 – 01:21:57:22
What was it, about 30,000 from 30 to 30,000.

01:21:57:23 – 01:21:58:28
That’s like 100, 4000.

01:21:58:29 – 01:22:02:24
Oh, no. Shit. God, I don’t pay attention to it anymore, you know? But.

01:22:03:00 – 01:22:31:04
Yeah, yeah. So we made a lot of money there. And then I bought my first duplex when I was 17 on seller finance with NPR. Yup. Okay. Mike ran down. Seller finance. Nice. Went to college. Bloomsburg University graduated college in 2020. Last semester of college, I went to a foreclosure auction, bought a house for ten K, 117 K, a sweat equity into it, and then after I got it, refinance it, was worth 126.

01:22:31:06 – 01:22:38:28
And at that point I was 21, 22, and I was like, shit, I just picked up 100 K in 3 or 4 weeks, and then it clicked with me.

01:22:38:28 – 01:22:41:22
Real estate could be something here. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

01:22:41:24 – 01:23:00:04
That I collect and is like where I’m at in my life, 22 years old. I don’t come from money. I, you know, don’t come from a pristine university. I’m not a Yale or a Harvard graduate or I, you know, don’t come from investment banking at collectors like no other job or industry is going to do that for me at this point in my life.

01:23:00:06 – 01:23:03:06
So that was the the really first nice check.

01:23:03:08 – 01:23:04:25
And then an epiphany as well.

01:23:04:29 – 01:23:06:26
Yeah. And then I started, I ran with it.

01:23:07:01 – 01:23:10:13
Yeah. So. So why didn’t you have your parents help you?

01:23:10:16 – 01:23:13:00
My parents don’t have money. I didn’t have a rich young. Oh, so you couldn’t.

01:23:13:00 – 01:23:15:28
You couldn’t use them for the PayPal thing or anything. You just didn’t want to or what?

01:23:15:28 – 01:23:26:11
Well, they’re very risk adverse. So, like my my dad, he doesn’t want none of his stuff on line. Like, even if we go to buy something on line, he’s so hesitant to give, like his credit card or debit.

01:23:26:12 – 01:23:38:06
Got it. And I know the personality type. Okay. I was just curious because that’s what I would have done. I said, hey, you know, let me put the PayPal in your name and, you know, move on. Let me ask you this. Did you have any mentors back then? How did you learn how to do a flip and all that?

01:23:38:12 – 01:23:56:22
No, I didn’t have mentors, but my dad was a third generation carpenter. Okay, so ever since I was young, he had me holding the flashlight. So he, I remember I was probably nine years old. I was redoing a roof with him up in New York. I actually fell off a roof when I was about nine doing a roof with him.

01:23:56:29 – 01:24:09:01
So he had me working with him at a at a very young age. And in hindsight, with what I do now is extremely valuable. Yeah. Because when you start at the bottom and you know, you know, construction from the inside out, nobody can bullshit you.

01:24:09:01 – 01:24:23:20
So, yeah, that’s huge. Yeah. I know with my warrior coaching students, when I find out they come from a construction background, I’m like, man, you’ve got a leg up because you know you’re not going to get screwed by a vendor and, you’re going to know how to price things out. You’re going to know how to know if somebody is playing around with you.

01:24:23:20 – 01:24:37:16
And there’s a lot of that in that, in that arena. So. No, that’s that’s fantastic. Framework for this. And so now you’re now you’re at 439 doors. And a lot of those you own privately. Correct. And you’re in how many states?

01:24:37:19 – 01:24:38:12
And nine states.

01:24:38:13 – 01:24:46:05
Nine states and, and the average size, you know, what is your target, size asset right now?

01:24:46:07 – 01:25:06:06
I’ve been doing a lot of creative finance. So most people, you know, obviously familiar, traditional. So I’m really good at talking to sellers and to where? No money down. So right now, my, my bread and butter is 25 to 75 units. Yeah. So like example, just last week I got my dad and I, 19 unit for $0 down cash.

01:25:06:06 – 01:25:26:08
Long day one. We also got a restaurant with it for 25 K down. Well, just recently I got, last three weeks ago, I closed on a 46 unit for 20 k down sellers holding a $1.1 million note at 0% interest. Where where what’s West Liberty, West Virginia? Oh, okay. Okay. Just like an hour.

01:25:26:08 – 01:25:29:05
So how are you finding all these deals all over the place? What do you where do you hunt?

01:25:29:12 – 01:25:51:11
It’s a lot of setting up inbound funnels. So like most people you know are familiar with the driving for dollars looking on Zillow realtor. That’s an outbound approach, right? I don’t like doing outbound marketing, so I like inbound. So I set up funnels and, you know, subscribe to wholesalers, buyers list, things like that. So every morning I wake up, my email is flooded with deals.

01:25:51:18 – 01:26:00:20
So then I have my VA go through, you know, filter these out, teach them, you know, some basic underwriting. If it’s a certain criteria, send it to me. And then I, I dig into it.

01:26:00:24 – 01:26:07:13
So so you email wholesalers flippers. You bought these list. You email them say send me your deals.

01:26:07:16 – 01:26:10:22
I don’t buy the list. It’s all organic. I don’t spend a dollar.

01:26:10:22 – 01:26:11:27
How did you get the list?

01:26:11:29 – 01:26:18:17
It’s just a matter of a lot of networking. Okay. And like them adding you to their buyers list. So like when they get something, they go and they mass.

01:26:18:23 – 01:26:24:06
So how did you how did you find them in seven different states. I mean, how do you how did you do that? I’d like to get into some more detail here.

01:26:24:08 – 01:26:27:15
Yeah. So that’s all the wholesalers. They’re doing all the legwork here.

01:26:27:16 – 01:26:33:00
No, I got that. But how did you find them? Is my question. How did you find these wholesalers in in other states?

01:26:33:03 – 01:26:37:29
So it’s just a lot of networking, honestly a lot of networking and a lot of one line.

01:26:38:00 – 01:26:41:13
So where did your network did you go to meet ups in these states or what did you do?

01:26:41:15 – 01:26:46:18
Facebook groups, masterminds, events, webinars, seminars.

01:26:46:18 – 01:26:51:28
And you’re just good at capturing people’s information and putting it into a database and and putting them on an email list.

01:26:52:01 – 01:26:53:03
But they did that for me.

01:26:53:03 – 01:26:54:24
Oh, they do it for you. Oh, gotcha.

01:26:54:25 – 01:26:57:23
Because they they’re sending me the deals. I’m not sending them that because.

01:26:57:23 – 01:27:20:17
You’re the buyer. Yeah. Because I have people in my Facebook group sometimes throw, hey, if you’re looking for a deal, I, they, they tease this phenomenal deal to get there, to get the information. Okay. All right. So okay. So and I love the framework. So you have all your, have your email full every day. Your VA checks that she does a screening process sends you the ones that are worth doing.

01:27:20:20 – 01:27:34:14
And and you’re good at talking to sellers. And this is something I teach in my bootcamp, by the way. So it’s great that we’re having this conversation so people hear it from someone other than me. Do you find, do you deal with a lot of elderly sellers?

01:27:34:21 – 01:27:35:08
I do.

01:27:35:08 – 01:27:42:20
Yeah. And do you, let me ask you this question. Do you focus on the relationship first before you get into the property? Do you bond with them first?

01:27:42:22 – 01:27:44:24
Absolutely. I know the report. Yeah.

01:27:44:26 – 01:28:00:02
That’s so important is seller bonding is so critical. I’ve done deals. Nothing done. I’ve done deals. Ever made a payment for a year because the property needed so much work. But if you build that relationship and you build that trust, then you know you can create win win situation not to take advantage of them, but to really create win win situations.

01:28:00:02 – 01:28:20:26
Right? Yeah. And and most, you know, you correct me if I’m wrong on this. Most retirees, you know, they’re not going to take that money they made from that, that investment they’ve had for 20 years and throw it into another high risk investment. It’s going to go in the bank. And what’s the bank paying an interest rate. So if you can communicate to them plus they’re going to get killed in taxes.

01:28:21:01 – 01:28:33:23
And so you know, if you tell them, hey, if you work with me I’ll pay you monthly, you’re not going to get a big tax hit. You’re going to pay tax on what you get that year. And your payment for me is going to be a lot more you’re going to get from a bank, because you can work with the interest rate or the payments.

01:28:33:23 – 01:28:36:09
If you want to. You agree with all that framework.

01:28:36:09 – 01:28:47:22
You hit the nail right on the head. Yeah. And then and to mention to piggyback on that like the older one, I just had one where I was walking them through the taxes situation like hey, can I was like, what? What do you really want here? They’re like, right.

01:28:47:22 – 01:28:49:18
You got to find out what their outcome is, right?

01:28:49:19 – 01:29:08:29
It’s sales 101 is all it is. Find the pain and tie the value to it. And they wanted their kids to remember all the hard work that they did. So, you know, I walk them through the tax implication, like, you know, you’re going to get under the barrel here. What taxes. Right. And I said, what do you think’s, you know, your kids say example you do a seller finance situation with me.

01:29:08:29 – 01:29:16:16
I’m going to pay you more than the bank’s paying you. Right. What do you think your kids are going to remember? Every single time they get a monthly check from me, right? They’re going to remember, you know, every time they get.

01:29:16:16 – 01:29:35:29
Oh, nice. Oh, nice. It’s not a one time hit. They’re going to think about you every single month. Oh that’s beautiful brother I love that one. Oh that’s a good one guys. Write that one down. That’s a good one okay love. So we’re going to take a quick break from this incredible episode for word from our sponsor my incredible freaking warrior program.

01:29:36:04 – 01:29:55:25
Are you thriving or just surviving? If you’re just surviving and you need to escape the rat race and propel your life forward, you have to take action. You actually have to do something right now. If you haven’t heard, I’ve got this amazing mentorship program. My students are called My Warriors, and at last count, they own somewhere between 190 and 200,000 units that we know of.

01:29:56:00 – 01:30:15:00
It’s an extraordinary group of people that are just flat out crushing it in multifamily. If you’d like to apply to our amazing warrior program, text the word crush to 72345 and we’ll set up a call. You can look us over, we’ll look you over. And I can promise you, even if you don’t join the program and it’s not a fit, you’re going to leave that call better than when you got on it.

01:30:15:00 – 01:30:30:28
So again, text the word crush to seven, two, three, four, five, and you and I will speak soon. All right, let’s get back to it. But, and it’s really it’s all about asking the right questions, you know, why are you selling? What have you tried to do that didn’t work? Why do you think the property hasn’t sold?

01:30:30:28 – 01:30:47:07
Because they’ll tell you what’s wrong. That’s that’s the seller. Financing is fantastic. And and, you know what? Wait, wait. A frickin capitalize on it. And I know you’ve done a little bit of syndication. You said as well, right? You’re just getting going in that, what’s what’s I mean, what’s next? What’s the. Are you planning to do more?

01:30:47:07 – 01:30:51:04
Are you going to continue doing what you’re doing here? I would guess, because that seems to be working well.

01:30:51:07 – 01:31:09:12
So I, you know, the syndications and the funds, I, I you do that, but I think everyone, you know paints a big, sexy picture on it. Like a lot of these low to no money deals down like 20 k down I know another 46 unit for 120 K down. I can find capital very very easy. And that 146 or 20 K down.

01:31:09:12 – 01:31:23:01
You mentioned about no payments for a year right. That’s actually what I got to on that one. No payments for 18 months y 0%. Wow. So I can find capital very, very easily to keep things privately and not, you know, selling it as a security.

01:31:23:02 – 01:31:40:07
Just do a joint venture, in other words. Right. By the way, guys, a joint venture is when both people are active to some extent, okay? You can’t take money from someone unless they’ve got. So, you know, maybe your partners have some decision making capabilities, like you can’t spend more than a certain amount of money. You’re nodding yes.

01:31:40:14 – 01:31:50:12
Yep. Okay, okay. That’s how I worked mine. If you take money from someone and just offer them a return, you have to syndicate. Otherwise you’re in violation of the SEC. But. Yeah.

01:31:50:14 – 01:31:56:03
So, yeah, a lot of these to these investors, they want to learn, so. So, like, they’re flying out to the properties with.

01:31:56:03 – 01:31:57:24
Me doing the due diligence with. You.

01:31:57:24 – 01:32:05:28
Got it up there on the property management calls every week because they at the end of the day, one, they want to know about their investment, what’s going on with it and to they want to learn. Right.

01:32:06:00 – 01:32:24:05
Yeah. And I would just tell you I’d encourage them to, communicate thoughts on those calls. I’d record the calls just to play it safe. And or take notes on the calls, have a note taker where they’re actually actively involved because they have to be actively involved. That’s the that’s the key piece here. But it sounds like, you know, if they if they fly out to the property, they’re, they’re active.

01:32:24:05 – 01:32:43:18
But again, if they’re on the calls I’d recommend that to you. So, what suggestions would you have Morgan for? You know, I have a lot of listeners that haven’t taken action yet. They know they want to do this. You know, and, they’re just sitting on the sidelines, maybe fear, maybe the limiting beliefs holding them back.

01:32:43:18 – 01:32:51:00
Maybe they’re comfortable. But, you know, they know they don’t want to be in the same place they are right now, say 1 or 2 years from now. What would you say to them?

01:32:51:02 – 01:33:17:17
I would say everyone. Everyone does that. And every big leader, you know, they they’ve all experienced the fear. And they at the end of the day when they first started, they didn’t know what the hell they were doing either, but they did it anyway. And I think, you know, if you if you really can’t get over that triumph, how you get confidence is by doing things just like, you know, you go to the gym, you do reps, you build the muscle.

01:33:17:20 – 01:33:35:12
So if you’re still you can’t get over that fear. What I would recommend is find that person who’s doing what you want to do or is living your lifestyle and go work for free for them. Yeah. Now you’re going to build the wraps up. You’re going to build the muscle up. So and, you know, six months or a year, you already know the next step.

01:33:35:12 – 01:33:45:09
I see a lot of people, they they think they need to know the whole staircase. But you don’t need to know the whole staircase. You just need to know the next step ahead of you, or know someone who knows that next step ahead of for you.

01:33:45:15 – 01:34:10:17
Yeah, or get in a group of people that are doing it, you know, I, I will tell you, you know, go to your local meetup groups, you’re going to meet these wholesalers, you’re going to meet flippers, you’re going to you’re going to meet people that are long of tooth that just want to help. And there are a lot of people, these meetups, they’re old and they just go and they and they and they’re happy to put their arm around you and help you with stuff and, and and of course, you know, things like my warrior program, I mean, my students now, I think around 250,000 units.

01:34:10:20 – 01:34:29:08
We’re doing a count again, super something I’m super proud of. And and it they’re all done between warriors. So you want to be around people that are doing this business. You know, rising tide lifts all ship. So, you know, you want to get in that kind of a group. So what what do you think is your biggest personal success, greatest personal success.

01:34:29:10 – 01:34:32:23
So or even professional personal professional, both.

01:34:32:26 – 01:34:59:09
Personal and professional success so far for me personally, I didn’t come from a lot and what I’m trying to break my my parents free and everyone in my family free out of the rat race. I’m the only entrepreneur in my family. And last, last year, November, November, not last year. 14 months ago, I finally got my dad to start investing with me and got him off the sidelines and into real estate.

01:34:59:13 – 01:35:16:20
Just like when I first started in real estate, he was the first one that told me I was going to fail. Yeah, so that was led to burning fire inside of me, my young 20s, to prove him wrong. Good. So having him, you know, see everything I’ve built. And so he watched it and seen it all happen.

01:35:16:27 – 01:35:36:06
I was finally able to get him off the sidelines and since and 14 months, we started with $10,000 each. I told him, you know, I’ll match everything, you know, let’s match it 1 to 1. I started with $10,000.14 months ago, and since that, we scale $10,000 till 1232 units.

01:35:36:11 – 01:35:37:03
No kidding.

01:35:37:10 – 01:35:40:11
Yeah. And this is probably me. If I want to retire here in June.

01:35:40:15 – 01:35:41:06
No kidding.

01:35:41:06 – 01:35:46:10
Effort. That’s, You know, a year and a half I was able to do more for him than his job did in 20 years.

01:35:46:12 – 01:36:05:16
It’s so rewarding. You know, I, I, I my parents were too old to actually start investing, but, you know, I took him on cruises, bought him a car out of my house down here in Florida. And this, I mean, you know, not nothing more rewarding than that. So let me ask you this. You know, everybody, thinks it’s just all roses and glory.

01:36:05:16 – 01:36:21:11
They see, you know, the duck floating on the top. They don’t know that the legs are furiously pedaling on the bottom. But but talk about some of the, you know, talk about us. You know, I call them seminars failures. I call our setbacks big setbacks. I call them seminars, you know, like when I lost 50,002,008. That was a big seminar.

01:36:21:11 – 01:36:32:28
But that’s as we call them, because it’s it’s only a failure if you don’t get back up. You don’t get the lesson. But talk about maybe some setbacks you have or a big one. And if you feel like there’s a learning opportunity, a teaching opportunity in it.

01:36:33:00 – 01:36:35:16
Yeah, I’ll give you one. That literally just happened two days ago.

01:36:35:17 – 01:36:46:10
Okay. Wow. Okay. And by the way, guys, he has a whole menu of them as anybody that does this business does. Right? I mean, you could literally probably go through and list a hundred of things, but but okay, let’s hear it.

01:36:46:12 – 01:37:10:07
Yeah. I had one two days ago. We have me and my partner, we have an 11 unit. This partner, these boots on the ground, more green in the face. Was an investor, but also wanted to do the active role to learn. So, you know, we we’ve had this, these 11 units since about September, back in September, you know, I asked them to go get some insurance quotes.

01:37:10:07 – 01:37:25:16
He got some I linked them to my, my insurance guy. We got the insurance cut chopped in half for my contact. So I said I’m not going to say his name, but partner, you know, can you make sure this gets signed and tidied up that way? We have insurance. Right? When we got the the building is like, yep, I’m on that.

01:37:25:16 – 01:37:43:08
I’ll get that done today and missed it. Two days ago I got a call from the property manager that. Yeah. Hey, your apartment complex is on fire. So, meanwhile, we just turned one of the units. I budgeted 20 about 20 K for it. We came in at 11 K, so I was thrilled. Says last week, I was so excited.

01:37:43:08 – 01:37:59:00
Like, now we’re going to hit this out of the park. You know, we’re under budget. Things are going good. I get the call, the fire. I’m like, okay, shit. Like, you know, we’re turning the rest of these units. You know, we may get a may get a little catch, a little break. No one’s no one’s hurt. Thank God that was the first.

01:37:59:05 – 01:38:01:01
How many units? Just in one unit.

01:38:01:03 – 01:38:07:15
So was an eight unit and then a three unit directly beside it. And, so two dwellings, an eight and a three, and then both.

01:38:07:15 – 01:38:08:28
Buildings got heavily damaged.

01:38:08:28 – 01:38:39:27
Just the one. And I happened from a like a street fight outside. What wasn’t even our tenants. They went like a blanket on fire and threw it under our apartment complex. Long story short, yeah, the insurance was never signed and binded. So I guess. But I think God was watching over because how this broke out, the fire burned one of the hot water heater water lines, so that helped contain it drastically because water is just pouring.

01:38:39:27 – 01:38:43:00
Oh, wow. From the wall from it. So that helped contain how.

01:38:43:00 – 01:38:44:09
Many units were damaged?

01:38:44:12 – 01:38:49:11
Two units were damaged. And it’s only going to be probably 5000 bucks.

01:38:49:12 – 01:38:57:24
Oh, fantastic. Wow. Okay, there’s a lesson to dot the I’s and cross the T’s and trust but verify. That’s another lesson there, right?

01:38:57:24 – 01:39:17:14
That’s the lesson. Trust but verify. That’s you know, that’s my fault for not asking for the declaration page. Yeah, I should have asked for the declaration page because I’m more seasoned. Yeah. And verified that that was binded. So you know, he he was devastated. And he’s like, you know I’ll take the loss. Right? I’m like, no, you know, we’re partners when we, when we when together when we lose we lose together.

01:39:17:15 – 01:39:29:08
Oh that’s a that’s an awesome, awesome attitude. Yeah that’s an awesome attitude. So what do you what’s your favorite part of this of this, this, this entrepreneurship role that you’re doing. What do you love the most? I love.

01:39:29:09 – 01:39:41:26
The thrill. I love honestly, I like real estate a lot from all aspects. I like the deal hunting, the negotiations. I like negotiating shaving stuff down. I like taking a piece of poop and making it look beautiful.

01:39:41:28 – 01:39:46:18
Yeah, and then sometimes that’s a pretty, pretty accurate analogy, right?

01:39:46:20 – 01:40:02:23
Yeah. So I, I really just love all aspects of it and I, I feel like it’s my purpose that this is what. Oh great. And here so great answer. When you, when you feel like it’s your purpose I feel like it. I really don’t feel like I work. I love what I do.

01:40:02:26 – 01:40:23:25
Guys, if you can just if you can find what you love and if it’s not multifamily, for God’s sakes, go do something else. If it’s not real estate, I’m starting to teach other asset classes now. We just senior housing, you know, industrial, FlexPays self storage, mobile home parks. I’m starting to do a lot more different things. But if you if you don’t like any of those things for God’s sakes, go find something you like to do.

01:40:23:25 – 01:40:44:00
Because. Because then you can identify and connect with a purpose. And that’s what life’s about. You know, the purpose of you, the the purpose of your life is to find your purpose and live your purpose. And and when you love what you do, work is play. You never work another day in your life, right? And you’re passionate.

01:40:44:00 – 01:40:56:28
And when you’re passionate, you have the ability to influence people like you do every day with these sellers. And, you know, I’m sure partners that invest with you because they can see the passion and they want to be around it and they want to work with you, invest with you and sell to you and so on and so forth.

01:40:56:28 – 01:41:11:09
So yeah, that’s I’m really glad you brought up purpose. So is it just you do you have any other people on your team? You got a VA? Who who else? Is there anyone else that you’ve aligned with other than these partners that come in, maybe with some cash partners?

01:41:11:12 – 01:41:23:20
As far as, like, my in-house team, it’s really just solely me and my, my VA. That helps with a lot of the back end and admin work. But a lot of these partners are active, so by all means they help a lot with the heavy lifting. It’s not, you know, just solely me.

01:41:23:27 – 01:41:26:22
Or do you do you try to find partners that live in the state you’re buying it.

01:41:26:22 – 01:41:41:09
Yes. Yeah. So I fortunately I have a lot of capital sitting on the sidelines that people want to do deals with me. So when I find a deal towards a particular partner I try and align that. So then they are close to the asset. So that’s generally how I’ve been.

01:41:41:12 – 01:41:57:20
Oh that’s smart. Super smart strategy. Super smart. You just like to network then. So you get out there you you you get out there. You get information from people. You connect with people. You know, I tell my warriors, my coaching students, that’s the most important thing you can do. It’s more important who you know is more important than what you know.

01:41:57:26 – 01:41:58:15
You agree.

01:41:58:17 – 01:42:09:14
I at first, yes. But you I think you also have to have the resources when you get that network that you can really start executing. Well. Sure. But yeah, for sure. But absolutely your network is your network.

01:42:09:15 – 01:42:22:28
That’s it, that’s it. It’s absolutely accurate. Yeah. I mean sure, you’ve got to you’ve got to be able to figure out how you’re going to add value to the people you network with. Maybe you find deals like you do, maybe you raise money like you do as well, but you know, you can do one or the other as well.

01:42:22:28 – 01:42:38:08
I have students that do one or the other and some very, very successfully. So I mean, you’re still wet behind years. You’re 27. You know, I like to ask the question, if you could tell 18 year old self of something, I would like to still get your answer, you know, if you could, knowing what you know now, what you’ve done already.

01:42:38:08 – 01:42:40:16
Is there anything you would do any differently?

01:42:40:18 – 01:42:58:16
Yeah, I would say not to let external factors influence decision making. I how I was brought up, you know, jam down my throat. You got to go to college, you know, get a, get a degree. That’s why that’s why you have to be successful, right? Obviously, if I know what I know today, I would have just went straight into real estate and doing what I’m doing.

01:42:58:16 – 01:43:21:25
I’d be much, much, much further. But, you know, if I could rewind that to get caught up to speed at a much quicker rate, I would like I mentioned earlier, find that that person and work for free for them for 1 or 2 years, because then you bypass a lot of the pain and the mistakes where you’re tripping and falling and you, you speed up at an accelerated rate of your education.

01:43:21:27 – 01:43:27:01
And then to like when you, when you serve the table enough, you eventually get a seat at the table.

01:43:27:02 – 01:43:41:06
Sure. Well, you know, I will tell you. No, I just that’s fantastic. That’s not always easy because not a lot of people need help. I get that, by the way. I get asked that all the time, just so you know, all the time. Can I come work for free? But. But you can also align or partner with someone that’s done it.

01:43:41:06 – 01:43:57:01
You can add value to them in some fashion, find the deals, maybe help raise some money, you know, maybe do some of the legwork. And yes, you’re doing it for free. But but you know, that’s the you can take the partnership approach as well. And I know, you know, again, that’s why I suggest you get around people that are doing this.

01:43:57:04 – 01:44:12:21
You know, you’re very motivated. And, what what’s the driver there? What’s the why why, why do you have this growth mindset? Where’s that coming from? Is it coming from the past? Okay. Yeah. You’re nodding okay okay.

01:44:12:23 – 01:44:27:01
I remember I was 13 years old and we had a I was so embarrassed to have like so we grew up really. You know, we didn’t have a lot of money at all. And, we had a hole in our bathroom floor. And I was so embarrassed to have kids or friends over at that at that point.

01:44:27:03 – 01:44:37:10
That was my. Why? Because I wanted to change my bloodline. And I wanted my future family to never live like that or, you know, be in that situation. So that was my wife and my still, my.

01:44:37:10 – 01:44:39:00
Wife’s a hell of a motivator, isn’t it?

01:44:39:00 – 01:44:41:22
Because I don’t want to go back to that, to being broke.

01:44:41:24 – 01:44:59:25
Now I feel you, you know, I wore clothes from the goodwill until I was 14. I lied about my age and got a job at Burger King flipping burgers because I was tall and, you know, and and. Yeah, that, that, that embarrassment, you know, of, of not having and, and, you know, it’s, it’s a, it’s a real motivator.

01:44:59:25 – 01:45:14:02
It’s a negative motivator, but it’s a motivator. But, okay. So that’s what that’s what still drives you. And I remember wanting to go to my 20 year reunion and being somebody that was also it’s an embarrassing to admit, but that was a real motivator for me because.

01:45:14:05 – 01:45:15:28
I can’t wait for my ten year coming up.

01:45:15:28 – 01:45:31:14
Yeah yeah yeah. So same same same same. Yeah yeah. But I’m going to tell you I’ve just I hate to, I hate to burst the bubble. It’s a big letdown because nobody really gives a shit. But yeah. What about it. But it but it but it’s a driver right. So let me ask you this. What’s some of the best advice you’ve ever gotten?

01:45:31:14 – 01:45:50:28
We talked about some of the worst advice, and I by the way, I this is all resonating with me. My dad worked for Continental Airlines for 36 years. He used to tell me, go get a real job, you know, get a real pension. You know, my mom got $697 from his freakin pension a month. You get this? And I didn’t pay rent, and and he worked for continental for 36 years and got laid off.

01:45:51:00 – 01:45:59:00
Yeah. So there’s no job security. Your job security is between your freakin ears. But but what’s some good advice you’ve got? And if you if anything comes to mind.

01:45:59:02 – 01:46:04:16
One thing I got when I was younger, a, kind of a mentor when I was doing software, told me, you know, Morgan.

01:46:04:19 – 01:46:26:26
If you’re thinking you want to use real estate as a vehicle to your financial freedom, then listen up now, there are incredible deals coming in multifamily because the interest rates and the interest rates are causing a lot of deals to go into distress. So if there was ever a time to get into this business, it is right now, and I’m blessed to say I’ve helped thousands and thousands of people on their path to creating the life of their dreams.

01:46:26:28 – 01:46:51:25
You know, it’s my greatest blessing. So if you’re serious about creating that life for yourself and your family, and you’re going to do it with real estate, for God’s sakes, come spend a couple days with me. My two day virtual bootcamp starts April 26th and 27th. You’ll be immersing yourself in this exciting business. I don’t sell anything there, and you’re going to leave that event knowing how to find deals, how to evaluate those deals, how to raise all the money you need for your deals, how to finance them, how to syndicate them.

01:46:51:25 – 01:47:13:12
Joint venture the works. And it’s super early bird pricing right now. Again, I don’t sell anything at 16 18 hours of training, nothing being sold. And the investment is minuscule. Text the word boot camp to 72345 or go to Rod’s right now and I’ll see you there again. Text the word boot camp to 72345 or go to Rod’s

01:47:13:12 – 01:47:17:01
I promise you’ll be glad you came. All right, let’s get to it.

01:47:17:04 – 01:47:34:16
Good things come to those people who have patience. And I stuck with that, throughout my life. And it’s generally very true. To a degree. And also, even if, like, a deal doesn’t work out in hindsight, in the future, that may be the best thing that that’s happened.

01:47:34:16 – 01:47:37:19
Sometimes the best deal is when you don’t do. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

01:47:37:23 – 01:47:38:11

01:47:38:14 – 01:47:43:02
I don’t know about the patience thing, man. I that’s my worst quality. I’m so frickin impatient. But,

01:47:43:05 – 01:47:50:10
So I can see a flip side to that because you have to have patience, but also you have to have executional skills, and, you know, there’s you.

01:47:50:10 – 01:48:03:23
Got to take action. You gotta take action. You can’t use that, that, that, that line to procrastinate, not do a damn thing, you know? But, you know, did you have any fear when you first got started or fear when you did a larger deal? Any fear pop up? And if so, how did you deal with it?

01:48:03:26 – 01:48:19:05
That’s a really good question. So I remember my my first one, I would say I grew up in construction a little bit. I knew that I could figure it out. Everything else I did, you know, starting a software company as a teenager, I had the mindset, you know, if I can figure this out, I can figure, you know, some freaking drywall out and.

01:48:19:11 – 01:48:39:10
See, see, see, that’s. Guys I just want to flag when you say something profound. Because when you’re looking at stuff, if you can look back at previous successes and acknowledge those successes, how did you breathe? How did you look? How did you feel and bring that to today? It helps you push through new so-called fears and what is fear for everything and run.

01:48:39:10 – 01:48:45:01
I think it’s false evidence appearing real, right? Yeah. Okay. All right. So to keep continue. Sorry, I interrupted.

01:48:45:03 – 01:49:02:26
No, you’re good there. So yes, there was fear at the beginning. Absolutely. But I had the mindset, you know, I was just getting out of college. All my friends were going to the, you know, the city, renting the nicest apartments, buying the new cars. I knew that was, you know, the wrong move at that time when you’re young.

01:49:02:26 – 01:49:17:28
Twice. I knew that was going to, you know, get you stuck in the rat race. So I had, I kind of took the mindset approach. Okay. You know, I’m making money. I’m stashing in the bank. What am I going to do? Go buy a new car or, you know, rent a the nicest apartment in the city?

01:49:18:01 – 01:49:33:15
I don’t really. I grew up without shit. I didn’t have shit. So, like, none of this stuff really matters to me anyway. I really don’t care, right? So I just had the mindset, you know, have it in the bank and lose money to inflation year over year, or buy a piece of real estate that’s going to be bringing money.

01:49:33:15 – 01:49:46:07
And so it was I just had to like, clearly define in my mind when I was starting out, you know, what’s the worse of the two evils? Hey, you know, you can’t really if it’s just sitting in the bank doing nothing, I would rather park it in an asset.

01:49:46:14 – 01:49:48:16
So you had this realization at a young age?

01:49:48:19 – 01:49:56:19
Yeah. And until, you know, at that point, you know, I was, you know, the old saying 90% of millionaires are made through buying and holding real estate. So yeah.

01:49:56:24 – 01:50:03:17
Oh, yeah, 90% of the millionaires guys either made their money in real estate or put their money in real estate. So I mean, that’s a clue. It’s what we call a clue.

01:50:03:17 – 01:50:25:01
Yeah. So then that too, when I was, like 14 and started bringing all that money from the software, I, I realized till every wealthy or rich person I know was involved in real estate in some way, shape or form. So that’s when I bought the duplex because I didn’t know what to do with money. I was coming in at a young age, and I literally just, like, I’ll push myself off the cliff.

01:50:25:01 – 01:50:25:20
I’ll learn it.

01:50:25:26 – 01:50:40:13
Okay? Okay. You rationalized this, what it sounds like when I think back, because the question was, how do you push through the fear? And you just literally rationalized it logically is how you did it for yourself? Yeah. That’s good. No, that’s really good. Does do you have any, who inspires you?

01:50:40:16 – 01:50:43:03
Like who inspires me? Yeah.

01:50:43:06 – 01:50:46:07
Anybody public that you talk about?

01:50:46:09 – 01:50:50:17
Not necessarily public. My dad inspires me a lot.

01:50:50:21 – 01:50:53:00
Oh, that’s nice of you to say. Yeah.

01:50:53:02 – 01:51:19:04
Some of my partners inspire me. Oh, like, I meet a lot of really successful people. Like, very, very successful people. You know, ones who have, you know, did mergers with billions of dollars of mergers with, like, very public people with, like Jay-Z, for example, stuff like that. But I, you know, I see, you know, the mansions, the houses, the cars, that doesn’t really that doesn’t impress me or impresses me as if you have really good core family values.

01:51:19:06 – 01:51:29:03
If you know, the grandparents and the grandkids and all the kids are really whole as a family because that’s something that’s decades and generations of work that can’t be bought.

01:51:29:04 – 01:51:34:26
Okay. What motivates you then, if it’s not material things? What? I mean, what’s your ultimate outcome? What’s the what’s what motivates you then?

01:51:34:26 – 01:51:42:09
I always want to be better. Every I mean, only 1% better every single day. I want to be better. And I provide more for my family. Okay.

01:51:42:10 – 01:51:43:19
That’s that’s a good motivator.

01:51:43:19 – 01:51:44:17
That’s, you know, that’s.

01:51:44:17 – 01:51:45:05
A good motivator.

01:51:45:11 – 01:51:45:25
That’s what it.

01:51:45:25 – 01:51:53:04
Is. So if you were going to give high school graduates some books to help them on their path, what are some books you might give them?

01:51:53:06 – 01:51:56:13
I would start them with leadership and mindset books.

01:51:56:18 – 01:51:57:24
Can I like.

01:51:57:26 – 01:52:06:26
I first, you know, probably everyone who’s listening to this probably read the Rich dad, poor dad, of course, the millionaire next door. That’s a good one. You know, never split the difference.

01:52:06:27 – 01:52:08:17
Oh, Chris Voss, I’ve had him on the past.

01:52:08:18 – 01:52:15:16
Yeah. And then, you know, as you’re scaling a little bit further, I would, you know, recommend buy back your time. You know who’s that by Dan Martell.

01:52:15:17 – 01:52:17:13
Okay. Yeah. Okay.

01:52:17:15 – 01:52:21:08
Yeah. He talks, you know, really about solely focusing on your highest dollar per hour task.

01:52:21:11 – 01:52:45:27
You know, I’ll throw some into, you know, of course, Dale, Dale Carnegie’s How to Win friends influence people from a sales standpoint. So. Good. You know, I, I’ve given away, I think, over 5000 copies of Thinking Grow Rich. So good one, and, do you have any flaws or weaknesses that you discovered that you turned around, that contributed to your success?

01:52:45:29 – 01:52:47:24
Do I have any falls or weaknesses.

01:52:48:01 – 01:52:53:29
Mean in your journey that you that you identified that contributed to your future success? Anything come to mind?

01:52:54:03 – 01:52:56:08
I was giving my time up to people.

01:52:56:10 – 01:52:59:00
Oh, giving your time up. Time suckers.

01:52:59:00 – 01:52:59:17

01:52:59:17 – 01:53:13:27
Okay, well they’re there. So when you have I’ll tell you what I did, by the way. Because because I get used to get that a lot. You know, when I had 800 houses, I get people at meetup groups that I’d go to and say, you know, how’d you do it? I’m like, really? I mean, you think I can tell you here in five seconds?

01:53:14:02 – 01:53:36:12
So I copied these CDs from, one of my mentors and, and I said, here, listen to these and then come back to me. Nobody ever came back. That’s true story. I probably did that 50 times. I’m not kidding. But. So how do you deal with somebody that comes in and wants to ask your opinion? The what do you do?

01:53:36:14 – 01:53:50:27
I try to if it’s someone that I know personally and I’ve brought up absolutely 100%, I will always, you know, try and respond. But right on, on the caveat, I am extremely freaking busy throughout the day. Like I don’t have time to reply to every single person I physically can’t help.

01:53:51:00 – 01:53:52:14
Like on social and stuff, you mean?

01:53:52:14 – 01:54:06:29
Yeah, I can’t help every single person. Well, one thing that I. It reminds me of what you just said. I just started a three course, dynasty dwelling. So now I’m going to start, you know, mentioning, like, what you did here, take this and run with it.

01:54:07:02 – 01:54:11:08
Okay. But. Okay. Okay. Fair enough. What are you not good at?

01:54:11:09 – 01:54:26:19
A year ago, I would say raising capital. I mean, obviously there’s still room for improvement, but, you know, a year ago, 25, you know, check size would be 25 to 50 caterers. And now it’s, I mean, a couple two weeks, grace, 2.3 million.

01:54:26:19 – 01:54:27:07
Did you really?

01:54:27:10 – 01:54:27:23

01:54:27:23 – 01:54:49:23
Wow. From one person. Yeah. Be careful that they follow through. That’s a big hit for one deal. Be careful because, you know, that can really hurt you if you get close to the closing date and something happens. So just cautionary tale there because we’ve seen it. And that’s why we always over raised by at least 25%. Right. Because you know you get to the finish line and somebody like that backs out.

01:54:49:24 – 01:54:51:08
You’re left you know.

01:54:51:08 – 01:54:59:18
Yeah he has he’s an active partner as a as a job 100 unit. Okay okay. Yeah. We both run AMD and so he has skin in.

01:54:59:18 – 01:55:01:03
Oh he’s got skin in the game too okay.

01:55:01:03 – 01:55:10:17
And he’s he’s, an attorney. In 2020 he had a big Hvac and plumbing business. He’s also a fortune 500 company and did a nine figure accent.

01:55:10:18 – 01:55:28:19
No kidding. Good for him. Good for him. He’s got the money. Okay. Fair enough. Just just a little caution there, guys. If you’re raising money and you get somebody says, yeah, I’ll put in a half a million, like, ooh, in some cases we won’t take it because it’s just too risky, you know? Because if they change their mind for some reason, you know, and you get to the finish line, it’s or it’s a yeah, I didn’t.

01:55:28:21 – 01:55:45:02
Yeah. Actually if it were a million, I’d say we’d be we’d be cautious. Really cautious. It might not do it. So just be careful with that. The other thing is if, if you take if any LP invest too much money, sometimes they have to sign on the debt, which can be a problem. So you got to be careful with that as well.

01:55:45:04 – 01:55:49:21
That’s a factor. So you consider yourself a leader.

01:55:49:24 – 01:55:50:16

01:55:50:16 – 01:55:54:29
So what do you think is 1 or 2 characteristics that a leader should possess?

01:55:55:02 – 01:56:15:25
Integrity during the the dark and the light. Yeah, I think that’s huge. Especially in this business because check us ourselves sideways all the time. Not all the time, but it happens, right? And, you know, it never goes 100% to plan, right? So, you know, having integrity and, the light in the day or the day in the night, I think is an absolute.

01:56:15:29 – 01:56:34:06
That’s our number one core value. And all my companies do what’s right even if it hurts. Yeah. And so yeah. Okay. That’s really good. It’s really good. You talked a little bit about this, but I’d like to expand on a little bit more. You know, you. Well, actually, I was just going to ask you what you gave up to get where you are, but I think you did talk about it.

01:56:34:06 – 01:56:48:04
You didn’t do the fancy apartments, even by the cars. And I did all that stupid shit. Actually, I lived in a one bedroom apartment for free. That’s not true. Because I had this business that I had these big cold air balloons I put on the roof. It said move in special, and I put it up once a month.

01:56:48:04 – 01:57:00:29
I’d get free rent at this apartment complex, and. But I did buy the Maserati and the rolls and all that stupid shit when I had the money, but, But, yeah, I would caution you not to do that. Guys, don’t do that until you have the money from cash flow and all that.

01:57:01:02 – 01:57:16:29
That’s a that’s a really good point, though, because like people like you mentioned, they ask all the time how you did it, but it’s not necessarily how you or what you did, it’s what you didn’t do. So like all my friends know, they’re out buying a new, new frickin Jordans or they’re buying tickets to Coachella. They’re going on three trips a year.

01:57:17:02 – 01:57:35:25
I didn’t do any of that. I was eating hot dogs, rice, and beans for three years straight to really to keep my food budget as minimal as possible. I, I remember my first house. The boiler broke. This is in Pennsylvania. So the boiler at our hot water, you know, our heat. Heat, everything. Yeah, yeah. And I used that like house number 3 or 4.

01:57:35:25 – 01:57:52:29
But as I’m 23 years old, all my money was going into my rentals. My rental properties were nicer than my house, but like, my boiler Biblio and I didn’t have money like my my girlfriend, I. You didn’t have money to fix it. So like, we were showering, Planet Fitness for three weeks because we didn’t have hot water.

01:57:52:29 – 01:58:02:15
Wow. You know, we were living it, like, very, very, very below our means. Because at the end of the day, my my tenants came first before I did, so.

01:58:02:16 – 01:58:03:22
Some real discipline, brother.

01:58:03:25 – 01:58:07:22
So it’s, you know, not always what you did. It’s not. It’s what you didn’t do as well.

01:58:07:22 – 01:58:17:18
You know, a lot of people aren’t sure how they can get into this business because they don’t know what skill or super power they can bring to it. What what do you feel is your superpower that you brought to this?

01:58:17:21 – 01:58:47:26
I think that’s a really good question. And I think, well, you need three things for a deal to happen, right? The deal you need an operator who knows what the hell they’re doing and you need capital. So what I did when I first started and I still this is kind of my my area, my bread and butter is, I’m the deal guy finding the deal because and I think, too, if you’re first getting started, you don’t have operational experience and you don’t have money or you haven’t built up that network where you can raise money, if you can find the deal, everything starts with the deal.

01:58:48:02 – 01:58:55:22
If you find a good enough deal, you can find the capital. If enough good deal, you can find an operator to operate it, but without a good deal. Nothing’s happened. Well, that’s.

01:58:55:22 – 01:59:00:07
Really good advice. You’re dead. Dead, right? If you’ve got a good deal, you can always find the money. Yeah.

01:59:00:07 – 01:59:17:22
So finding the puzzle pieces and matching them together. Nice. And that’s what I really focused on, was the deal. And I still focus to the deal. And once you’re known as a guy that gets a lot of really good deals and creative deals, everyone wants to start part partnering with you.

01:59:17:22 – 01:59:25:08
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So if you could mandate that schools taught something that they’re not teaching now, what might it be?

01:59:25:13 – 01:59:28:23
Financial education. Yeah, but the government doesn’t want that.

01:59:28:25 – 01:59:45:27
Know the whole rich dad poor dad stuff, teaching all that stuff. I agree completely entrepreneurship and finance is it’s it’s a travesty that they’re not teaching that I agree completely. So do you have any like morning rituals that you do every morning? Do you get yourself going or you just get going?

01:59:46:02 – 01:59:55:16
I think that’s a really good point. I, I personally, I think once you start, you know, noticing like I know notice my flow state of mind is in the morning.

01:59:55:16 – 01:59:56:06
Right. Same here.

01:59:56:09 – 02:00:22:02
So when you start to uncover and really analyze how you work as a person, and you can identify where you’re performing at your highest and structuring your calendar around those, I think is very crucial. And one of the things that helps me get into a flow, flow state of mind, I think it’s maybe because I have I think I have a little bit of ADHD still, but I, I like going to the gym in the mornings to exhaust the body, to tame the mind, as well.

02:00:22:02 – 02:00:34:05
So I, I like going to the gym in the morning. It clears my head, it gets me ready because me ready for my asset management meetings. And, you know, I think it’s overall good for the brain. And, you know, as a, as a person.

02:00:34:05 – 02:00:49:15
No, no question, I it doesn’t work for me. I like to use it to, to end the day. To end the day. Yeah. For me, I do it at like 5:00 before I eat. And that, that winds me down. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. So that’s a little different. But I do a cold plunge in the morning. Except I didn’t last couple of days.

02:00:49:15 – 02:00:55:20
It’s just too frickin cold out there. It’s like crazy. They got seven inches of snow in Panama City. Are you kidding me?

02:00:55:20 – 02:00:57:15
I think there are snow this morning in Tampa.

02:00:57:16 – 02:01:15:09
Then Tampa. No shit. Good lord. Unbelievable. Annie. Unbelievable. Well, listen, brother, I really appreciate you coming down. It’s. You’ve really added tremendous value and, very impressed. And, you know, you need to circle back with me in a year or two and let’s see where you’re at then, because I know it’s going to be it’s going to be impressive.

02:01:15:11 – 02:01:16:19
Absolutely. Thanks for having me. Right.