This Membership Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into between the undersigned Member named below and KL Promotions LLC and The Multifamily Boardroom, (“MB”) as of the date of the last party to execute this Agreement. Member desires to (i) purchase the right to participate in The Multifamily Boardroom Mastermind for one (1) year commencing on the date of MB’s acceptance of this Agreement
Program Membership shall commence effective upon payment and continue for one (1) year. Membership in this program includes the opportunity for one person to attend all Multifamily Boardroom 2 day Events.
Membership in the MB program will be effective for one (1) year from the date of payment. Hotel accommodations, transportation costs, and some meals are not included in the Membership Fee.
Member acknowledges and agrees that the One Year Membership Fee is earned upon acceptance in the Program and execution of this Agreement by MB and is non-refundable. In the event any payments are missed, to the extent permitted by law, unpaid amounts shall accrue interest at the lesser of the maximum amount permitted to be charged by law or one and 5/10 percent (1.5%) per month and MB shall be entitled to receive all collections costs and expenses including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees.
If after notification to Member of acceptance to the Multifamily Boardroom and the acceptance thereof by the Member, both parties shall be bound by this Agreement. Member guarantees to fulfill the financial obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
Member are expected to attend three (3) two day Multifamily Boardroom meetings each year. Member will be given advance notification of said meetings, and attendance shall be at Member’s election. If Member chooses not to participate in any meeting that is offered during the term of this Agreement, the parties agree that MB is not obligated to provide that opportunity again in the future and there will be no make-up Multifamily Boardroom Meeting.
Member may cancel this transaction without penalty or obligation by submitting to KL Promotions LLC., a signed and dated written notice postmarked prior to midnight of the third (3rd) business day after the date of this Agreement. Your notice must be mailed or delivered to: KL Promotions LLC, 11161 E State Rd 70 #110-320, Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34202. Faxed notices are NOT acceptable. Cancellation after the third day shall result in the forfeiture to MB of the Membership Fee paid and Member shall remain obligated for the balance of the Membership Fee.
MB may terminate this Agreement at any time during the term of the Agreement if, at MB’s sole discretion, the Member conducts him/herself in any way inconsistent with the standards or purposes of the Multifamily Boardroom. lf MB elects to terminate this Agreement , then MB, at its sole discretion, may choose to refund a portion of the Membership Fee.
Travel expenses, some meals, (most included) and accommodation expenses with regard to the Meetings are the responsibility of Member, and are not included as part of the Multifamily Boardroom one year Membership Fee.
Member understands that all materials, concepts, and information (collectively “Materials”) presented and used by MB during Member’s Membership in the The Multifamily Boardroom, either orally of in writing, are the property of MB and are protected by copyright, trade secret, and other applicable laws. Member acknowledges that the Materials constitute commercially valuable, proprietary, confidential properly of MB, the design and development of which required the investment of substantial effort, time, and money by MB. All rights in the Multifamily Boardroom and the Materials are expressly reserved by MB .Member agrees not to reproduce, copy, or otherwise duplicate, and not to distribute, lend, or otherwise transfer, the Materials without the prior written permission of MB.
Member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless MB., and its affiliated companies, their officers, directors, employees and assigns from any and all claims, demands, suits, expenses, costs, reasonable attorneys’ fees, judgments or other charges incurred by Member as a result of Membership in any event, program, coaching or other activity associated with this Agreement.
The parties agree to use their best efforts to resolve any and all disputes arising from this Agreement. The laws of the State of Florida shall govern this Agreement and the Member and MB agree that the exclusive venue shall be state and federal courts located in Sarasota County, Florida.
Member acknowledges that they are not relying upon any warranties, promises, guarantees, or representations made by MB, or Rod Khleif, individually, or anyone acting or claiming to act on behalf of MB, unless same is in writing or as a part of this Agreement.
Member acknowledges that they take full responsibility for themselves and all decisions made before, during and after their membership. They accept full responsibility for their choices, actions and results before, during and after this membership, and knowingly assume all of the risks of the membership related to their use, misuse, or non-use of the Program or any of the membership materials. They understand and agree that they are solely responsible for their results. They attest that they are mentally fit to participate in this Program and acknowledge that they are exclusively responsible for their financial well-being.
Except as provided herein, this Agreement cannot be modified unless such modification is reduced to writing and signed by the parties.
This Agreement, when executed by the parties, shall become a binding Agreement, which represents the entire agreement between the parties. No other representations, promises, or agreements, whether oral or written, shall be of any effect or validity. The parties may amend this Agreement in writing signed by both parties. This Agreement is not binding on MB until it has been executed by an authorized agent or officer of MB.